The rumble


That word exploded in the area as more knights shouted the same word as they prepared for the horde of undead coming their way. This wasn't just a small wave of undead, but rather a number they had never seen before. 

Heliot sighed, watching the knights in charge of fighting follow Rufus's lead before his orders. Understandable. During this time, the knights were trained to make decisions on their own. Right now, what they needed was to fight and survive until Heliot's orders. 

"How infuriating," mumbled Heliot, but didn't stop the knights from charging at the undeads. Instead, he kept quiet as his eyes veered toward the countless undead, making waves in their direction. 

There was nothing he could do. 

Rufus already brought these hordes of undead into this town, and there was nothing he could do to prevent it. Heliot clenched his teeth until his jaw tightened, swallowing the displeasure he felt at Rufus's selfish decision.