
Ch.31 - Incident at the Dig Site

During the following days, Alex helped Mr. Grant on his task of establishing a training camp for 'Arms' in Egypt. They were able to secure a plot of land that was about 15 acres big somewhere in the Western Desert. It was more than enough to establish their camp.

Alex had taken care of the wards while Mr. Grant arranged for the tents and supplies to be delivered. The wards he placed were pretty simple. First was the general magic containment. Second was a muggle repeller to avoid muggle interest. Third was a disillusionment ward that would hide the camp.

After the trainees have finally arrived, Alex had given a few practical lectures about fighting and dueling. The current batch of trainees have never seen him before, so there was no risk of exposing his true involvement with the 'Arms of Poros'. All that the trainees know was that a dueling champion had been invited to show them a thing or two.

His fame helped recruit some local trainees in Cairo and Giza as well. Of course, all of them had to sign the same agreement as the others from the UK. For the next few weeks, Alex had sparred with the recruits showing them a practical approach to fighting with magic. He had also participated in mock battles and obstacle course runs.

At first, the trainees idolized him for being a dueling champion at such a young age. But after their training began, all they could see was the devil incarnate. Alex had put them through a very tough training regimen. Failing to keep up would mean taking the important role of a target dummy whose job was to run as they get hunted down by the others. As Alex stated, it was important for them to learn how to quickly subdue a running person, since as security personnel, that would be the type they would have to deal with the most.

The highlight for Alex was when they invited an Association member from the UK that specializes in fighting and subduing magical beasts. The man used to work in a dragon reserve in Romania. So, he definitely knew what he was talking about. Alex had learned some important tips from the man just in case.

Being ready to face some of the most dangerous magical beasts in existence was more important to the people of Egypt than in the UK. So Alex and Mr. Grant decided to have some experts come in and give their lectures once in a while.

"Faster! Do not waste any unnecessary movement. Don't embellish your wand movement too much!" shouted Alex.

It has been more than two weeks since the start of his training course with all of the recruits. He was finally getting his point across with the recruits after he defeated them over and over using only simple charms on them.

Alex was even harsher than their usual trainers. He wanted everyone to be quick on their feet. In practice, Alex would shoot a spell without warning to see if the trainees were keeping alert of their surroundings.

He had also given a lecture on how to ride a broom while attacking with one hand. It was very tricky for most of them. But, it could be very useful when subduing a magical beast.


Alex had been staying in Egypt for at least three weeks. During that time, he met with Bill for drinks several times. It was about time for him to leave and get his new wand from Gregorovitch. So, he wanted to say goodbye to Bill before doing so.

He visited the dig site around 6 pm. When he got there, however, he saw that the people where disorganized. Some of them were outwardly panicking. The security forces had closed off the ruin for some reason.

In the researcher's tent, he found Mdm. Rakepick talking to some of the goblin and wizards researchers.

"We have to close down the ruin until more curse-breakers come here. It is too risky," said a goblin who looked like he was in charge.

"But we still have some people there! Even goblins, we just can't wait and do nothing," said Mdm. Rakepick.

"And who could help them? You have to remain here just in case according to the protocols. You are the only curse-breaker remaining here!"

"What's going on?" said Alex after what he heard.

"This does not concern you, human. This is strictly Gringotts business from now on," said the goblin.

"Mdm. Rakepick, where is Bill!?" he asked choosing to ignore the goblin.

"Bill hasn't come out of the ruin. We discovered some new passages in the sleeping chambers that led further down underground. Bill went there to accompany some of the researchers around 1 pm. They were supposed to come out after three hours. We sent in another team to check on them. They, too, haven't come out. And now, they are saying that no one could enter the ruin until more curse-breakers get here."

"We have to go and save them. They could be injured or worse. We might lose some people while we wait," said Alex worried for Bill.

"Aren't you listening, human? No one can enter the ruin."

"Alex, you are not a trained curse-breaker. Even though you are a dueling champion, I can't ask you to risk your life."

"It's fine, Mdm. Rakepick. I'm doing this on my own volition. Guide me through the passages and I'll do whatever I can to help."

"No! Think of the liability! We can't lose more people to this thing, whatever it is. Let's wait for some people with higher positions to worry about it!"

"Okay. Follow me," said Mme. Rakepick not listening at all to the goblin.

When Alex and Mdm. Rakepick arrived at the entrance to the ruin, they were stopped by the guards.

"Stop! We can't let you in. This area has been closed off," said a guard.

"They won't let you in, humans! I've already given the order!"

"It's okay. Let us through," said Alex plainly.

"Yes, sir!" the guard responded with a salute.

The men of the security forces made way for Alex and Mme. Rakepick to pass through.

"What!? I'm not paying you to follow the orders of someone else! This will go into my report!" said the goblin.

"What's going on, Alex? Why did they salute you?"

"It's okay. I know these guys. I gave them some training recently. Lead the way, Mdm. Rakepick."

Even though they didn't know about Alex's authority in the Association, no one among those deployed in Egypt was willing to disobey Alex. The memories of their hellish training was still fresh in their memories.

Alex thought about asking the men to follow him in the ruin, but he relented. They were there under contract to secure the camp. Entering the ruin was not part of their services.

Mdm. Rakepick and Alex walked into the ruin with a reluctant goblin trailing behind them. When they reached the place of the recent discovery, Mme. Rakepick waved her wand around to give them entry through the barrier placed around the entrance to the passage.

It turned out that the stone bed was covering a hatch on the floor. Behind that was a carved stone cave with steps that lead down into the dark cavern underground.

"Wands out from here on. Now, follow me," said Mdm. Rakepick.

Alex nodded and did as he was told while the goblin just grumbled by himself.

Mdm. Rakepick took the lead. She was the curse-breaker of the group. Alex was not under the illusion that he could know better than anyone in any subject. So, he depended on her expertise in this case.

When they reached the bottom of the steps, they found themselves within an elongated room. The only way they could go was the opposite side of the room. There were magical lamps installed along the stone wall of the room that were placed there by the people who went ahead.

At the end of it was a stone door that was shut tight with magic. Mme. Rakepick examined the door and learned that it was kept shut by her colleagues. She knew exactly what spell they must have used and easily unraveled them.

The door slowly opened with a loud noise of grinding stones. Warm air seeped out from the inner chamber.

"DO NOT COME IN!!!" they heard a shrill voice said.

They looked at where the voice was coming from. There in the center of the large circular chamber was a goblin who was sitting on some sort of stone throne holding a scepter. He was bound to the throne with plenty of conjured rope.

Alex had immediately felt the evil emanating from the scepter. It felt to him as if magic itself had been corrupted within the thing.

"What happened to you, Kragrot!?" asked the goblin with them.


"He is half-possessed!" stated Mdm. Rakepick.

Alex looked around and found the other wizards and goblins sprawled along the perimeter of the room. It looked like they were all blasted from the center of the room until they hit the walls.

Bill was lying there on the floor. Alex had immediately checked on him and was relieved that he was only unconscious.

"You did this!?" said Alex.


"What do we do?" Alex asked the curse-breaker.

