
Ch.41 - Preventing Loses

Interestingly, three days after Christmas day, Prof. Dumbledore entered the restricted room with the Cerberus in it. Usually, only Hagrid entered that room to feed the beast once a day. Alex knew that the professor stayed there for a while due to the interval between when the old man entered and when he left.

Perhaps, the professor was checking on the protections on the stone, thought Alex. No, there would be no need for that. Hagrid would know if anything was amiss. The only thing that the professor could have done there was to add his own protections on the stone. But, why would he add anything after the stone was hidden there for half a year already?

The only likely scenario that Alex could think of was the case if Prof. Dumbledore was placing the stone in its supposed location beyond the hatch. He must have hidden the stone somewhere else, maybe in his room or office. And, only now was he comfortable enough to leave the stone within the restricted area.

When the term resumed, Alex was glad to meet his students once again. The first-years were now learning their fifth charm of the term, and, Harry's group were doing great since they started helping one another. The third-year class with the Weasley twins were also starting to cover the more interesting charms of their curriculum. No doubt they would be even better pranksters.

His own apprenticeship was progressing well. The charm that he had been working on and off is meant to fix a person's eyesight. It was based on the laser-assisted surgery that the muggle doctors were developing.

However, his charm would not involve cutting of any kind. Instead, it would meld the cornea of the eye directly to form into the correct curvature over the iris.

The spell involved Charms mainly, but there were also a little bit of human transfiguration. Having Prof. McGonagall nearby for the occasional consultation was really beneficial for Alex.

Now that he had developed the main framework of the spell, he would be beginning the trials on animals soon.


Around the beginning of February, he received some news through his Order glass communicator that was discreetly hidden as the glass face of his pocket watch. Mrs Pearce had reported the strange coincidence of the deaths of the remaining members of the Black family.

Cygnus Black, married and father of three daughters, died at the age of 54 recently.

Cassiopeia Black, unmarried with no children, died at the age of 77 last month.

Arcturus Black, married with two children, died last year at the age of 90.

With the death of Arcturus and Cygnus Black, the male line of the Black family was extinct. And, Cassiopeia Black was the last unmarried woman of the Black family.

With Sirius Black, the only remaining descendant of Arcturus Black, in Azkaban, the news meant that the inheritance of one of the wealthiest pureblood family in the British Wizarding World was uncertain. With so many purebloods related to the Black family, there would surely be some ambitious claimant that would step forward.

Alex asked his people to be watchful of any claimant to the inheritance no matter how unlikely it might sound. He also ordered them to investigate the Black family line and find out who would have the strongest claims.

The report that got back to him a day later was very interesting.

Arthur Weasley was the great-grandson and closest living male descendant of Phineas Nigellus Black, the former Headmaster of Hogwarts and patriarch of the Black family. His sons, starting from Bill, would be next in line. However, Arthur's mother, Cedrella Weasley neé Black, was disowned for marrying the 'blood-traitor' Septimus Weasley.

That would make their claim almost non-existent. But, if there was a way to annul the disownment of Cedrella due to the 'unlawful' reason behind it, it would make the Weasleys one of the richest family in their society.

Alex was amused by the irony of it. The Weasleys were famously poor. Although, that had changed somewhat in recent years after Arthur and Molly Weasley started doing part-time jobs in the AIM Center.

However, if Arthur's claim cannot be recognized, the one with the strongest claim was Harry Potter, who was a fifth-generation descendant of Phineas Nigellus Black through his paternal grandmother.

The next claimant would be Draco Malfoy who was a sixth-generation descendant of Phineas Black through his mother.

[AN: See my note at the end if you're interested in how the inheritance order was made.]

Another interesting news was about a current bill that was being reviewed in the Ministry, 'The Muggle Protection Act', which was co-written by Arthur Weasley and the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Alex didn't understand exactly how the bill was supposed to protect muggles, but it would allow the Ministry to carry out inspections of any wizard families' homes in search of 'dark' artefacts.

The bill was apparently gaining some momentum in the Wizengamot. So, to avoid any complications in the future, he ordered Mr Baxter to erase all traces of Alex and the Order from the Hermes Country House. He also asked Mr Baxter to use his muggle identity to purchase an expansive land and commission a new mansion to be built on it. It would serve as the new base of the Order of Prometheus once completed and they would be hiding it from the Ministry.

