Crazy Girl

Shandra looked pityingly at Ethan who sat on the floor leaning against the front door of the room. Her brother-in-law looked down and squeezed his hair and looked messed up.

"Do you trust that crazy girl too?" Ethan asked without looking at Shandra.

"No," Shandra replied and sat beside Ethan. "Investigate first and don't panic too much. Let me calm Luna," she said.

"Thank you, for believing in me. Because I never knew her." Ethan looked down and rubbed his face.

"Maybe she was ruled by people who didn't like seeing you happy with Luna," said Shandra.

"Who you mean?" Ethan asked as he turned to Shandra.

"I don't know, but I always suspected at Edward," Shandra replied with a faint smile. because she could never stop prejudice against her younger sister's ex-lover.

"Edward? What is he doing this for? He's already happy with his life with Viona." Ethan doubts Shandra's accusations.