Ask for a divorce

By the time it was one o'clock in the afternoon, Ethan and Dina had arrived at the house. They immediately went to their respective rooms to rest.

Ethan didn't go to the upstairs room, but he walked with bring a paper bag filled with toys and a new sweater to the twins' room because Luna would be there and he wanted to quickly put the toys in the cribs for the babies. the man entered the room and saw his wife taking a nap with the two little angels beside her.

Ethan didn't immediately approach Luna and the babies but instead chose to attach the toys to the crib. the man hung the toy in a hanging position just above his babies later when was in the baby's crib. He put it in the same position and way to be fair.

"Well, this way they will have entertainment and will not be bored," muttered Ethan while smiling contentedly at the toy already hanging on the box.