Chapter 5: Ep 1— Farewell



Yuzir's continent, the world's second-largest, takes on the elegant shape of a human heart, nestled amidst a rich tapestry of diverse races. Across its expansive landscapes, it unveils a realm brimming with enchantment and mystery.


Among its varied inhabitants, the elves reside in the western region, boasting a dominion that rivals any other in scale. Their unique traits are as captivating as the twilight itself—emerald eyes shimmering with unearthly wisdom, locks of light green or golden hair that glisten like the sun's gentle touch, and graceful ears tapering to delicate points. Standing tall at six feet or more, these beings are adept in archery, renowned for their exquisite beauty, and revered as guardians of mana, a mystical energy coursing through their veins.




The Dryads, revered as the guardians of the Great Forest of Saviya, preside over a realm of unparalleled grandeur. 'Saviya,' the continent's oldest and largest forest, acts as a powerful natural barrier. Its tall trees and magical aura guard the northern, eastern, and southern regions from the mysterious western wilderness. Inside, enormous trees stand like giants, and a variety of creatures, from the smallest E-Ranks to the most formidable S-Ranks or higher, roam its twisting paths.




This ancient sanctuary, filled with the essence of universal mana, hides itself in a mix of wonder and danger. Its dense forest makes it hard for regular folks to explore, with mysteries and dangers lurking at every corner.






The Beastfolk, also known as the Beastmen, is a captivating race that embodies both human and beastly qualities. They call the southernmost part of the continent their home, dwelling a number of tribes, ranging from the benevolent to the most malevolent. Each tribe possesses distinctive characteristics and hidden abilities shrouded in mystery, yet they all share a common thread of exceptional strength and heightened senses.






Dwarves, a small yet resilient race, typically stand no taller than four feet. They're known for their striking amber eyes and chestnut hair. Residing in the Northwest region of the continent, they occupy a modest but prosperous domain. Their homeland comprises rugged mountains, which serve as both a source of pride and the backbone of their economy. Dwarves are renowned for their fervent passion for mining, extracting a variety of valuable minerals such as diamonds, gold, iron, emeralds, rubies, and numerous other treasures. These riches are exported far and wide across the continent. Among them, the most extraordinary and rare are the coveted mana stones.



Furthermore, the Dwarves boast an elite cadre of masters and legendary blacksmiths who are in high demand even in the distant human kingdom, their exceptional craftsmanship forging the mightiest weapons and armor known to the whole continent.






The Kingdom of L'yuziria, a formidable land in the eastern expanse of the vast Yuzir continent, stands as the paramount realm ruled by humans. It dominates the continent, boasting the mightiest military force, comprised of thousands of valiant soldiers and knights, an elite corps of hundreds of mages, a select few revered Swordmasters, and the unparalleled Archmage.



At the helm of L'yuziria's power sits King Stuller Hannant L'yuziria, a monarch revered as much for his wisdom and devotion to peace as for his unparalleled prowess on the battlefield. Since ascending to the throne, he has achieved the remarkable feat of uniting the diverse races that populate the continent. But it is in combat that King Stuller truly strikes fear and awe into the hearts of adversaries, for he is one of the few legendary S-Rank Swordmasters and a mage possessing mastery over eight elements.



L'yuzirian's Royalties possess distinct traits: golden hair and deep blue eyes. The darkness of their features indicates the purity of their bloodline.






The Northern Territory, a segment of the human kingdom, remains a neutral zone. It ranks as the third-largest region on the continent and is governed by the Grand Duke of the Friezz Family, known for their distinctive red eyes.










As I flipped through the next pages of the book in search of more information about the Friezz family, my efforts proved futile. Surprisingly, they possessed the briefest entry among the fundamental descriptions of the various races and aristocrats on Yuzir's continent.



"Friezz family," I mused aloud, but the books remained immobile.



In the world of fantasy, elves, dryads, dwarves, beastmen, mages, and knights are common characters, yet this books made no mention of dragons or those humans marked with black veins.



'I suppose I'll have to extend my stay here.'



After three hours in this immense library, it felt as though I had stepped into another world entirely. The shelves, as colossal as entire buildings, stretched upward beyond my vision's reach. Gazing too long risked a severely stiff neck. However, what truly left me in awe was the library's hidden magic.