"That scepter he is holding, it must be the source of the possession. If we destroy it, it should stop whatever this is," said Mdm. Rakepick.

"You can still save him, human?" asked Griphook.


"We'll give it a try," said the witch. "Flipendo!" She fired a 'Knockback Jinx' on the scepter to knock it away from the possessed goblin.

Unexpected to them, the jinx was deflected before it could hit the scepter.

Mdm. Rakepick was blown away without any warning. She hit the wall and was knocked unconscious by the impact.

"NO... You cannot hurt it..." said Kragrot visibly weakened.

Whatever the scepter did, it must have used the magic of the goblin. This was the likely method of how it protected itself from the other wizards and goblins in the chamber.

If they choose to do nothing. The goblin would die by being depleted of all his magic. The other curse-breakers must have realized this earlier. That was why they bound the goblin on the throne. So even if they couldn't save the goblin, the crisis of the scepter escaping from the room was averted.

"There is no hope for me. The voice told me so. I am killed! Griphook Tell my kin that Kragrot is no more. Tell them."

"Wizard! Is there nothing more you can do?" said the goblin.

His haughty attitude from earlier was gone. He was just pleading for his brethren.

Alex looked into the eyes of Griphook.

"There may be something. But, I require something from you," he said seriously.

"You want gold? Now!?"

"Nothing like that. I need you to swear to never share what I'm about to do and keep the knowledge of my abilities a secret even after death."

"Your name?" asked the goblin.

"Alexander Greywolf."

Griphook made the oath. After confirming its legitimacy, Alex faced the possessed goblin once again.

He held his left hand in front of his chest and murmured, "Infernum Igneus Patronus..."

Alex felt the familiar heat welled up from his chest. A ball of flame appeared on his hand.

Griphook looked aghast. He had never seen a wizard perform this particular fire spell. It looked heavier than any other flame that he had seen before.

Alex released it toward the goblin on the throne.

"What are you doing!? That would kill him!" shouted Griphook.

Was this why he was asked to swear a secrecy oath? Because the wizard was about to commit murder in front of him? He had a helpless look on his face as he watched the ball of flame fly toward Kragrot.

The fire got bigger and bigger. Then it turned into a fiery wolf the size of a horse. And then, it rammed and engulfed the throne within itself.

The scepter tried to defend itself once more. But, the fire could not be deterred as if it had a will of its own.

"NOOO!!!" shouted Kragrot.

But, he wasn't burning, not entirely. It was just the scepter that was being burned. The goblin's hand that was holding it was forced to let go.

A high pitched wailing could be heard as dark vapors started to leak out of Kragrot to return to the scepter. But the vapors were also obliterated by the fire. The scepter had disintegrated into black sand instead of melting the way metals do.

When the everything aside from the crackling of fire could be heard in the room, Alex canceled his 'Hellfire Protector'. The goblin remained seated on the throne, still bound by the unburnt rope.

"He seemed unconscious. His hand needs treatment," said Alex. He leaned closer to the goblin, free him from the ropes and used a healing charm.

Griphook just stood there in silence. He had just seen the most amazing spell in all of his life. It was even more powerful than dragon fire, and yet it could choose what to burn or not. The most ridiculous thing was, he couldn't tell anyone about it. He thought that anyone who could use such magic should be telling everyone about it.

"That should do it," said Alex. The burned skin on the goblin's hand was healed although the skin was still red.

"Thank you. I mean it. You are not like other wizards. We owe you a debt. Ragnuk would like to hear about your deed. Kragrot is his nephew," said Griphook.

"As long as you do not break your oath, you can tell him what you need to. Let's take care of this mess first."

Griphook was pleased that the wizard was lenient. If he choose his words correctly, this could earn him some merit with the Head Goblin.

Alex revived all the unconscious people lying on the floor. Everyone abled helped the others who could not walk by themselves.

An emergency treatment center was arranged in what was the researcher's tent. Now, the people from 'Arms' was able to help, and fortunately, some of them were capable of administering treatment on the field.

When everything had calmed down, the responders from Gringotts had finally arrived. It was somewhat impressive to see the response team of Gringotts, the most powerful bank in the magical world. But 'Arms' would be able to respond faster to any emergencies if they had to.

Alex was beginning to entertain the idea of the Association having its own archaeological operations throughout the world. But, before that could happen, it would need to recruit a lot of curse-breakers, researchers, historians, and surveyors.

Bill Weasley and the others who were involved in the case were called into a closed meeting in the officials' tent to give their accounting of what happened inside the hidden chamber. Alex just helped around the camp while he waited for Bill to come out of the meeting.

Ch.32 - New Wand

After a while, Alex had finally found Bill after the curse-breakers were done giving their reports.

"Bill! Over here!" Alex yelled looking out of a tent that he had occupied.

Bill walked over and entered the tent with Alex. He was also looking for Alex.

"I heard from Mdm. Rakepick that you were there as well," said Bill.

"I came here to say that I'm returning home."

"Well, it was good having you around, Alex."

"When I got here, I learned that you were stuck inside in there. What happened anyway?" asked Alex.

"Well since you were already involved, I guess I can tell you— We found the hidden passage yesterday. Everyone was very excited. But the entrance to the hidden chamber was spelled to repel anyone who got close to it.

"The curse-breakers had to work in shifts. When it was my shift, they finally got the door opened. The goblin Kragrot was the senior explorer sent by Gringotts. He went it first.

"I think the moment he entered that chamber, he was influenced to pick up the scepter. He didn't even bother to look at anything else. He just ran straight towards the center of the room where the throne and the scepter were located. When he picked it up, he was immediately different."

"What was that thing anyway? I could literally feel the evil coming from it," said Alex.

"Perhaps you would have fared better than most. For us, we didn't feel anything strange initially. We just assumed that the goblin got too greedy for his own good.

"As to what it was, the senior curse-breakers and goblin archivers were talking about it, and they determined that it was a Horcrux..." said Bill.

"Horcrux? What is that?"

"It is not surprising that you don't know. Every record of it was practically erased throughout the world. Simply put, it is a soul-container. A wizard cut off part of their soul and store it in an object. If a wizard's body is destroyed, his soul would not be able to move on because a part of it is still attached to this realm unable to move on. Thus, the wizard can avoid death and would have the opportunity to possess a body to return to life," explained Bill.

"What!? Are you saying that there is a wizard out there who is immortal?" Alex asked.

"Well, not really. Even though a Horcrux is virtually indestructible with anything less than the most destructive spells, it still cannot escape the passages of time. And by being corrupted by evil magic, after a hundred years or so, any object that was turned to a Horcrux would eventually decompose on its own no matter what protection was placed on it. That was the case here. The scepter was a defunct Horcrux, just like the few other Horcrux that Gringotts have come across with.

The wizard who made it had long perished. The part of the soul that remained must have been in anguish all this time. The Horcrux was no longer able to prevent the wizard's soul from moving on. That was why when Kragrot was half-possessed by it, he started yelling how he was already dead. The soul fragment that was still in the scepter was influencing him and it had already experienced true death. It was just unable to pass on."