From the way that Arthur Weasley was acting, he probably didn't know about his status as a potential inheritor of the wealth of the house of Black. Alex could ask Mr Tonks to represent the Weasleys in their claim, but, unless it was absolutely paramount, he decided to leave it be. What was more important was to prevent the Malfoys from getting their hands on the Black fortune.


Later in February, the game between Griffindor and Hufflepuff would be held. For the sake of fairness, Alex was not asked to referee this time. Instead, he would be a spectator just like everyone else.

The Hufflepuff team had won their first game against the Ravenclaws comfortably. They had a well-rounded team.

With Cedric Diggory as their Seeker, they were confident about their chances to win it all this school year. However, Alex also recognized the talents of the first-year Harry Potter as the Seeker for the Gryffindor team. So, he wanted to give his old team a little boost.

"So, Cedric," said Alex. "Are you confident about your chances in the upcoming game?"

Alex asked Cedric to stay after their class so he could talk to the young quidditch star.

"There shouldn't be any problem. We are pretty strong right now," said Cedric with a confident smile.

"Yes you are, but, a good Seeker could turn the tide of the game. You know this."

"Harry Potter? He's just a kid," said Cedric furrowing his brows.

"Do not underestimate him so much. He is quite a talented Seeker. I was there, remember? He could have won their last game so much sooner had there been no interruption."

"What are you saying really, Mr Grey?" Do you mean that I would lose against Harry Potter?"

Luck can play a huge part in the role of a Seeker. Sometimes, the Snitch is found only minutes into the game. Sometimes, it takes half a day before either Seekers could locate it.

"No, I'm not saying that. But, I don't want you to think that he will be an easy match for you. So, to give our team a better chance, I will let you use my broom."

Alex took out his Nimbus 2000 from his expanded pouch and handed it to Cedric.

"Wow, a Nimbus 2000! Are you sure?"

"Of course. There isn't any rule that says you can't use a borrowed broom in the matches."

"Thank you, Mr Grey!"

"Anyway, I want you to stick close to Harry. You've read the Club Guidelines, haven't you?"

"You want me to use 'Up-close and Personal' on Harry?" asked the surprised Cedric.

"That's right," said Alex with approving smile. "Fly with him, get chatty with him, and then beat him to the Snitch when you both find it. This way you take out luck from the equation. You can harass him a little if you have to. He might be talented, but he's small and he lacks experience."

"But, he's just a kid..."

"Quidditch is quidditch."

Cedric sighed. "Fine, I get it. I'll teach him a thing or two."

And so, the game turned out as Alex expected it to, with the Hufflepuff winning, 160-10 points. It was only after a few minutes that the Snitch appeared in front of Harry.

Cedric was quick to react and he managed to prevent Harry from snatching the Snitch. From then on, they went on the chase and Cedric had taken advantage of his opponent's inexperience. He caught the Snitch with little problem.

It was sort of anti-climatic. Everyone was expecting a more epic game between the two strongest teams in Hogwarts during that school year. Instead, the students had to return to the castle only minutes after the game started.

[AN: In the book, Harry caught the Snitch only minutes after the game started, which is very lucky, in my opinion.]


Time passed by and winter turned to spring. By April, some students, like Hermione, were beginning to worry about the exams. The muggleborn students were among the ones who worry about the exams the most. From their experiences in the muggle education system, they had been taught how important it was to get good results in exams. So, Alex advised them not to stress about it so much.

He visited the infirmary one afternoon mid-April. Neville was staying there for the second time that school year. Alex really had no idea what he could say to Neville so that he would be less clumsy.

"So Neville, what was it this time?" asked Alex sitting beside the bed where Neville was laying.

He noticed the bandages around Neville's left arm. From what little he could see, the boy's arm was swollen. The skin was a little green.

"Mr Grey, thank you for coming," said Neville. "You won't believe it but I was bitten by a dragon!"

"And where would you come across a dragon!?"

"Well... Don't tell anyone, but, Hagrid has got one. It hatched last week and he is taking care of it."

"A dragon? Where in the world is he keeping it?"

"It's in his hut..."

"Neville, it's illegal for anyone outside a dragon reserve to raise dragons. Hagrid could get in a lot of trouble for this."

