

Samael shouted as he launched continuous attacks toward his opponent. His attacks grew fiercer, stronger, and faster with the intent of killing the demon right here and now. But alas, no matter how fierce, strong, or fast his attacks were, they didn't faze the demon. 

"Hahaha!" the demon laughed, taking Samael's blind determination as adorable. "Are you truly giving your all, Pride?"

"Shut up!" Samael jumped from the rock he landed on, thrusting his sword forward. "I will —"

Samael's breath hitched as he stopped midair. He hung in the air, holding the handle of his sword. On the tip of the blade were two gigantic fingers, holding Catharsis, that stopped Samael's fierce attack. 

"I asked you, boy. Is this all you got?" the demon tilted its head down, gazing at the small figure hanging by the sword. 

Samael ground his teeth, knowing there was no damn way he could pull out this from between the demon's fingers.