"Not that it didn't deserve anything it got, but, it must have been a cursed existence," observed Alex. "But how did the situation devolved like it did?"

"Well, that would be because when we tried to stop Kragrot, he sent anyone who made a move against him flying to the wall. We could tell that the magic he was using would eventually be depleted. For anyone who is not Kragrot, the only real danger was the possibility that the scepter could find its way outside. So, we did what we could to prevent Kragrot from stepping out that chamber. I'm not sure what the second group did because I was already knocked out by the time they arrived. But, they must have come to the same conclusion," said Bill. "What happened when you got there anyway?" he added.

"I went in with Mdm. Rakepick. But, she was knocked back when she tried to attack the scepter. I noticed how using magic has really weakened the goblin. And somehow, I was able to force the goblin to let go of the scepter. It turned to black sand after that."

Before Bill could ask Alex any more questions, Mdm. Rakepick had stepped inside with a very important looking goblin.

"Alex, this here is Ragnuk XII, Head Goblin of Gringotts, he wanted to meet you," said Mdm. Rakepick.

"I would like to speak to him alone," said Ragnuk.

"Of course, let's go, Bill," said Mdm. Rakepick.

Ragnuk and Alex didn't say anything until the others were far enough. Then, Alex used a 'Muffliato Charm' to prevent anyone from listening to what would be their conversation.

"Griphook had told me what he could about what happened in the ruin. I may not know the exact details of the event, but he was clear that I have you to thank for the rescue of my nephew," said Ragnuk.

"Think nothing of it. I did what I could given the situation."

"But, not everyone would do what you did."

"Not everyone would be capable of doing what I did. It was just a fortunate coincidence that I was there."

"Of course. But in any case, Griphook was clear enough when he told me that Kragrot would not be saved if not because of you. I am indebted to you. I have never been indebted to a human before."

"Think nothing of it for now. It was really just a coincidence. Someday you will have the opportunity to repay me."

"Someday maybe sooner than expected from what I understand. You neglected to ask Griphook to keep your name a secret. Although, I suspect that it was intentional. Isn't that right, Mr. Greywolf."

"Perhaps. More importantly, what would you do with that information?" said Alex with a slight smirk.

"Your name is your business. I told Griphook to treat it as such. But I would just like to say that the Goblin Nation is not a stranger to rebellions. It has happened multiple times before when wizards pushed us too much. However, I will be first to admit, we have never known true victory over the Ministry."

"Winning or losing. I don't want that. And, what is coming won't be a rebellion. It will be a revolution. The tides of destiny would turn. Those who adapt will flourish. Those who don't will sink. Believe me when I say that I want everyone to flourish, including the Goblins. However, I won't allow myself or anyone else to be dragged down by those who refuse to adapt," said Alex.

"The Goblins have always adapted. Once, my ancestors were kings of the Goblin Nations. Now, we no longer have kings. Now, I am but a banker. We have always adapted and we have stayed afloat, but, it is far from being flourishing."

"You have merely reacted for your survival. Only when you are proactive can you say that you are truly adapting. And remember this, the only future you can truly predict is the one that you brought to reality yourself."

Before Ragnuk could add anything, Alex made a move to leave. But before he reached the exit, he added something else.

"We will not announce ourselves, but we will be in contact with Gringotts soon enough. It will be up to you to decide how Gringotts would act."


A few days later, Alex arrived at Gregorovitch's Wand Shop exactly 1 month after his first visit. He walked around the building and knocked on the back door. He didn't bother to try the front door.

Gregorovitch opened the door and greeted him with some excitement unlike how he did the first time they met. The man hurried him to get inside.

Once they were inside the workshop, Gregorovitch spoke to him like an excited child.

"I was waiting for you. I've made quite a unique wand and I want you to try it," said Gregorovitch.

"Really? Let's see it then," replied Alex.

Gregorovitch took out a wooden case from within a drawer. He presented it on the table as he opened it.

In the container was a wand made with a dark-colored wood. Unlike Ollivander's wands, Gregorovitch's wands tend to look more natural. The wand looked like an ordinary branch except for the three bands of silver on its grip.

Grerovitch picked it up and show it to Alex. From his looks, he was quite proud of his creation.

"It is 13 1/2 inches long made with Black Walnut wood. Somewhat inflexible. The core is made of two different materials, a Thestral tail hair interlaced with a Wampus Cat whisker.

"Thestral hairs as cores are quite difficult to use in a wand. And, it is even more difficult for the user to master. They would only truly cooperate with wizards or witches who know themselves very well.

"As for the Wampus Cat hair. They are suitable for someone who is deceptively strong, a person who does not announce his or her real strength. Much like how Wampus Cats can be mistaken as a normal mountain lion while in reality, they are one of the deadliest creatures that we know of.

"The two of them together make quite an interesting combination. I must admit, for the first time in many years I am not sure of how a wand that I made would react. Give it a wave," said Gregorovitch.

When Alex picked up the wand, he felt his magic immediately reacting. It wanted to be used. His magic completed the wand.

When he flicked it upwards, nothing visible happened. Greforovitch was dejected. He was expecting an amazing light show.

"Well... I didn't expect it to have no reaction. I was sure I created my best wand yet," said Gregorovitch feeling very deflated.

"It is not like that at all. I think you were right. This could be the best wand you have ever made. I think it is well suited for me. And I think it's very powerful. But, it doesn't feel the need to exhibit its strength without purpose. Watch this — 'Orchideous'!"

Multiple types of flowers had come out of the point of the wand and filled the entire room.

"Amazing! Such smooth spell work! There was barely any flare that appeared. It really is a very subtle wand," exclaimed Gregorovitch.

After testing the wand some more, Alex praised the wandmaker.

"Will you really not take payment?" asked Alex. He preferred to pay the man.

"No. I'm compensated enough for this."

"Thank you. I will put it to good use."

"Wait... There is something I want to say. You are a very strange wizard to make a wand for. Your magic, it feels different... I can't explain it, but I thought you should know."

"It's fine. I know."

"Just as I thought. You are a wizard who knows himself well. Always be sure that you are honest with yourself. Or else, the Thestral hair wand core won't respond to you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Well, do what you have to do."

Alex gripped the wand tightly.

"I'm sorry about this."

"No, you're not. It's fine, I expected this as soon as I examined your magical core," said Gregorovitch with resignation.

"Obliviate..." said Alex as if a whisper, pointing the wand at the old wandmaker's head.

He erased any of Gregorovitch's memory that was related to his magical core. He was planning to erase all the memories related to him initially. But, he decided to leave the memories regarding the creation of the wand. The old man was really proud of his creation.

Gregorovitch would remember meeting the dueling champion and creating a wand for him. Details of any of the diagnostic he performed on Alex would be altered and confused. In some way, this could be better than just erasing every memory about him. People might wonder where he got his new wand. This way, Alex could just tell the truth and Gregorovitch could corroborate his story.

While the old wandmaker was still confused. Alex decided to take his leave.


It was mid-December when Alex had finally returned to the UK.

