4 Testing

Derek stared at the pile of sand on the floor for a couple of seconds before reading back his right arm and bringing it down in another arc. This time it once again sliced through the fabric and stopped once it hit wood. [Material too powerful, please level up (Form) razor mantis]"Huh, so it does work like a game" It seemed that the more he leveled up his form the more powerful it got. It wasn't very hard to guess how to level it up either, with the small amount of game knowledge Derek had he presumed that to level up. He had to use it, specifically in fights.

Although Derek had mostly figured the transfigure ability and the forms, he still had one question. How the h*ll was he supposed to turn his arm back? " Deactivate transfigure, right arm" This was his first guess, although it had no effect. He pulled up his stat screen to see if it had any info and noticed something new. In the forms tab, next to razor mantis was a new form, [Human lvl 1] "Wait, does that mean.... Transfigure right arm, form, human!" As Derek expected, his arm changed back to it's original human form, he clenched his fingers into a fist. It felt familiar, but at the same time it felt... Almost strange. He was also curious about another thing, Derek once again held out his hand and thought, 'Transfigure right arm razor mantis' His arm once again luminated a bright blue and changed into razor mantis form. "Interesting, so i don't have to say it out loud. I can just think it and it will still shift." He wordlessly changed his arm back to human form and walked out of the training ground, he was headed to the tavern.

Noise surrounded Derek as soon as he stepped foot into the drunken lizard, this place was always very lively. As soon as he walked in he could see many different scenarios playing out before his eyes, in one of the corners a couple was a little past the point of making out, and dead center of the bar there was a full-out brawl between a female sorcerer and a male brawler. He scanned the room and finally laid his eyes upon his childhood friend, Gavin Parker. Gavin was waving at him from the far left side of the tavern, he had long, curly black hair and blue eyes that shone like the ocean. As soon as Derek laid eyes upon Gavin he ran over to his table and sat down. There was a small, lizard-like beast wrapped around Gavin's neck. It had brownish orange scales and piercing yellow eyes, it was a magical beast known as a lesser drake, although this particular specimen was a juvenile. The reason Gavin had a beast wrapped around his neck was that he was a rare class among raiders, a tamer.

The small drake untangled itself from Gavin's neck, directly into Gavin's half finished plate of food, and scurried towards Derek. It jumped on to Derek's chest and nuzzled his face with it's cheek. "Well, as usual, it looks like Karoth is excited to see you." Said Gavin with a wide grin on his face.