Chapter 8: Ep 2 — Friend...?

"Was the water temperature comfortable for you, young master?" Liza asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Thank you, it's perfect."

"Please let me know if you require anything, young master."

"I will."

I sank into the tub, making bubbles in my mouth as I did so. The water helped me relax and calm my mind. When I thought about it, staying here was so extravagant that I couldn't even compare it to my previous life.

Before, my thoughts used to revolve around these questions: 'What should I eat the next day?' and 'Do I have enough money to buy rice, pay my electricity bills, and pay my rent?' Sometimes I even wonder if my apartment won't collapse tomorrow.

Life was too difficult when you lived alone and had a low income. But now, that is no longer an issue. It was as if I had struck gold; they were so generous here, especially Arwin, to take care of a nobody like me.

I got out of the tub and looked in the mirror at my reflection. Behind those strands of wet, reddish hair dripping with water, were a pair of entrancing eyes gazing back at me. Even in this fantasy world, they seemed out of the ordinary. These eyes had the appearance of golden gems.

Heishu mentioned this out of the blue and the malice I felt from those villagers, I have a feeling,

"I need to hide them."

How so? Should I wear glasses or grow my fringe longer? Are they even effective? If I were on Earth, I could easily conceal this with contact lenses.

In this world, however, magic should be the solution. Should I approach Arwin for help? But I was always at his mercy. He was constantly spoiling me, to the point where he was the first person who came to mind when I needed help. I must do more than simply take advantage of his generosity.

Zarani was still sleeping in her bed and had never been awake. Motionless, she resembled a doll. It could have been a few more days or months before I heard my sister's voice again. It was hard to get used to her absence because we had always been together since then. It was as if a piece of me had been severed and would never be attached again.

My heart prickled as I watched her remain motionless. It was my fault that she had become like this. I was the type of person who was unconcerned about the surroundings and who put myself ahead of everyone else. My selfishness... brought her here.

''Zan, I have many stories to tell you and people I want you to meet, so please wake up,''

'... I'm sorry.'

I hold her hand in mine, hoping she will feel my warmth and grip me back like she always does. But... she didn't.

"Did you enjoy your bath?"

"Umm..." I replied downheartedly, returning my gaze to Liza.

As if she knew what I felt, Liza smiled bittersweetly while wiping my hair. Those hands gently patting me felt comfortable. Somehow... It put me at ease.

May, on the other hand, exclaimed excitedly, "Miss Zarani's hair is so soft and sparkly like that mysterious cotton candy," while brushing my sister's hair.

"And whatever she wears, she's so beautiful! I can't wait to see her grow up and wear different dresses and accessories!" She added, holding the hairbrush with both hands. Her eyes even sparkled, dreaming of that distant future.

Liza and May are two maids who have been assigned to us. They're both pleasant, attentive, and considerate. Liza is more reserved, whereas May is more outgoing and chatty.

"Of course, young Master Nazari will be more handsome too, as they're two peas in a pod," Liza unnecessarily added.

I doubted that because I'm just ordinary.

"Your set of clothes is on top of your bed, young master. Feel free to change after we leave."

"Miss Liza, May, I'm always telling you to just call me by my name." I can't get used to how they address me. But both of them unanimously disagree.

"No, young master. We're not blind not to see the Grand Duke sincerely caring for you."

"Please notice that your status is above ours."

Nah, they were wrong. I'm just a mere commoner who borrowed the name 'Silverfrost'.

Liza seemed to sense my inner conflict. She crouched down to meet my eyes, and with a knowing look, she spoke softly, "The Grand Duke we served never allowed anyone to touch him, let alone carry someone. But he did that for you. He carried you all the way to your room, not once but twice, from the very first day you arrived here."

Ah, it clicked. That's why, when I woke up, I was already in bed rather than in the inn. But how did this relate to the way they call me?

May also kneeled the same: "I know it might be confusing to you, young master. But both Liza and I and the servants in this estate were waiting for your arrival. We finally have a purpose for why we are here. Please let us address you properly and serve you sincerely."

These two smile gently while looking at me. I can feel the truthfulness of their words, but here I am wondering 'what they really want from me.'

I walked alone down the corridor to Arwin's office, where he spends the majority of his time, intending to ask if I was qualified to train as a knight and if he or anyone else could teach me how to use mana.

Naturally, learning The Way of Mana, the basics and foundation of any magic, should be difficult, as I've lived without it for 27 years and I don't remember my parents in this world teaching me how to utilize it.

Still, I knew I couldn't just stay the way I was. I was so weak that I couldn't even move when that ogre-like man tried to hit me. I just stood there, being protected.

I needed to build up my strength and skills in order to pay Arwin and protect my family. I was still far from the level where I could rescue the villagers' children; what's more, avenge them? For now, I have no power to do that. But thinking of that merciless night, I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't want to.

Every cell in my body was screaming, 'KILL that MAN!' This hatred will not go away as long as I live.

The office was just a few meters away around the next corner, but I could already hear Leonard's voice. "Brother!" and the sound of the door being forcefully opened.

"Brother, brother! Nazari is so cute, isn't he?!"

Hearing those words sent chills through my bones, causing me to come to a halt.

"Did you see him last night? How did Nazari go to my back for protection and hold my clothes with those tiny, precious hands? Then he peered at me with such pleading eyes, asking for my help?"

"Argh! He was cute, supeeeerrrrrr cute! THE CUTEST IN THE WORLD!!!"

"I heard it a million times already, Leonard, to the point that I want to shut your mouth for eternity."

"Eh? Are you that jealous, brother? Don't worry, you're so adorable in that tiny form too."

He couldn't just stop, could he? Hearing Leonard and his overreactions made me regret why I had done it. After a while, I heard a snap, followed by Leonard's cries of agony.