As I contemplated the kind of book I desired to read, a command was all it took. Books from the towering shelves obediently glided toward my table, stacking themselves into a neat pile. Each one, as if possessed by a sentient spirit, opened its pages with grace, revealing the precise information I sought. This remarkable convenience felt akin to surfing the boundless depths of the internet.



The library was like heaven for book lovers, but it could be overwhelming for newcomers. Still, it was a savior for my inherently lazy ass. Just looking for the right book in the usual way would have taken all day. That idea alone was terrible.



In this child Nazari's memories, he never saw any characters written inside these books. Yet strangely, I could easily read them as if they were written in ordinary English alphabet. This strange phenomenon could only be due to Arwin's magic.



Arwin bestowed me the name Silverfrost for a special reason – to let me use the estate's enchantments easily. It acted as a key to activate runes hidden all over, each with its own purpose. For example, it let me control the flying books in the library, instantly transported around the Grand Dukedom, and access many other magical abilities.



I couldn't help but wistfully think about how wonderful it would be if such magic existed on Earth, right?



During my seven days living here, I couldn't help but notice the interesting dynamics of the estate. It boasted only a sparse complement of maids, butlers, and chefs, yet a considerable number of knights were in its employ. The maids were incredibly discreet; their subtle presence, or rather the lack thereof, highlighted the smooth operation of Arwin's grandeur.



Even so, I wouldn't have realized Arwin was a Grand Duke if I hadn't overheard the occasional whispers among the maids. And during these curious days, Zarani still remained in a deep slumber.



The memory of that ominous night flooded my mind, gripping me like an unshakeable nightmare. King L'yuziria, known for his professed devotion to his people, should never have authorized an assault on our peaceful village. The question lingered like a haunting specter: where did those mysterious knights come from? My only clue lay in the eerie presence of the black dragon they wielded. They bore no emblem on their armor, and their flag remained a puzzling mystery.



"Nazari," Arwin's voice echoed through the library.



He appeared abruptly, floating gracefully above the table. His child-like visage remained unchanged. By now, I had grown accustomed to his unexpected appearances, which had occurred countless times before.



" always confined yourself to this library. Why don't we venture outside for some fresh air?"



Arwin extended his hand, its jade-like hue gleaming, a silent invitation for me to hold it. He continued persuasively, as though he understood my hesitation: "Liza and May will look after Zarani; you needn't worry. They have proven to be entirely trustworthy."


Liza and May were among the few maids in this place, individuals who consistently halted my attempts to assist or clean independently, simply because I was a guest specifically invited by the Grand Duke.



"Then, where should we go?" I inquired.



A warm smile graced Arwin's face as I clasped his hand. "The first stop is wherever you desire."



I pondered this, realizing I had no particular destination in mind.



A sudden gust of wind enveloped us, and I found ourselves surrounded by a shimmering cloud of tiny silver butterflies. My body began to rise gently, and the world around us gradually disappeared beneath a cascade of silver wings. In this ethereal transformation, I watched as the books returned to their shelves, leaving the table I had been sitting at empty. Through it all, I couldn't miss the sight of Leonard being forcefully ejected through the Library's door, his voice echoing defiantly.



"Brother, don't leave me! I also want to go to your da--!"



But Arwin swiftly silenced Leonard's voice with a flick of his finger.



"Shall we?"



"Oh? Okay."



In the blink of an eye, I found myself in a desolate, charred village. The ground and ruined houses stretched out in eerie shades of black and gray. Even the remnants of human bodies had crumbled to dusty fragments. Not a single trace of life remained in this ashen place.



Arwin, his expression etched with concern, inquired, "Is this where you intended to come?"



'I don't know either,' I thought, feeling lost.



Feeling a mix of emotions, I admitted, "I thought about it for a moment, but I never thought I'd end up back here, Arwin... This is my home villiage."



He stood quietly, his face showing sadness as he looked around at the devastation. It was clear his emotions were genuine.



"Speaking of which, you never ask about our origins or what befell us..."


His troubled gaze met mine. "Naz, I—"


I gently placed a finger on his lips, shamelessly halting his words. "I understand; you fear it might resurrect painful memories and traumas for a child so young."



I chuckled at his bewildered expression. No matter how often I reminded myself that Arwin and Leonard were adults, I couldn't help but feel like we were the same age, perhaps due to my own mental age.



"This guy is just too kind," I mused silently.