After checking in with Katie and Mr. Baxter, he went to see the apartment that Mr. Baxter had prepared for him in Hogsmeade. It was just the right kind of apartment. Not too extravagant, but something that could be expected from a young quidditch player bachelor.

The living room was pretty big. The kitchen was modest. A kitchen island would serve as the dining table. There was only one bedroom and a bathroom. And, there was a small study/library.

Being in Hogsmeade would allow him to keep himself informed of the happenings in Hogwarts. Harry Potter would be starting his wizardry studies in the next school year. He knew that the boy's years in Hogwarts would not be peaceful. The enemies would also start making their moves.

He stood still for a moment realizing that the chaos would soon arrive.

He felt bad about using a boy as bait to lure out the monsters. Perhaps there would be a different way. He could find Harry Potter and take him away from all this. Maybe there would be less craziness if Harry Potter was gone.

But no... The boy and the Dark Lord were merely the sparks that lit the fuse. The chaos was already building up underneath.

But Alex remembered Gregorovitch's words. He must be honest with himself. He was using Harry Potter to lure out his future enemies. If he was willing to do as much, he should at least own up to it. There can't be any hesitation in him.

He still did not know how Voldemort returned to life. But, he was sure that it had something to do with Harry Potter. That means, he had to watch out for every news about the boy.

"The end result would be worth it. It has to be, for the greater good. I can repent after I'm dead," he murmured to himself the phrase that was becoming more and more familiar.

Ch.33 - Holidays

Mr Baxter had gathered any publication that had featured the name 'Alexander Grey' in the past months since Alex had gone back from the Quidditch World Cup. Alex looked through all the stories about him.

When he won the Dueling Tournament, the papers went wild once again about him. A British wizard was not only the MVP of the latest world cup, but he was also crowned as the winner of the most prestigious duelling tournament in the world. The media was praising him for bringing honour to the country.

They tried to get a hold of him, but he was actually staying in Egypt during the past month. There were plenty of speculations to what he would be doing next.

They were trying to guess what would be the next unbelievable thing that he would be doing. Some were even saying that he would even compete in a singing competition. The Teen Witch Weekly even had a list of eligible international bachelorettes that he might be dating.

An article in the Daily Prophet tried to paint his absence in the public view as something suspicious, but, nothing had come out of it. They even received some complaints about being slanderous, and as a result, their dropping monthly subscription had even dropped some more.

Alex would have to give an interview to the Observer or M-Sports Monthly to satisfy the public's curiosity for a while. He had to make some effort so he could avoid being labelled as a social recluse.

And so, after 4 days of being back in the UK, Alex had arranged for an interview with Jullian Henson of M-Sports Monthly. This time, Alex had invited them to his apartment so that the press could take some pictures there and get a glimpse of his 'home life'. Of course, Alex had made sure that they would not divulge his home address in any way.

"So, Alexander. What brought on your participation in the Biennial Dueling Tournament of Nice? People were surprised about hearing the news about you coming from overseas," asked Mr Henson.

They were sitting in the living room and Alex had prepared some biscuits and tea as if he was receiving some friends casually. The camerawoman was quick to capture the details, of course. They had also taken some shots earlier of Alex in the kitchen cooking a simple meal and in the living room reading a book. After all, there was nothing more adorable than a celebrity that looked like a normal person at home.

Alex was frankly disturbed by the attitude of the camera operator, but he just dismissed it as being part of her job.

"Don't worry about her. She's a... very passionate person," said Mr Henson clearly embarrassed about his colleague. "Let's get back to my question."

"Right. To answer your question, I wasn't really planning on competing in the tournament at first. I was just touring the French magical communities when I found out about it. So, I went to Nice and after reading about the rules of the competition, I decided to participate," said Alex.

They talked more about the details of his matches. Most of the questions that were asked of him had something to do with his techniques and his strategies in the matches. However, there were also those questions that tried to get the details of his travels in France from him.

When he was asked whether or not he was with anyone during his trip, he just said 'No comment'. But, the reporter had pretty much guessed that Alex was with a woman when he was touring France. If he was from any other type of magazine, he would be drilling Alex with more questions on the matter. But luckily, the man was focused on sports.

Alex and Katie already had a conversation about it. And, they agreed to keep their relationship from the public other than friends and families.

"So, you won the duelling competition and you were probably the most famous young wizard in the world. Is that why you disappeared for more than a month? To avoid too much attention from the public?" asked Mr Henson.

"Hm... Not exactly. I just went on to continue my travels. I ended up in Egypt after the tournament. And, I stayed there until recently, in fact."

"And what did you do there? You might not know this, but people were going wild with rumours about you this past month. Perhaps you can shine a light on the mystery?"

"I worked as a consultant with a security company. In Egypt, they are always short-handed when it comes to security. There are magical beasts that roam the desert. Keeping the magical side of the ruins a secret from the muggles was also a full-time operation. The company that I worked for provides security for those sort of operations in the desert. For example, there are the Gringotts's archaeological excavation sites. They need security just in case a sphinx decided to show up on their camp."

"What were your duties as a consultant?"

"I helped in the training of some of their people. Mostly sparring or reviewing their training. It was pretty fun, actually."

As the interview went on, they talked about some other things related to quidditch and duelling.


Days later, Alex visited his grandfather in the house that he had bought for the ageing man. Alex and Grandpa Joe was busy finishing up in the kitchen. It was Christmas Eve and they made sure to prepare a simple feast for the two of them and their guest.

They heard the chime of the doorbell.

"I got it," said Alex.

He walked to the front door and opened it. The guest that they were waiting for was Katie who was finally about to meet Alex's grandfather for the first time.

Alex kissed her on the cheek. "Come in. He has been waiting to meet you all day."

"I feel so nervous," she said.

"Don't worry. It's going to be fine."

He took her coat after she entered the house and escorted her to the dining room.

"Grandpa, here she is. My girlfriend, Katie Robins — And this is my grandfather, Joseph Grey."

"It is nice to meet you, sir."

"And it is nice to meet you, young lady. Alex had failed to mention how beautiful you are. Happy Christmas."

"And to you as well."

"Take a seat, Katie. We're just about ready for dinner. I hope you brought your appetite because we might have made a bit much."

Alex was serving the food on the table by himself. Katie had offered to help, but Grandpa Joe was insistent that the two of them to just wait and talk with one another.

"So, Katie. Tell me about your family. I hope they don't mind it too much that you are spending Christmas Eve with us," said Grandpa Joe.

"They don't mind. They are currently in America right now for some business deal that they had to close."

"Business at Christmas time? Well, that's just too bad. Some people can't help but keep working. At least we can have you here because of it, so it's not all that bad.

" Well, let's eat. Grandpa, would you like to say grace?" asked Alex after he was finished setting up the table.

Grandpa Joe said a short by sincere prayer and they had their meal.

They enjoyed their little feast even with just the three of them. Katie was happy to tell some stories about their time in Hogwarts.

Alex was glad to see them happily chatting. It seemed that Grandpa Joe liked Katie just fine. And, Katie liked Grandpa Joe very much.

His grandfather had also developed a more lax attitude as he got older. He was still quite a serious man, but he had learned to enjoy his life a little bit more.

