What am I now? What am I now?

What am I now?

What have I become?

I can't even recognize myself anymore.

And every day it gets worse and worse.

You know when you're on the verge of drowning because no matter how hard you try to stay afloat, a force majeure pushes you to the bottom?

That's exactly how I feel.

And there you are either lucky and you manage to save yourself or you give up and slowly let yourself sink.

And fuck, I've gotten to the point where I no longer know what to choose.

Is it worth fighting for?

Is it worth it not to give up?

And most importantly, why do you always have to be able to do it alone?

Why does no one come to save you?

Why doesn't anyone notice?

I'm not strong enough to do it alone, I never was.

And the only one still firm in my heart has managed to break away and leave forever.

Nice mess.