Chapter 3: Ep 1 — Pledge of Servance

°°°° "Nazari, always remember that your foremost duty is to protect Zarani as her big brother. While your twin sister possesses strong eyesight, her delicate body cannot bear its strain. Excessive use of her magical power could trigger a harmful backlash. Moreover, her mana levels remain imbalanced, leading to frequent fevers. That's why your father and I contribute our mana every month to stabilize her abilities. However, our dear Nazari, you are not able to do the same. Your types of mana are different. It is vital that you refrain from attempting it. Ok?" °°°°

Mom had explained that to me countless times, drilling it into my young, naive mind. But somehow, I managed to forget it. This realization sheds light on the mystery of why, for an entire month, we hadn't encountered any danger. It clarifies how mere ten-year-old children could successfully outmaneuver those formidable adults. It all boils down to Zan... despite being aware of the consequences, she chose to use her abilities for our safety.

'Zan endured that pain for an entire month. A whole month! How... how did I not notice this?'

I wanted to punch my face so hard and punish myself for neglecting my responsibility. I was a fool, consumed by thoughts of how I would adapt and survive in this world, oblivious to the agony my twin endured.

As in my previous life, I only thought of myself and no one else.

I've failed... I've failed as her brother.

"Get a grip, Nazari! The 'you' now is not alone. You've always wished for someone to call family. Now that you have it, are you going to let it slip away?"

"I won't allow it!"

Despite the early hour, the sky hung heavy with darkness, obscuring my path and making it hard to see. Small branches from the trees scratched at my face and limbs; their sting was a painful reminder of the urgency. Zarani had mentioned a small village at the foot of the mountain. That's where I'm headed—to find a doctor, a healer, anyone who can aid my twin.

Suddenly, the rain began to pour, making the path even more treacherous. Despite the challenge, I continued to run as fast as I could, carrying my twin on my back. Every step was fueled by fear that the grim reaper might claim her at any minute. Her body felt increasingly warm against my skin, and the beat of her heart grew weaker with every passing moment.

I've always been alone in my previous life, and now that I'm not, and now that I have a family, they've slowly been taken away from me. The feeling of that warmth is something I can only taste in fragments of memory. What's the point of being reborn when I will suffer from loneliness all over again?

I despise this kind of feeling.

Upon finally reaching the first house in the small village, both of us were completely soaked. Zarani continued to cough up blood, weakly breathing. My bare feet were almost numb, but the wound I had acquired while running was nothing compared to her pain. Moreover, my clothes were tattered and covered in mud.

I panted vigorously, but I had no time to catch my breath as the person I carried shivered even more than I did. Knocking at the door, I urgently asked for help. However, when the homeowner saw us, her eyes widened as if she had seen something that should not be seen. She then muttered, "Jewel eyes.." and quickly slammed the door, refusing to welcome us.

"No!" tears welled in my eyes as I implored, "My sister is in severe fever; please help us. I beg you... Please."

"Even if it's just medicine or information about where the doctor is, I promise to repay you someday. Please, save my sister!"

However, many times I called out, I received no response, and the hand that had once knocked at the door continuously was now discolored.

I thought hope had arrived when the door opened once again, but my heart sank as it wasn't the case. The woman's husband confronted us with a blade, his face contorted in a grimace as he furiously yelled, "Stay away from our house, go away!"

"Please have mercy. My sister is dying..." My desperate pleas continued. Suddenly, Zarani threw up blood once again, intensifying my anxiety about her condition.

Yet, the man displayed no surprise, his eyes devoid of any trace of concern. Instead, he heartlessly spat, "'Both of you should perish rather than bringing misfortune upon us!'"

Those words struck me like lightning, plunging my world into a darkness deeper than the abyss, fueling the blazing fire of anger within me. But the arms wrapped around on top of my shoulders grew tighter than before, extinguishing the growing hatred I felt. It was as if she was telling me, `It's okay, brother...`

An abrupt sting shot through my forehead, and a trickle of blood followed suit as their children bombarded us with stones, their cries of ''Go away!'' laced with resentment.

I hurriedly moved, fearing that one of the stones might strike my twin. The wound on my forehead meant nothing, even as blood flowed from it. I tried several houses, but each owner reacted in the same hostile manner. Their actions were a clear display of animosity, yet their eyes betrayed a different sentiment—as if they were afraid of something connected to us.

'I only ask for a small favor. But they chase us away like pests.'

'What did we do to deserve this?'

I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist, my nails almost digging into my skin.

My feet carried me through the grassy field as I ran, attempting to reach another village. The rain continued to pour heavily, as if it were crying on my behalf. The thunder rumbled, as if echoing my fury. I was engulfed in misery, much like the somber sky above me. The string of misfortunes continued when I suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground, hitting my face hard. But the pain I felt was nothing compared to the agony of failing to protect Zarani from the fall.

I frantically brushed off the mud that had splattered onto her face, apologizing and calling her name repeatedly. But she never responded. Anxiously, I checked her pulse. It was so faint, too faint to even be noticeable.

"NO!!!" a scream of desperation and anguish tore from my lips as I hugged my twin. My world seemed to shatter into a million pieces. I cried and cried until my tears ran dry. Still, a glimmer of hope remained within me, hoping for a miracle, for someone to come and help us. All the while, I hovered on the edge of despair, cursing my fate and this life that had brought us to this edge.

It was as if my prayer had been answered. A man more beautiful than any maiden I had ever seen appeared before me. His long strands of hair, silky and white, shone like a beacon in the darkness. His pair of red eyes, deeper than blood, gazed intently at me, instilling a sense of calm. His presence held such magnificence that it was as if a deity had descended from the heavens.

I grabbed the hem of his beautiful white silver robe with a desperate urgency and earnestly pleaded, "I will do anything and serve you with my life, just, please... I beg you... save my twin. I don't want her to die..."

As I held onto his robe, my body suddenly felt light when a warm hand gently patted my head. It was an incredibly comforting sensation, as if I had known this touch for a long time. His voice itself seemed to soothe away my worries. In an instant, the heavy weight of my emotions was lifted, and... I fell asleep.

"I am here now..."