He fell for it

"Now that I am not flying, I can fight you properly." 


The demon Zero flung his arm, shielding himself from Tilly's attack. Even though her weapon hit his arm, it still sounded like two metals clashed together. 

"Heh…" Zero sneered, but before he could do anything, Tilly already leaped back. "Sloth. You surely are full of energy."

Zero turned his back from Samael to face Tilly. Tilly had her knee bent with the other stretched to the side, her hand on the ground to stop herself before falling back into the hole. 

"I preserved my energy for many years." The tone of her voice didn't match the aura emanating from her back. "And I'm still young."

"Hehe." Zero stretched his neck to the side until a crack was heard from it. "Young?"

"Mhm. Very young."