Trying to escape

Luna blinked while holding her head which felt dizzy, She glanced to the side and found Edward sleeping hugging her. Instantly the woman was wide-eyed and felt uncomfortable wanting to let go of the hug, but she gave up her intention and thought of leaving quietly.

'He must have kept the keys to this villa in his room,' Luna thought while glancing at Edward who was still asleep.

Slowly, Luna let go of Edward's arms carefully so as not to wake up. Then she got out of bed and examined her own body. 'Looks like he didn't stain me.' Luna was relieved that her clothes were still intact inside and out and she felt fine with her body. It's just that the dizziness continues to hit, maybe because it had hit the table.

Luna sneaked out of the room, towards another room which was also upstairs. She searched for the door key in every cupboard, drawer, table, clothes hangers, behind the frame of the Monalisa painting, but he did not find the key.