Neville tried to get up, but, Alex put his pushed him down.

"We have to do something, Malfoy saw us when we were in Hagrid's hut. He might tell on him!"

"Relax, just rest here. And tell your friends not to worry about it. I'll talk to Hagrid."

Alex left the infirmary and hurried to Hagrid's hut.

He thought about the situation. Hagrid was expelled from Hogwarts around the 1940s and soon after, he started living in his hut when he was first employed as groundskeeper after Dumbledore became the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

With Hagrid's lifestyle, it was completely plausible that the man had never known about the law that was passed in 1965 that prohibits anyone from raising dragons privately.

When he got there, he found Hagrid outside his hut chopping some firewood.

"Hagrid!" he called. "Can we talk?"

"Alex! 'course we can!" said Hagrid.

The two of them became better acquainted with one another after the troll incident last Halloween.

"Let's go inside if you don't mind," asked Alex.

"It is a wee bit messy in there. We can have a proper talkin' here."

"Hagrid, I know about the dragon."

"How did yeh find out!?"

"It doesn't matter, let's talk inside your house."

They went in the hut and Alex immediately saw the dragon hatchling. It yipped at him showing its developing teeth.

"This is Norbert. He's a Norwegian Ridgeback," said Hagrid as the dragon greeted him with cuddles.

"Norbert? Isn't that a boy's name?"

"It is a fine name for a boy dragon," defended Hagrid.

"Hagrid, this is a female dragon," explained Alex.

"How can you know?" asked Hagrid. "It's impossible to tell the boy and the girl with dragons until they mature."

"I just know — anyway, we've gotten off-topic. I came here to tell you that you can't keep the dragon here. You'll get in trouble with the Ministry."

"No one has to know. I will keep Norbert er, Norberta, in the forest. She can live there alone when she has grown enough."

"Some people already know. And, you can't keep it in the forest. What if it wanted to fly? And it got spotted by someone, especially a muggle."

"I suppose yer right. But, what can I do?"

"We can send it to reserve. I know some people who could help us. There, Norbert can grow freely. You can visit it sometimes when you are not busy here in Hogwarts."

"Where will we send her?"

"There is a dragon reserve in Romania, so the climate should be suitable for this type of dragon. I know some people who work there. I will send for them to meet us in secret. Then, we'll take the dragon away during the night."

"Fine. Let's do it as you say," relented Hagrid.

Two days later, the people from the reserve had come and taken Norbert away. Alex was able to arrange the pickup because he had already bought the majority shares of the dragon reserve.

The manager was someone that Mr Baxter had assigned personally. So, when Alex gave his instructions through his trusted aide, the employee of the reserve were quick to take action.

The day after that, some Ministry employees had shown up because they had some reports that a dragon was being raised illegally in Hogwarts. Hagrid told them the truth and there were no further inquiries since he had done the responsible thing.

Ch.42 - The Ghost of the Dark Lord

It was the first week of June and it was finally the time for the student exams. The ones who are most stressed were the fifth-years and the seventh-years. The exams for the first-years through fourth-years were usually the less tensed. However, that doesn't stop someone like Hermione Granger from walking through the halls of Hogwarts like some possessed demon.

The entire week were dedicated for the exams. It was also hectic for the professors. Alex helped by being a proctor for some of the exams, most of them on Transfigurations and DADA.

The most serious exam that he supervised was the Gryffindor-Slytherin fifth-year class on DADA. The questionnaire was pretty standard. Quirrell did an adequate job in preparing his exams, despite his questionable motives.

Oliver Wood was quite nervous in taking his exam. So, Alex gave him a pat on the shoulder to encouraged him.

He normally would not show favouritism toward a student, especially someone who was a rival quidditch player of the Hufflepuff team. But, he liked Oliver Wood. During the Battle of Hogwarts in the previous timeline, Oliver Wood was one of the wizards who followed him in aerial combat. He had definitely proven his bravery and loyalty when he came back to the school to defend it against the Death Eaters.

Alex was actually very relieved when the exams were finally over. Although he enjoyed teaching very much, there was that special feeling of finally completing a job.

He decided to stay and finish grading the exam papers that were assigned to him that Friday night. He would rather go home for the weekends and spend some time with Katie.

But then, he got an alert from the ward he left behind in the restricted area. It was Quirrell who passed the locked door.