"Anyway, come with me to explore my village," I said, seizing his wrist as we wandered the area. His skin felt as cold as ice, yet somehow, it exuded a comforting warmth.



It was only a brief moment, but I couldn't shake the memory of how soft his smile had been as he gazed at our entwined hands.



And as I thought about it, this was both my first time exploring the village and not; a paradox of familiarity and novelty.



Each time I passed a certain alley or a particular house, a rush of memories flooded back, and I found myself subconsciously sharing them with him.



"When Zarani and I used to play outside early in the morning, the bustling villagers would greet us with wide, warm smiles. This is Uncle Dazali's house; he'd give us fresh fruits every day, and they were incredibly sweet! Then, at this intersection, we'd always find Aunt Ferami tending to her plants and flowers. The Kurumi group would often flex their muscles, demonstrating their strength and woodcutting skills. We'd sometimes join other children in games. Our home village was always brimming with laughter and joy. But now..."



I halted abruptly in front of the crumbling house at the center of the village; my heart felt oddly heavy. Arwin came to a halt beside me, his eyes mirroring the mix of emotions as mine.



'Now, it lay shrouded in eerie silence.'



This, I realized, was perhaps the very reason I had subconsciously wanted to return to this place. To recollect that there was a time when my life brimmed with happiness, to preserve the memory of my parents' smiling faces, and above all else…



"Mom, Dad... farewell..." My voice involuntarily broke, the weight of those words bearing down on me.



It's odd, it's not exactly my memories, yet my heart felt like it was being torn apart countless times.



"Let's give them a proper burial," Arwin suggested. I could only respond with a silent nod.


He extended his slender arm, his palm open, and traced a slow, graceful arc through the air. As his hand moved, a remarkable transformation occurred. Plants sprouted, and various flowers burst into bloom, reminiscent of the kinds Aunt Ferami had always loved and cherished.



The once bleak and gloomy place now explodes with vibrant colors and life.



As his hand came to a stop in front of our former home, a magnificent tree began to grow, its lush green leaves spreading wide and its trunk growing sturdy. At the base, a large stone emerged, bearing a solemn inscription:



[This is where the Head and his wife, and the people of Ashura Village rest.]



"Your magic still amazes me, Arwin. It's as if you have an unlimited well of mana," I playfully remarked, but his silent gaze bore into my soul.



"You can cry, Naz; you're still just a 10-year-old kid. There's no need to hide your true feelings."



I stood there, overwhelmed by his sincerity. Unconsciously, my body took a step forward, bit by bit. It took a moment for me to realize I was already resting on his shoulder.



When his gentle touch patted my back, it felt like it unlocked the emotions I had hidden away for too long. I cried and cried, and cried until the heavy feelings within me lifted. This time, these feelings were the cry of sorrow of both mine and the child Nazari.



It was a profound comfort to have someone to lean on, a stark contrast to a life where my pillow had been my sole companion. 



'...Thank you…'








"Naz, what do you plan to do? Are you thinking of seeking revenge?" Arwin asked as we floated together in the air, seated inside a protective bubble he had conjured. We were perched above the grand plaza of the Grand Dukedom of Friezz, the night sky above us adorned with countless shimmering silver stars, and the people below celebrating a festival.



I contemplated his question: "Will seeking revenge bring back the lives we've lost? No, it will only lead to my own demise. I'm not even strong enough to face a dragon. All I desire is Zarani's safety..."



Yet, I couldn't deny the bitterness festering within me—the burning anger slowly consuming my conscience and the looming darkness threatening to envelop my thoughts. It lurked in the shadows, waiting to assail my rationality.


I yearned for strength—physical, emotional, and mental.



With that purpose in mind, I tightly grasped Arwin's hand.



"Arwin, I'm shamelessly asking for your help again. Please teach me magic and swordsmanship. I want to become strong quickly so I can rescue the abducted village children and protect them, especially my twin. It's my duty as the son of my Father, Ashura IX, the Head of Ashura Village."



A fierce determination burned within me. I might never reach the strength of the King of L'yuziria, but I at least want to fight back.



Arwin hesitated for a moment before coming to a decision. However, just as he was about to speak, a commotion from below interrupted us.



"Quick, isolate the Omega immediately. His heat will affect the Alphas."



'Huh? Alpha, Omega? Aren't those the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet?'