Congratulations on taking down that demon

"Wow…" Samael's jaw literally dropped as it rained black fluid with chopped-up body parts. He didn't bother dodging, as most of the body parts turned into ash even before they landed. Some parts managed to land, though, but they had already shrunk to a tiny little piece. 

"She won," against the demon and against Samael. Tilly undoubtedly won. 

Samael had a hard time fighting that demon. The latter's punches had caused damage way beyond Samael's imagination, almost killing him. It was ridiculous how that demon popped like a balloon when Samael knew for a fact how powerful its punches were. 

"I don't know if I feel pathetic or in awe of her skills," came out a mumble, watching Tilly slowly descend on the ground. "Hey, Tilly. What the hell? Where did you get those nunchucks?" 

As Tilly marched in his direction, the chains of the pair of nunchucks in her possession were reduced to normal size.