Seeing the changes in his own grandson had made him realized that his own life was not over yet. He started getting involved with some of the social clubs for old veterans. And, his woodworkings were getting some good evaluation from friends and neighbours. He had become that dependable man in the neighbourhood that people could ask for help when they needed something like fixing a cabinet.

Alex was glad to hear that his grandfather was living well.


On the 2nd of January, 1991, the annual feast of the 'Order of Prometheus' was held once again at the country house in Norwich. Mr Baxter and the house-elves had done a wonderful job with the food and drinks which the members of the Order had learned to expect.

Unlike in their first meeting, there were about forty members in attendance. Their recruitment had been a slow process, but it was well worth the wait.

"Good evening and welcome. Once again we meet to celebrate another year of good work and to express our hopes for the new year. Our labours are finally starting to show some results. Let's start our gathering by hearing about the progress that we've made so we can all celebrate the accomplishments of our brothers and sisters," said Alex. He looked over to Mr Grant and invited the man to stand up and speak.

"Good evening. The 'Arms of Poros' have been developing according to our expectations. The Association and its business partners are all covered by our security. We are also expanding in Egypt trying to spread our business there. Training has also improved quite significantly. In the UK alone, we have around a hundred reliable men and women who can be depended on to respond to any crisis that we might face."

"That s good to hear. I want you to focus some more on our expansions to France and Egypt. Both countries have different needs and they also have different resources that they can offer us. Coordinate with Mr Monroe and you'll know how to help him in his front," said Alex.

The Dewey couple were the next ones who made a report.

"Subscriptions for the Observer are higher than ever. We have also started making some more academic periodicals and made them for monthly releases just like the M-Sports Monthly."

"That's great. We will be acquiring a new building in Diagon Alley so that the Observer can have more spaces for its use. You and your people will continue to keep the public informed with integrity and dependability. In regards to your expansion to other periodicals, just remember that you do not have to compete with other publications that people can depend on. Instead, you can try to work with them," said Alex.

Mrs Pearce decided not to report as the matters that she was dealing with were more sensitive and could not be easily spoken.

Instead, it was Mr Tonks who was next to report.

"Our legal department is now consulting in all of the endeavours of the Association. We are also receiving some businesses from certain commercial companies who are working with us. However, we are being stretched too thin at the moment. It is not hindering us at the moment, but it would be problematic in the near future."

"That is to be expected. I want you to split the law firm into three different firms. Each one would look into hiring more barristers to bulk up their numbers. Mrs Pearce can help you to screen the background of any applicants that you may have. Also, I want you to start taking in more interns that recently graduated from Hogwarts. Lower the requirements if you have to. Their real education will happen at work anyway. Legal consultants and Barristers is not a very popular career choice for Hogwarts Graduates. You may think about some programs with the cooperation of Hogwarts for this coming summer."

After the feast was over she was asked to stay behind as expected.

"So, Mrs Pearce. I am most curious about your progress out of all. Let's hear what you have accomplished.

"After the trial of Crabbe and Goyle, there has been some movement to get more muggleborn in the Ministry. We have taken advantage of that, and now, we have more than 30 Ministry employees that report to me or one of my people."

"Do you have some people in the Department of Misinformation?"

[AN: That is the department in charge of coordinating with the muggle government when a magical incident cannot be covered up by Obliviators alone.]

"Yes. We have a single agent there."

"Good. Try to get a couple more, and, in the Obliviators as well. Some things are developing in the shadows. There will be chaos and confusion again sometime in the next four years. I do not know how it will start, but, I want to know how the Ministry would explain it away to the muggle government."

"I understand, Archon."

"Make sure all of your trusted agents have an exit plan in case they would have to disappear. Similarly, I want you to withdraw from your duties in the Ministry. You will start taking a more hidden role for the Order, coordinating our spies and compiling the information that they are gathering together with Mr Baxter. Look for any sign of hidden deals going on in the Ministry, especially if they involve anyone from the so-called sacred 28 families."

"I won't let you down."

Mrs Pearce had proven herself to be a capable spymaster. She was resourceful, subtle, and she knew how to get the best from her agents.

Alex knew that there would be plenty of details to work out and coordination before his people could fulfil his instructions. Thankfully, he had Mr Baxter to help with that task.

After Mrs Pearce was gone Alex was alone in his study once again. There was only Hermes the owl with him. He really had neglected his companion in recent years and now the bird was starting to show some signs of ageing.

Ever since he released the glass communicators commercially, he had rarely found the opportunity to ask Hermes to deliver his mail. He suspects the same was the case with many other wizards who are using the glass communicators.

"Happy new year, Hermes. I haven't been a good partner to you, haven't I."

He stroked the bird's head and it hooted in response. The bird was always patient with him.

Perhaps he could leave Hermes with Grandpa Joe, he thought. The two of them could keep each other company. It would also give Grandpa Joe with a method to contact him if he needed to.

But, there was still a letter that he needed Hermes to deliver.

Ch.34 - Warlock

A few days after the new year started, Alex wrote a letter to Prof. Flitwick to greet him a happy new year and ask him if his offer of an internship in Hogwarts was still available. Now that he had traveled the world it was finally time to work on his mastery in Charms. But, with his recent rise in fame, he didn't know how Prof. Flitwick would receive him.

"Hermes, send this for me to Prof. Flitwick. You remember him, don't you?"

The bird trilled an affirmative sound. It was the first time in almost a year that he was asking Hermes to deliver his mail.

On the next day, he received his response from Prof. Flitwick. It said that he was glad that Alex was still thinking about his mastery even after his achievements. Then, what followed were several paragraphs explaining how proud he was of his student. Lastly, for the part that Alex was waiting for, it said that his apprenticeship can begin with the next school term.

Alex hurried to write a reply to thank the professor for this offer.


Alex visited Katie in her apartment. He had about seven months to wait until the new school term will begin. He was glad how things turned out so far. Being in Hogwarts, he would be able to keep an eye on Harry Potter during the boy's first year of wizardry school.

"What are you going to do with the next seven months?" asked Katie.

They were sitting by the kitchen table eating the lunch that Katie had prepared.

"I don't know. What are you working on? maybe I can help you."

There were plenty of things going on with the Order and the Association. But, his people were capable enough to do them without them. He only needed to say his input every now and then.

At the moment, he was doing a little bit of research on wand lore, and wand crafting. He was curious about how Gregorovitch had examined him to know what type of wand would suit him best. And, he didn't want the same situation to happen again when the uniqueness of his magical core was exposed. But, the research was mostly academic as he was not interested in learning actual wand making.

"You don't need to help me. Why don't you take it easy after all you've done."

"I don't know about that. Come on, tell me what you've been working on."

"It's the Hufflepuff Disease. You got it bad," she joked.

"I'll just find something else if you don't tell me."

"Fine — I have been working on reinventing potions recipes to make them cheaper and easier to make. It's the same thing I've been working on for a while now."

"Have you made some headway?"

"Yes, actually. Right now, I'm working on publishing them in a book."

"Already? Hm... Do you remember we worked together during our fourth year? We made a device that could brew a batch of Essence of Dittany pretty much on its own."

