Chapter 7

I could hear voices. As we grew closer I could gradually make out what they were saying.

"I can't believe it!" "Oh, oh look!" "It's amazing!" "Stop gawking and take care of that one!" "Yes ma'am Shadowstrike!" I saw the lionesses weaving their way around in a circle, with Quickmane in the middle, who was looking down.

The tall savanna grass covered what he was looking at, though I guessed it was Shadowstrike lying down. "Golden? Do I smell my son?? Golden? Are you here?" Shadowstrike's tough voice called out from the grass.

"Yes Mother! What's going on?" Golden pushed his way to crouch beside his mother. He gasped in amazement, "Oh Mom, they're beautiful!" He whispered. I timidly glanced over the swarm of lionesses. Shadowstrike was lying in a puddle of blood. But she had no wounds. Between her two front paws was a tiny cub.

It was all wet and covered in her blood. Its eyes were firmly shut, and its ears were plastered to its fragile little head. Shadowstrike was licking it lovingly, trying to dry it off.

Taking a few steps closer to get a better view, I saw that Nighthunter and Speedykill, (Quickmane's younger sisters who he had invited to join our pride) were licking two more and making excited little noises when the tiny cubs moved, or sneezed, or yawned.

Shadowstrike paused from her licking and looked up at her son. She smiled and licked his cheek. "Two little lionesses and a male," she paused, "You can name him." "Wow! Really Mom?" exclaimed Golden. Shadowstrike gave a little chuckle. "Yes really."

Shadowstrike lovingly looked down at the little male between her forepaws then back at Golden, "So what do you think?" Golden looked at the little cub uncertainty. "Pebble? Um…Sky? Drift?" He mumbled uncertainty.

The cub had dried by now, and its colours were visible. It was a darker, more reddish colour of gold then Golden himself, or his mother. Closer to its father, Quickmane. It had a blaze up its nose, but not on its muzzle. It sneezed, and blew itself backwards, onto Golden's foot. He smiled and bent his head to look ever closer at his new brother. Well, half brother.

"Feather…" He murmured, then raised his head. "Feather, that's his name! See, because he's got that little white bit on his nose that looks like a feather!"

"Excellent choice Golden!" Shadowstrike stood up, "Speedykill, Nighthunter, will you help me carry these cubs back to the inner territory? Everyone else…don't let me hold you up. The pride must be fed. But, do come see us after word. Oh and Golden, would you like to carry Feather?" "Sure!" He said enthusiastically picking up Feather, who squirmed in his grasp feebly.

Shadowstrike headed for the inner territory, followed by Golden, Speedykill and Nighthunter. The other lionesses gossiped together, and headed out to the outer territory, where the prey mostly stayed. Leaving Quickmane who mumbled something like "Why didn't I get to name the cub?"

Then stalked off to do who-knows-what. I headed for the inner territory, back to my sleeping area. I mean, I wanted to go see the cubs, but I decided to give Shadowstrike some time too. "Hobbs!" I woke up from my nap to the sound of my name.

"Hobbs!!" I blinked my eyes open and yawned. "Good your awake. Get up!" "Wha…?"

"Oh come on. I go for one day and you forget who I am? It's Hover! Come on Hobbs!"

I yawned again and opened my eyes wider. My vision cleared to see Hover standing over me with an impatient expression on her face. Her dark brown eyes looked down at me like I was just a cub who had misbehaved. "Where are we going?" "Remember? I said I'd teach you what I learned in how-to-be-brainless class. So come oooon! Let's go!" I stood up and stretched.

"Ok. Sure. Let's go." "Great! Ok, so I was thinking, you know that big patch of useless land on our territory? The one that the prey ate all the food off, so it's just basically dirt?" "Yea."

"So, I say that can be where we meet after I get back from training every day. Sound good?" "Sure." "Man, you seem tired!" Come to think of it I WAS tired. REALLY tired. That wasn't normal, not at all. And, I couldn't focus on anything…I felt like I should remember something…like my mind was trying to tell me something…but I couldn't grasp it.

It was like a distant echo…no, a memory of an echo…so faint…yet it seemed important that I found out what it was…I shook the troubling thoughts out of my head. Hover looked a little concerned and changed the subject. "So, I hear Shadowstrike had cubs!

That's really cool! Sucks that I missed it. Your stupid mom wouldn't let me go check it out. Hmph. But I did go to see them after training! They are SO cute! Especially Feather. He's so sweet." "Yeah. I didn't really get that close to them…" I mumbled. "You all right Hobbs?" "Yea. I'm fine. So, teach me." Hover grinned, and we began.