6 Embark

The gargantuan gateway of the inferior dungeon loomed in front of Derek and Gavin. They were currently rummaging through the contents of their bags, making sure they had everything they would need. Karoth was bouncing up and down with anticipation, rearing to fight. He might not look it, but the little reptilian beast was a worthy foe for most monsters on the outer ring of the inferior dungeon, the outer ring being the corridors they were currently powerful enough to venture into. After making sure that they had all the items and equipment necessary, it was time to embark into the dungeon. Derek turned over to Gavin, "Hey, there's something I need your help with" "Yeah, what is it?" replied Gavin. "I think I may have found a magic rune." "Wait what?!! Are you serious?" Gavin was ecstatic, he had always loved magic and magicology, the study of the magic arts. A magic rune was an extremely rare item found in a dungeon that taught those read it hoe to use an ancient type of long forgotten magic. They were insanely rare. The human race only got their hands on magic because one day, a raider found a magical rune embedded where the heart of a magical beast should've been. Derek had finally come to the conclusion, the shape shifting system was granted to him by exactly that, a magical rune. "Well... You can't just say that and not show me.. Come on, show me what you got!" Gavin was bouncing on his heels in anticipation. "I'll show you in a fight, let's get going!" Gavin looked slightly disappointed but jumped to his feet none the less.

About thirty minutes had passed since Derek and Gavin had crossed the threshold into the dungeon. Derek decided to try something. He thought, 'Activate detect soul' When he activated the ability he noticed something odd. The small drake draped across Gavin's shoulders had a ridiculous amount of aura surrounding it. Also, all of its aura was a burning white, it almost hurt Derek's eyes to look at. 'What the hell?, how powerful is he?' thought Derek. He then turned to look straight forward, and he noticed something. One burning red soul was heading straight towards the room they were in. "WATCH OUT!" just as Derek shouted these words, Gavin dodged to the side as a giant beast bursted through the wall right where he was standing just a few moments prior. The beast had a feline body and it's soul was three times the size of that of the razor mantis Derek had killed a few days ago. It had two gnarled fangs jutting from its upper jaw, ending in a razor sharp point, it had brown, matted fur, it's grizzled hair hung down in locks and knots. It let out a guttural roar, it seemed the beast was itching to kill.

[A lifeform with intent to kill has been detected][Proposal: kill it first and absorb it' soul](Reward: 1 stat point, +50 exp)[Accept][Decline] 'Accept' thought Derek as he out-stretched his right arm and thought 'Transfigure right arm, Razor mantis' His arm was enveloped in a bright blue aura and then it shifted into the almost familiar, scythe-like blade. Derek swung it downwards to test it's weight. "Yeah, this'll work" All the while Gavin looked at Derek with awe. Then a resolute smile covered his face, his hand was enveloped in red, crackling electricity. Karoth had already dropped to the floor, prepared to fight. Gavin laid his hand on Karoth "Strengthen!" Karoth's eyes lit up with a flaming red glow. He was crackling with power, The muscles on the the small creature were visibly bigger. Karoth let out a deafening screech of his own and started to sprint towards the giant feline beast. Derek surged with adrenaline as he dashed forward, this fight would be a real challenge