"Yes. I remember of course. Why did you bring it up?"

"Listen. Why don't you postpone your book and let's use your new recipes in a business? We can make potions that much cheaper."

"But we already determined that starting that business would be too expensive. Also, nothing can be done about the rarity of some materials."

"How cute. Who do you think you are talking to?" said Alex smirking. "I'm serious, you know. I have been planning on starting a potions business for a while now."

"How would you do it then?"

"It is going to be like this. I will design the machines that will make the potions that people buy the most, just like the Essence of Dittany, Draught of Peace, Pepperup, Skele-gro and more. You or the employees can brew the more special potions on demand."

"Even if you have the money, where would we get the ingredients?"

"Between Clay's Farm and my own, we can take care of all plant-based ingredients. From there, we could use the Association's resources to make some business connections to get our other ingredient providers."

"You think so? But, will I still have the time to do my own research?"

"Of course, the shop can even fund your research. With a fully stocked potions laboratory, your studies would be unhindered. Besides, we'll hire some shop keepers and potions brewers from the Association to take care of the shop. You only needed to make an appearance occasionally"

"Okay. Let's do it!" said Katie after thinking for a minute.

Katie did not want to be too occupied with business matters all day. But, every potions master she knew either teach potions or run a potions shop. A shop would also add weight to her expertise in potions.

Publishing a book that would make potions cheaper would probably get some undeserved criticism. Having a shop that would actually sell these cheaper potions would let her critics know that she could stand by her claims.

"Give me your recipes and your research. I will figure out the enchanting. Meanwhile, I will ask Mr. Baxter to get us a shop and your own laboratory in Hogsmeade."


Alex met with Clay in the Three Broomstick to speak about their business idea. It was around 3 pm on a Tuesday, so there were only a few patrons in the pub.

"So, that's how the business would work. I know the demands on your herbs are pretty high right now. Do you think you could help us?" said Alex after describing the idea behind the business that he and Katie were planning.

"Of course. I'll move around some things, so I should be ready by the time you need the supplies," said Clay.

"Great! I know I could depend on you. By the way, how are you and Dora doing these days?"

"We're just fine. Although we haven't been spending some time with each other lately," said Clay while pouting.

"Oh? And why is that?"

"She got involved with this 'Arms of Poros' security company. But if you ask me, they are more like a mercenary group. — But, Dora swear by the group. She said they are doing something good over there. She's been staying in their base to undergo some extensive training."

"Oh... Then she's not going home at all?"

"Not at all. She's staying there until her training is over."

"That's too bad," said Alex.

If Dora was unable to leave the training camp, she must be training to be one of the 'Shadow Operatives'. Given her 'Metamorphmagus' gift, she would fit in well in that group.

But, Alex was curious why she first got involved with the 'Arms'. It didn't sound like her at all. Could her father's position in the Association affected her thinking? He'll have to ask Mr. Grant to look after her.

"I'm not too worried about that. I'm worried that she would get assigned abroad. Apparently, the company is trying to expand to France and Egypt. What would I say if she was asked to go abroad? Should I stop her and ask her to stay?" said Clay before drinking a shot of Firewhisky.

"It would depend on what she wants. But, those two can't be your only options. You could also follow her abroad."

"But I have my family to worry about and there is the business."

"Your mother was managing the business just fine before you took over. Besides, you have some employees that you hired through the Association, right? I sure there are people you can trust to look after the business — And, you could also be productive traveling abroad. You can establish some connections overseas and work out some deals with."

"You're right. I could also follow her. Why didn't I think about it?"


Alex kept himself busy with working out the kinks of the potions brewing devices that he was designing. They would revolutionize the art of potions if only Alex was planning on publicizing them. The study of potions was too embedded in the everyday life of wizards and witches in the UK. Perhaps in the future, he could release the knowledge of his automated brewing contraptions.

Only a couple of weeks later, Mr. Baxter had finished with the preparation of the shop in Diagon Alley. The permits and all legal documents were being taken care of by one of Mr. Tonks's law firm.

Katie was already living in Hogsmeade in a building that was acquired by Mr. Baxter for her. Her new potions laboratory was located in the cellar. The rooms were charmed to always have the recommended conditions for potions brewing. The ground floor was basically a storage for now. She may decide to open a shop on it later, but she was already spending too much time in her laboratory. Her apartment was on the 2nd floor. It was expanded to contain all the room required for a home.

During the past week, Alex was practically living with her. Although, he still maintained his own apartment just a few minutes away. He would need it when he would have to give another interview.

Their relationship was still not public knowledge. So, Alex always used the Floo to go to Katie's house.


During the month of March, Alex received a post from the office of the Minister for Magic. He was to be awarded a title for his services to the wizarding world.

Apparently, the Goblins had gone public about the incident in Egypt last December after rumors started circulating about it. So, to set the record straight and convince the public that they were not risking people's lives haphazardly, they released a statement about it.

According to their story, some goblins and wizards got trapped in a cursed room in the ruin. Then, they were rescued by a team comprising of a witch head curse-breaker, a goblin relic evaluator, and Alexander Grey who just happened to be there to visit his friend. In their statement, they were commending the contribution of Alexander Grey who rescued a goblin archiver from mortal danger. When they offered him a reward, Mr. Grey had humbly rejected it saying that he was only doing what he felt was right.

It seemed that the Goblin had decided to finally make a move, Alex thought. They were pushing Alex into the limelight while creating a probable cause of further cooperation between Gringotts and Alexander Grey. They were also obviously trying to avoid scrutiny from the Ministry.

When Alex arrived the event seemed to be already underway. More than three hundred people came to witness the award ceremony. Cornelius Fudge was on a stage in front of the people giving a speech about honor and pride of the British Ministry of Magic and its people.

Alex was guided by a secretary to where he was to seat right beside the Minster. the crowd applauded him as he stepped on the stage.

Then, the Ministry went on and listed Alex's achievements in the past year. First, there was him winning the World Cup that people agreed wouldn't be possible without him. Then, there was the time he won the Dueling Tournament in France, bringing prestige to the British wizards and witches once again. Then finally, his aide in the Gringotts incident in Egypt. His daring rescue had promoted better wizards are goblins cooperations in the future.

"And now, for the moment we all are waiting for. Alexander Grey, please step forward," said the Minister.

Alex did as he was told. He wasn't expecting the award ceremony to be such a big event. Good thing that he was always presentable.

"For your services to our nation, bringing honor to your home country and promoting good wizard values, I, Cornelius Fudge as the current Minister for Magic, award thee, Alexander Grey of London, the title of Warlock, due to your renown and the merits of your deeds."

"Thank you, Minster Fudge. I am honored."

"Now, Alexander it is customary that you receive your title by exhibiting your magic. The choice of spell is yours."

Alex nodded and held out his new wand that was made by Gregorovitch. He pointed it up and shorted, "LUMOS!!!"

The entire atrium of the Ministry HQ was engulfed in a blinding light. Alex was announcing his status to the world with a spell that brought light. It was a simple and powerful gesture. But, the camera operators from the press were cursing him because they couldn't take their picture with so much light. Either way, the writers would have to try and give an accurate accounting of the event.

