A dead fish

"Uncle Alphonse?" 

Claude's pupils went wide, trying to confirm the face under the shade of the person's hood. When the latter pulled his hood down, Claude's jaw nearly fell. 

"What are you…" he trailed off when Alphonse flashed him a short smile, making Claude take a step back. 

"I know you and I had so many things to discuss —"

"We need no discussion." Claude shook his head in dismay, pulling an aura on him as if to tell Alphonse he wouldn't hesitate to wield his sword at any moment.

"I know." Alphonse breathed out, ignoring the hostility coming from his nephew as he shifted his attention to the battle between the Kraken and Stefan. "I understand you despised me more than anyone — more than Stefan for taking your parents' lives. No words of apology would ever quench that hatred. However, I believe we are currently in a situation where our personal issues should be put aside."