
Aiden reached over to my hand and the markings started to grow orange. My hand suddenly felt hot and boom! There goes my markings too. She then released my hand and plucked two Roses handing one to me after standing up.

" Which would you like to create? The Queen or the king? " I closed my eyes and stuck out my hands.

" surprise me. " I only opened my eyes after I received my rose.

" Okay well imagine what they will look like in the future, imagine how they will sound, how tall they will be, try to think of all the details even personality and try to be serious okay? "

" Alright I'll do my best to create our little one... Tell me when to start."

" Get ready... On three... One... Two... Three!" We started our Brainstorming session and I finished first my flower glowing an orange I looked over at Aiden who only looked at me when she was done.

" You done? " She held her hand out for the flower.