The title of Warlock was not really something that rare. And, it is mostly an honorary title given to those wizards who had proven their mettle in battle or by their other outstanding achievements. Some warlocks were more celebrated than others. There were warlocks like Dumbledore who retained their good reputation all through their life and there are warlocks who got on the news for turning their wife into a yak. Either way, Alex's actions would be under more scrutiny if it wasn't already was.

Dumbledore probably received the title of warlock after he defeated Grindelwald. The title of Chief Warlock was given to the leader of the Wizengamot, but not all who have a seat in the Wizengamot were Warlocks.

However, even without considering his already vast amount of fame, Alex had just become the youngest wizard to receive the title of Warlock in more than three centuries. He was also the first muggleborn to receive the title. So, the fanfare surrounding the bestowment of his title was understandable.

There was a party after that where people could eat and drink in celebration. It was also the time when a lot of people took the opportunity to talk to Alex and try to get his endorsement on whatever they were promoting.

Alex had turned down their solicitations, but he kept a respectful attitude throughout.


Around the month of April, Katie's potions shop had its opening. 'Robin's Restorative Remedies' in Diagon Alley only sold healing and cosmetic potions. They have a regular selection of potions that were made using Alex's potion brewing inventions. Katie or her staff would be offering their brewing services for the more specific solutions.

The shop was filled with a small crowd due to the ad that they ran in the Observer during its first week of business. The allure of cheaper and dependable potions was very enticing to many. There were also some curious amateur and master potioneers who were there to evaluate the efficacy of their potions.

Katie's book of revised potions recipes was also published within the month. In it were the recipes for the potions that they using in the shop. Other people may think it was unwise for her to publish her recipes, but the only way to compete with their prices would be to have their own automated potion brewing system.

Alex's involvement in the business was not announced. They had both agreed that it would be for the best. Although it could gain them a huge boost initially, it would only add more unwanted attention to their operations in the future.

After that, Alex had used his 'Warlock' status and got himself a part-time job in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies. He already knew how to apply the most basic healing charms. But, more experience in using healing magics could only be useful for him.

During the summer, he taught a summer tutoring class in Charms at the Association Center Diagon Alley. Interestingly, he recognized some of the students in his class, like the Hufflepuff, Cedric Diggory, and the Gryffindor, Percy Weasley who dragged his twin brothers along with him.

When the twins found out who was teaching the class, they were even more eager to learn than their studious brother. They tried to prank Alex on the very first day, thinking that they could pull one over the great 'Alexander Grey', but they found their feet were stuck on the floor before they could sneak behind Alex.

Alex chuckled and told them, "Do you want to know a secret? I've been pulling pranks on nasty students in all my seven years in Hogwarts."

"Wow. You're just like us!" said Fred or George. Alex couldn't really tell.

The twins are one person to him. They were like a Runespoor, only instead of having three heads, they only had two that share one body.

"Like you? No, not at all. The difference between you and me is that I never got caught!"

Alex did play a lot of pranks, but they were too subtle.

"What if we tell others that you are a prankster?" the twins threatened.

"Alexander Grey is a prankster? Who would believe you?"

"I think we've been had, brother of mine." said the left head.

"I think you're right!" said the right head.

"Teach us, Master!" said them both.

"Charms and Transfigurations are the best arsenal in pranks. Jinxes or Curses can only be used on occasion. They are too obvious. Follow my training and your journey to the dark side will be complete."

"The Dark side?"

"Oh. It's a reference from an old muggle movie. Maybe I can show you guys later on. But, from now on, I will call you my apprentices, but only in secret!"

"Yes, Master!" said the twins at the same time. Their eyes were shining with determination.

"What have I done?" said Alex quietly.

Ch.35 - Back in Hogwarts

Late August 1991 — Alex went to Hogwarts to meet with Prof. Flitwick. It was the first time he had gone back to the school since his graduation two years ago. He walked along the familiar corridor of the castle while thinking about how important this following school year would be for him and the rest of the wizarding world.

He knocked on the door of the professor's office. They had already agreed about his place as the professor's apprentice in Charms, and Alex made sure to keep in contact and made sure that the professor wouldn't think that he had changed his mind.

The door opened by itself and Alex walked in.

"Good morning to you, Professor. How have you been?"

"Very well, Mr. Grey. I would ask you the same if I didn't already know about your adventures," said Prof. Flitwick jesting.

"I was thinking of following your step, so I became a dueling champion."

The professor laughed at that, "I was also young once. Magical duels have gained a reputation of being 'dark activity' as of late. I am glad, as an old duelist, that it has a bright young fellow such as yourself to represent it. Most people find it hard to believe that one doesn't need to be violent to do well in duels. I think your fights can be great examples to future duelist. Grace, composure, quickness of the mind. Those are what it takes to be a great duelist."

"I hope it doesn't change anything. I still very much like to get a mastery in Charms."

"Of course you do. You were one of the most talented students I've met in my long career as a Hogwarts teacher. I'm glad that you can still prioritize the continuation of your education."

"Of course, Professor."

"Well, let's get on to the reason why I asked you to come here. As an apprentice of a Hogwarts professor, there will be some duties that you will be required to fulfill. Specifically, I want you to help me in my lectures with first-year to fifth-year Charms classes. Will that be alright with you?"

"That's fine, Professor. I have been giving a summer course about Charms in the Association all summer," said Alex.

"Yes. They do great things in the Association I hear. If I'm not so busy with my work here, I wouldn't mind attending some of their lectures myself."

"I'm sure they will be happier to have you as a lecturer instead."

"Well, moving on. During your apprenticeship with me, a room will be prepared for you. You are not required to stay in the castle like the students. But, it's there for you if you need it."

"Thank you. I have an apartment in Hogsmeade, but I can see how a room would be very convenient in my case."

"Undoubtedly. You may also use the library for your own research and you will have access to the Restricted Section for being my apprentice."

"That's great. I'll be sure to take advantage of it."

"I'm sure you will... There is something else you should know. It would only be fair if you do," said the professor hesitantly.

"What is it, Professor?"

"You will be the first apprentice in Hogwarts for many years. Once, every senior professors here used to have three apprentices on average. It was how I got my mastery and I had about 20 fellow apprentices. But in the past decades, We've had the last war with the Dark Lord and the war with Grindelwald before that. Inviting apprentices in Hogwarts had become something out of fashion. — I have always wanted to restore the practice of having apprentices in Hogwarts. So, I wanted to have the most talented of my students to become my first apprentice and set an example to the others. The first one I invited was Lily Evans, or Potter as she was known later, I think I told you about her before. She was very a talented witch. Her charm work was beautiful to behold. I knew she would be a successful Charms master. But, she died tragically during the war," said the professor sadly.

Alex, of course, had heard about Lily Evans. Everyone that talked about her always had a sad smile on their face. She was known for being kind and bright. Alex already thought of her as his predecessor in being Prof. Flitwick's apprentice.

"Professor. I promise not to let you down. Someday, we will see more apprentices in Hogwarts."