Alex stopped what he was doing and started walking toward the third-floor corridor. He was using an invisibility charm just in case someone else was roaming the halls.

Before he could reach his destination, he received another set of alarms from the detection ward. Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville had also crossed the ward. It seemed that they were using an invisibility cloak, but it was clearly not big enough to cover all of them.

"Goddamn Gryffindors!" he cursed to himself.

That Gryffindor Quartet was really lacking in self-preservation, he thought. What in the world could they possibly thinking?

When Alex reached the room with the Cerberus, he found that the hatched had been opened. The three-headed dog was sleeping on there. A harp was playing music by itself on the side. Obviously, it was the thing that had put the Cerberus to sleep.

Alex carefully slipped into the hatch to follow the kids and Quirrell. A tunnel leading down all the way to the Hogwarts basements. Alex jumped in after applying some protection to himself.

The room where he landed was filled with what seemed to be 'Devil Snare'. A moving plant that would trap any animals that were unlucky enough to be caught.

With a flick of his wand, he used a 'Flame-Making Charm' and burned the plant in its entirety.

After that, he proceeded to the next room. From there, the way forward was locked and the only way to proceed would be to find the appropriate key. There more than a thousand keys there that were enchanted to be able to fly. Although, only one of them was any use to him.

He found the right key before long. It was the only key with a damaged wing.

There was a broom that was suspiciously set on the side there, but Alex had no intention of playing along.

He used a 'Summoning Charm' to get the key and was able to go to the next area easily.

There, he found the four Gryffindors playing a lifesize chess game. Ron was calling the moves. He seemed pretty good in the game. But, he just couldn't wait for them to finish.

"What are you doing here!?" he asked with a stern voice.

The children were startled with Alex's sudden question.

"Mr Grey! What are you doing here?" asked Harry.

"I should be the one asking you that question, Harry. Especially, after I told you not to involve yourself in this."

"But, Mr Grey. Prof. Dumbledore had left Hogwarts. Now, the stone is unprotected. Snape is already ahead of us! We saw that he had gotten past Fluffy. He is making his move tonight!"

The other children nodded.

"I already told you that it wasn't Prof. Snape. Did you think that I lied to you?"

"But, if it wasn't Snape, then who?" asked Harry.

"One thing that you have to learn as young witches or wizards is that things are not always as they appear. Quirrell is the one who is trying to steal the stone. He has been putting an act all this time."

Harry and the others were surprised.

"Quirrell? He can't be the thief. He's Quirrell!" said Ron. The others agreed.

"He is. He is also the one who let loose the troll during Halloween. And, he is the one who was cursing Harry's broom during his game with the Slytherin."

"But, if you knew, why haven't you done anything about him?" asked Hermione.

"Because this is Prof. Dumbledore's trap. The Headmaster knew of everything that happened so far."

"We still have to stop him! We just have to finish this game," said Harry.

"You have been playing well, but we don't have much time to waste," Alex said.

"Is there a spell that would get us past this obstacle?" asked Hermione.

"The second thing you can learn today is that all magic can be overcome by a more powerful magic. And when it comes to magical protections, secrecy is better than defensive barriers. Step aside."

Harry and Ron stepped off the raised platform.

Then, Alex fired a powerful 'Knockback Curse' on all the chess pieces. They were blasted off to the side of the room.

The door that led to the next room opened. Alex knew that breaking all the pieces would satisfy the requirement to open the door after seeing the pieces of broken sculptures that must have resulted when Quirrell passed through.

The next room contained a sleeping troll in it.

"This must be Quirrell's contribution to the protection of the stone," said Alex. "His speciality was on trolls, after all. The Devil Snare was from Prof. Sprout. The winged keys were from Prof. Flitwick. And, the chessboard was from Prof. McGonagall. That only leaves us Prof. Snape's protection. Let's go."

Once they passed the threshold of the next room, purple flames burst forth the doorway leading back to the previous room and the one leading forward.

On the centre of the room, there was a table with several potions vials on it. A piece of paper was placed alongside the potions with a riddle written on it.

Only one of the potions would allow them to proceed to the next room and there wasn't enough dose for the five of them. So, Alex just circumvented the riddle and cancelled the fire on the doorway with an overpowering 'Finite Incantatem'.

