The first rescue group formed

"Your Highness!" 

Heliot moved his eyes to the knight who called him, nodding to give them signals to advance. Seeing his approval, a thundering shout escaped his throat.

"Advance!!! Use the back of your sword!!" 

The message was relayed by whoever was in the front, relaying it to everyone on the front line. From an outsider's point of view, it looked as though they were simply ransacking the town. However, all the knights had been using the blunt side of their weapons to knock out the countless undeads welcoming their unit. 

Shouts and yells and grunts resonated in the air. Using the back of their weapons was obviously a burden to the people of Karo. After all, the undeads were attacking them without fear. Killing them was easier since they could simply hop to another enemy.