Edward is back

Two days passed. Today Edward and Viona have just returned from London. The two of them were walking out of the airport, dragging their suitcases. It was seven in the evening.

"Shall we go straight to Ethan's house?"

Edward asked as he turned to look at Viona.

"I'm tired, honey. Let's just go home. Go there tomorrow is better," said Viona as she continued walking along with Edward's steps.

"There's a mommy there, I feel bad if I don't come home to see how Ethan is right away. Mommy must be lecturing me!"

"Yes, let's go over there for a moment." finally Viona relented, even though she suspected that her husband had gone to Ethan's house just to see Luna. She won't know, that guy seemed like a demon who was able to trick her. Sometimes being kind is like learning to love her, sometimes being indifferent as if there is no hope of maintaining the marriage.

'Even during the honeymoon, you only act cute in bed. You think I'm your whore. Just see, you will never be separated from me and my father's snare,' Viona thought as she continued walking.

Edward and Viona got into the car that was waiting for them. they were currently on their way to Ethan's house. Still tired, Viona spoiled Edward's shoulder so that she fell asleep.

"I don't know, I can't give the slightest bit of my heart to you, no matter how much you try to change yourself, it makes you look like you are not," Edward thought as he glanced at Viona who was leaning on his shoulder. He recognized the difference in his wife's attitude.

Indeed, her character looks like Luna who likes to be spoiled. However, Viona is still Viona, a woman who uses her father's power to get Edward. The man still can't love his wife even though he tries to be cute.

Arrived at Ethan's house, Edward immediately woke Viona to invite her down,

"Viona, here we are. Get up." Edward patted Viona's cheek lightly to quickly get up.

"Gosh I'm so tired," complained Viona when she woke up. She stretched then glanced out of the car and immediately got out.

Edward took Viona and led her into Ethan's house. I don't know what got into the man and took his wife's hand. Usually, he will let it run alone. Is this just a way of showing off affection in front of her mother or making Luna jealous? If yes? Of course, it's useless, the pregnant woman will not be jealous because she has thrown away her feelings of love.

"Edward," said Dina as Edward entered the living room. The middle-aged woman immediately approached her stepson and hugged him and then hugged Viona.

"Where's Ethan, Mom, I want to see how his condition?" asked Edward.

"Still in the room, he had a picnic with Luna all day. Maybe tired," replied Dina.

Edward immediately fell silent, feeling the attack in his heart as if stabbed by a thousand needles that would make him numb. Yes, he is numb to love another woman because his love for Luna makes him ambitious to do whatever it takes to get her back. no matter how difficult it is, because Edward has planned a new strategy to win over her former lover.

In the room, Luna is playing with her smartphone. She was engrossed in watching videos of her favorite western music, while Ethan focused on staring at his laptop. he was checking the files Andrew had sent.

"Have you drunk milk?" Ethan asked without turning to Luna.

"Not yet," said Luna.

Ethan sighed and then closed his laptop because he was done with his job. "I'll make it," he said as he got out of bed.

"I'm coming, I want to chat with Alexa," said Luna as she got out of bed. She immediately followed Ethan out of the room holding his hand.

As they descended the stairs, Ethan and Luna's eyes were fixed on Edward and Viona who were chatting with Dina on the living room sofa.

Ethan slowed down, and so did Luna. The man thinks about what he should do now. The suspect's figure who is accused is in his house. although he was not sure that his stepbrother was the suspect who cut the car brake cord, he still felt awkward.

Luna also didn't flinch at the closeness of Edward and Viona. 'Could it be that Edward did it? He looks even more intimate with his wife. he also stopped calling me or bothering me Maybe he's not the culprit,' she thought as she continued walking slowly.

"Ethan," Edward said as he watched Ethan come down the stairs. He immediately got up from the sofa and approached his half-brother.

"Sorry I didn't visit you at that time I just arrived in London, I feel bad if I take Viona home quickly," said Edward and hugged Ethan.

Ethan didn't flinch for a moment then Edward took his arms off and smiled relievedly at him. The man didn't glance at Luna at all. It's not like before when he met his half-brother, he was still stealing glances at the pregnant woman.

"You're not badly hurt, right?" asked Edward.

"No," Ethan said with a stiff smile because it was hard to act as usual after what had happened and the evidence that led to Edward being the perpetrator.

"Thank God I'm really worried about you, Ethan." Edward showed concern for his half-brother..

viona is still on the sofa watching Luna continuously. In her heart, it seemed as if she was jealous, jealous, rivaled, defeated, and annoyed because the woman looked more fortunate because she was loved by her husband. that was in contrast to Viona who was only wallowing in wealth but couldn't be completely happy.

"I heard your car exploded. Is that true?" asked Edward.

"Yeah right, lucky I've been helped by the residents out of the car," said Ethan as he walked to the sofa followed by Luna behind him, while Edward was still beside him.

"It was very fatal. I can not imagine what will happen to you if you do not get out of your car," said Edward.

Ethan sat on the sofa followed by Luna who sat beside him. Meanwhile, Edward sat next to Viona.

Dina smiled relievedly watching her two sons look at peace with their respective wives. How does she know that between them have a feeling of discomfort, not like it used to be.

"It's better now that we eat together, Mom has asked Ira to prepare everything," said Dina.

"But I'm still full, Mom," Ethan said.

"Me too. I want to drink milk too, afraid of getting full if I eat." Luna joined in the conversation. She was lazy at the dining table with Edward.

"It's okay," replied Dina who understood Luna's situation. She immediately got up from the sofa to the dining room.

"We'll eat first," Edward said goodbye as he got up from the sofa and took Viona's hand, then took her to the dining room.

Ethan was just silent as he leaned back on the sofa and massaged his temples. he felt dizzy because he didn't feel comfortable telling Edward that he had to go through a police check.

"Why?" asked Luna as she looked at Ethan, who looked uneasy.

"I am confused. Edward cares about me, how could I accuse him of being the perpetrator," Ethan replied softly because he did not want his mother to hear about this problem.

"I'm not sure either. But it's better to keep checking on him. Just to be sure." Luna also looked uncertain. Moreover, Edward also seemed not to want him anymore. Then why did he hurt Ethan, because her husband didn't have any conflict with his brother?