These sets of protections would have stopped a regular first-year students, but, they would not hinder a competent wizard to move forward. It was deliberate, thought Alex. The real trap must be beyond.

"That should be all of the protections placed by the professors. Quirrell and the stone must be in the next room," Alex said as a warning. "I want you to stay behind me, no matter what. Do you understand me?"

The children nodded, but it didn't convince Alex.

"I need you to say it. Promise me, that you will do as I say."

"We promise, Mr Grey," the students said.

"Alright. Let's go."

Alex and the four Gryffindor proceeded through the door after the fire was extinguished.

On the next room, they found Quirrell standing in front of a large mirror.

"It's really you!?" exclaimed Harry.

"I didn't expect I would see you here, Potter. And, you've brought some friends, I see," said Quirrell lacking his usual stuttering.

"You won't be getting the stone, Quirrell. Dumbledore played you like the fool that you are," said Alex his wand was already at hand.

The students all had a scared expression. They had never considered the seriousness of the situation until this time.

"Grey, you and Snape had been constant obstacles in my path this entire school year," said Quirrell sneering. "Oh, You think you were subtle enough but nothing can get past by my Lord."

"Your lord? Who are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Lord Voldemort!"

The four children were terrified. Harry most of all.

"I used to be a deluded wizard like you," added Quirrell. "I believed in the good and evil until Lord Voldemort has found me and showed me how mistaken I was. There is no good and evil. There is only power... and those too weak to seek it. Since then, I have served him faithfully. But, I am a weak wizard. I do not always succeed in following my Lord's instructions. After I failed to steal the stone from Gringotts, he punished me... But, you! You are a powerful wizard! Duelling champion, youngest wizard with the title of warlock. You can be of great help to my lord. He had spoken about you constantly! Telling me how you would make a better servant than me! You! I hate you most of all!!!"

Then suddenly, they heard another voice speak. "...Let me talk to him," it said.

"Master, you are not strong enough!" protested Quirrell.

"...I have strength enough for this."

Quirrell started to unravel his turban.

Alex just watched Quirrell warily as the man continued to remove his headgear. He ordered the kids to stand back further.

When the turban was completely removed, Quirrell's head slowly turned all the way around. There was another face on the back of his head.

"Look at what I've become. Look at how Lord Voldemort has been reduced to this," said the face.

"You are Voldemort!?" said Alex. He couldn't believe that the Dark Lord was already back. He thought that he would not return until 1994.

"It is I, Lord Voldemort. I've heard about you, Alexander Grey. So, young and full of potential. You remind me of how I was when I was a young wizard. Even if you are muggleborn, I am willing to make a place for you beside me. Now, declare your loyalty and place your fate in Lord Voldemort! Serve me and you will have powers more than you thought is possible! And, you have already brought Harry Potter to me. I will make sure to reward you. Once I return to my previous power, I will—"

He didn't finish whatever he was going to say. Alex had fired a strong 'Knockback Curse' at Quirrell. But, Quirrell or Voldemort managed to deflect it.

Alex wasn't sure whether Voldemort or Quirrell was in control of the man in front of him, but, he was still very fast.

"Confringo!" fired Quirrell.

Alex deflected the spell to the left where it hit the wall and exploded. With a gesture of his left hand, he pushed the children further in the back of the room using wandless magic.

He tried to catch Quirrell off guard, but the man just deflected his first attack. Knowing that a protracted duel was inevitable, he decided to protect the children first before fighting back.

Quirrell was quick to take advantage. He fired some lethal spells at the direction of the children which forced Alex on the defensive.

Alex thought about using his flying dagger at that moment, but he relented. He knew that it would only be one of the many encounters that he would have with Lord Voldemort. So, he decided against using what he considered his reserved advantage. Especially since he knew that any talented enchanter could potentially copy his weapon.

He would have to rely on his duelling skills alone.

After deflecting another 'Blasting Curse', he fired a quick and powerful 'Fire-Making Charm' at Quirrell's feet.

In a battle between wizards who could deflect any spells from each other, a powerful 'Fire-Making Charm' could break the exchange of spells. It would either force the defender to make a huge leap to dodge or use a 'Water-Making Charm' for a shield. Using a regular shield would not stop the heat from the flames.

Once he had gotten the initiative, he picked up the pace. He fired spells after spells toward his enemy. