I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm fallin'

I am slowly falling.

Slowly, I am sinking deeper and deeper.

It always seems to me to dig further down, instead of going up.

The fund has pros and cons: you know, there is no one here who judges you.

There is no one who belittles you or makes you suffer.

At the bottom there is only you.

This is what terrifies me: you have to fight against the 'you' before in order to be reborn.

You have to change your mind, change your way of thinking.

You have to change yourself to really start living again.

You have to face 'challenges'.

I've never been good at fighting them.

I've always lost them.

That's why I'm scared.

And if you remain trapped in this vortex for a long time, you will end up drowning.