"Leo, I have a lot of work today. Don't add up and supervise the Frost Knight already..."

Within the next few seconds, I couldn't hear their voices anymore. It looks like Arwin has already closed the door.

'Both brothers are busy with their workload. It seems today I can't disturb them.'

When I thought about it, I didn't see them this morning. Arwin or Leonard was always willing to join me for breakfast. 'To keep Nazari from feeling lonely,' Leonard explained. Despite the fact that they were not required to do so,.

The air filling my lungs was warm and fresh, which was the polar opposite of what I was looking at right now—the Snowy Mountains. It was located in the northernmost region of the Grand Duchy. The trees at the mountain's base were blanketed in thick snow, and some rivers and lakes had frozen and turned into ice fields. The temperature must have been below zero, but on the estate and in human settlements, it was like spring, when flowers bloomed and colors abounded.

According to the book I had read and confirmed through inquiry, this happened thanks to Arwin. He covered most of the Northern Territory with his power, allowing the people to live comfortably. Arwin does love his people.

After a few minutes of sightseeing, I went down from the tallest tree in the estate and went to the Knights' Training Area. I had been avoiding this place when I was on a stroll, as it triggered some unpleasant memories.

The area was as loud and lively as expected; some knights sparred, practiced on dummies, or just swayed their swords. These knights were different individuals than those I had met last night.

"Wow! It was his sixth win in a row!"

"How old is he again?"

"He might be B-rank or higher."

My gaze followed the source of those voices in awe. There, at the end of the area, a group of knights almost encircled the two people in the center.

A spar was also held there, but what a spectacle! A young knight defeated a full-grown knight. That was quite unexpected.

"You're awesome! No wonder why Master Leonard brought you here," a knight from the audience said while tapping the shoulder of the young knight.

Looking at that young knight's back, he was oddly familiar.

"I'm intrigued by your strength. Can I be your next opponent, Sir Elijah?"

Oh, so it was the young knight from before. He was challenged by a knight who was bigger and taller than him and who looked stronger and more intimidating, likewise the others who were just spectating. But he seemed unfazed, as if this were just a natural occurrence. The atmosphere was even weirder. These knights' faces showed admiration and respect. No one was looking down at him. It was more like those flaming eyes were thirsty to fight him.

'These knights seemed disciplined differently and greedy to fight stronger opponents.'

Before the duel could start, another knight hit the back of Elijah's opponent. It was such a strong force that it made the knight kiss the ground.

"You fools, what do you think you're doing?!"

This knight was one of the few I saw reporting to Arwin's office.

"Vice-captain!!!" Everyone shouted in surprise.

He gave them a blazing glare, making them slowly disperse and start to train on their own like nothing had happened. Unfortunately, the person lying on the ground didn't manage to escape.

"Reki, I told you to guide Sir Elijah to our training area, not to fight with him." His vocals were so loud and clear, which fit his huge physique.

"Vice captain, isn't that just boring?" The knight received another blow to the head.

"Master Leonard wants to recruit him as the Silver Knight while the captain of the Frost is absent. Do you want to experience his wrath if he fails to snatch him?"

What were they thinking? Snatching a knight from another group? And the subject of their conversation was right in front of them. But the person mentioned seemed unfazed.

Knight Elijah is just a few years older than me, yet he asserts such overwhelming strength and abilities.

He fired me up.

'I have no time to dwell here.'

The weapons in this place looked brand new, and it was obvious how they were being taken care of. Not a single grain of dust or spider web could be found on the weaponry. The entire area was glistening, as if all of these weapons were beckoning me to use them. For the very first time, my heart raced with excitement.

'Am I allowed to come here? Well, I dunno.'

I stocked two daggers on my thigh, a spear and a bow gun on my back, and two swords on my waist. Isn't it preferable to have more weapons on hand?

As I couldn't decide which weapon to use, I practiced with these four for now. They were convenient, appeared to be simple to use, and were surprisingly light.

While swaying the sword in my hand, my eyes caught a glimpse of my reflection in one of the shields that were on display. Looking at it, I couldn't help but think, 'I look fantastic.' After a long minute of engrossing myself, I shamelessly shook my head, realizing, 'Why am I thinking like a kid?'

Nonetheless, with so much armor gleaming in the corner, I couldn't help but be magnetized. 'Um, should I wear armor too?' It was too astonishing and cool to be left untouched.

"What are you doing?"

That sudden voice made my heart jump vigorously. I was so taken aback that I dropped the helmet I was holding, which clanked embarrassingly as it rolled toward the young man standing in the doorway.

When I saw who it was, I felt like I had lost my soul.

'Why do I feel like I'm caught stealing?'

"I see, you're fond of weapons too," Elijah uttered as he scanned me up and down before picking up the thing I dropped with that cold expression.

'What is he doing here?' With that poker visage, it was hard to read him.

"If you want to be an expert, master one for now," he added, putting the thing carefully in its proper place.

Did he suggest that if I used them all on a whim, I wouldn't get any stronger? I wasn't going to anyway. Simply put, I was trying to find a weapon that fit my traits as well as my strengths.

"Hearing no response, I seemed to have surprised you." Unexpectedly, Elijah lowered his head in my direction.

'What is it now?'

"I'm here to apologize to you. If the Grand Duke, Sir Leonard, and Dame Carla weren't there, something bad might have happened to you and your omega friend. I'm sorry." The words and the tone of his voice were full of sincerity.

Don't tell me; he came to this place just to apologize to me. Still, why is he blaming himself for that accident? He seems to have misunderstood something. But more than that, I've been curious about this since then.

"What's an omega?"

That look he gives me expresses confusion and surprise, as if I had asked such an obvious question. But he managed to answer back, which put me even more in perplexity.

"Omega, like Alpha and Beta, is a person's secondary gender."