Awkward feeling

Keenan stopped his car in the parking lot in front of a magnificent apartment building consisting of 33 floors and dominated by silver and white paint on every window and balcony, he immediately invited the girl he helped to get down.

after getting out of the car, the girl stood next to Keenan while looking up at the building that was so tall and majestic, then she turned to look at Keenan who had been watching her for a long time.

"I don't deserve to live in that luxury apartment, I'd better look for a cheaper rental price," the girl said angrily. Oh, maybe she thought Keenan would ask for rent every month.

Keenan smiled faintly at the girl, then put his right hand on the girl's shoulder and looked into her eyes intensely. "You just need to stay here, no need to pay rent or anything."

"But ...."