"I know that I'm being unfair to place my hopes on you like this. So, thank you."


He went back to Katie's apartment to share the news. She was happy for him as she knew how much he had been anticipating it to happen.

Because Alex was going to be away once again, he decided to leave Katie with two enchanted accessories that would keep her safe in case of any trouble. One was a necklace that would function as a portkey to take her to his country house if her life was ever in danger. Mr. Baxter or the house-elves would look after her should that happen. The other was a bracelet with a circular pendant inscribed with the symbol of the Celtic Knot. With the bracelet as the controlling device, the pendant can fly and expand to about a half-meter in diameter and act as a shield. Although it won't be able to fly as fast as Alex's dagger, it was enchanted with all the protective charms that Alex could think of.

While Alex would be in Hogwarts, Katie also he many things to be busy with. Because of the cheaper price of their potions, RRR was contracted by st. Mungo's to supply the hospital with their healing potions.

As a side research, she was looking into how potions could be applied to patients with mental afflictions. Ironically, her research led her to studying muggle Psychology and Neuroscience.

Alex had suggested for her to actually go to a muggle college. She wondered why the thought never crossed her mind. Alex also suggested that she could just confound the people in the college registrar and get in any college that she wanted, but she decided to keep her application legitimate. She was only thinking about attending some small college anyway. So, while Alex was preparing for his apprenticeship she was working on her academic requirement for college. She was a couple of years older than most applicants, but it shouldn't matter too much.


It was the 1st of September when Alex returned to Hogwarts. While the staff and the students were holding the welcoming feast and sorting ceremony, Alex was in his new private room in Hogwarts. Since he was Prof. Flitwick's apprentice, his room was located near the professor's own room in the Ravenclaw Tower.

It was like being a student once again. Alex realized that he had been a Hogwarts student for 14 years if he counted the time he lived in the alternate timeline. Now, he was unpacking his trunk once again.

First, there were the books. He had his own small study with more than enough shelves for his books. He had a wide selection of books about Charms, Healing, Enchanting, and spell crafting. There were also books about Muggle sciences and engineering. For his apprenticeship, Alex was planning to invent a useful spell that he could publicize.

Second, there were the clothes. Since he was not a student anymore, he didn't have to wear a uniform. Prof Flitwick was a stylish dresser, so he must make sure to follow his example. He decided to bring a set of clothes that are somewhat stylish and professional looking. He wanted to dress appropriately to his age, but he also wanted to be taken seriously.

And lastly, he had his tools with him. He had a small set of potion-making tools just in case he needed to brew something quick. He also had a supply of parchments and quills, even a set of Quick Quotes Quills for writing down his research ideas quickly.

The old broom that had served him throughout the World Cup was donated to charity. It was put in an auction and was bought by an Italian quidditch fan for 12,000 GG. The proceeds went to st. Mungo's to fund their improvements in their emergency services while Alex was working there. [AN: GG stands for Gringotts Galleons. This is how I will write it from now on. My app always tries to correct Galleons to Gallons.

Now, he had a new Nimbus 2000 that was just released on the market. He never subscribed to the idea that faster brooms always determined the winner. But, he also recognized the advantage of having it.

For his other tools, he had taken to using his Gregorovitch wand as his primary. It was always kept in an enchanted holster that looked like an armband on his left arm. The wand would shrink when holstered and it would only come out with Alex's command. Similarly, his enchanted dagger was placed in the band as well. He had made some improvements in his flying dagger over the years. Aside from its original abilities, it was now capable of shrinking to the size of a bullet while maintaining half of its weight and it could multiply itself up to three if Alex wished it to. Lastly, his Ollivander wand was holstered on his right ankle as an insurance.


On the second day of the term, a student knocked on the door of his room. When he opened it, he found that it was none other than Cedric Diggory. The boy attended his summer Charms class in the Association, so they were on familiar terms already.

"Hey Cedric, what can I do for you?"

"Mr. Grey, we are having a party in the common room to celebrate your return to Hogwarts. Everyone is expecting you."

"It's the first time I'm hearing about it. — Okay, wait here. I'll be ready in a minute," said Alex sighing.

They walked along the corridor of Hogwarts on a hurried pace. Unlike the Ravenclaw common room which is high up in a tower, the Hufflepuff common room was in a basement. Soon enough, they reached that familiar nook along the kitchens corridor where the entrance to Hufflepuff's Basement was located.

After they entered, a loud cheer was made by the students in the room. He could still recognize most of them. In some ways, he was still one of them. Even, some of the plants, those who could talk, greeted him 'Welcome back!' with their tiny little voices.

There was plenty of food and drinks, typical of Hufflepuff gatherings. It was a house secret that Hufflepuff students knew how to make a request to the house-elves on special occasions. They lived closer to the kitchens, so they were more familiar with the Hogwarts house-elves.

No doubt, the party was organized by the Badger Bunch. The leader of the Hufflepuff Gang for the school term was Amira Lufkin, a seventh-year girl. Alex remembered that she was not a very proactive member of the gang during his time. Obviously, she had a change of attitude during the last 2 years for her to be chosen by the previous leader.

Cedric Diggory seemed to be a member of the gang and already taking a leadership role among the younger students. Interestingly, he was the current Seeker of the house team. And, he took over the position when he was in his second year.

Alex thought that he must be very talented to secure that position after him. Being his direct successor, there were probably a lot of pressure on Cedric.

As for the rest, Alex could see that the Hufflepuff house was doing just fine. He didn't expect it, but Alex really missed the coziness of Hufflepuff's Basement. The eastern windows which let in the sun in the mornings, the big fireplace which was lit up all school term, the magical plants that Prof. Sprout liked to display, all of them were signature traits of the common room.

No wonder only a few Hufflepuffs bother to hang out in Hogsmeade. To Alex, the Hufflepuff common room was the best out of all other common rooms, even if he hadn't seen them before.

Alex stood in front of the students and said a few words.

"Thank you all for welcoming me back. It's true what they say, 'Once a Hufflepuff, always a Hufflepuff'!"

The students cheered at that. For the better part of the past decade, students had become very proud of being Hufflepuffs.

"I want you to know, that even if I'm not a Hogwarts student anymore, I'm still rooting for Hufflepuffs! So, if you guys have any problems that you can't solve on your own, you can always come to me."

After that, the students went on to enjoy their food and catch up with friends that they haven't seen during the summer.

Alex was there enjoying a juice drink with the current gang leaders. They were asking about his views on how the gang should be handled.

"The gang has become powerful. It was during our sixth year when we realized that no one in school was willing to mess with us anymore. They started to fear us. It was a form of power that some students have never known. So, they let it get into their heads and they became the bullies in the school. As the leaders of this gang, it will be up to you to control these tendencies. And remember, every bully in school has to be 'brought to justice' for the sake of fairness even if they are in Hufflepuff," said Alex.

The student nodded with what he said. It seemed they were already experiencing the same problems.

"Remember the purpose of the gang is to promote the values of the Hufflepuff house, kindness, diligence, fairness, and loyalty. Remember that always, and you will not go wrong."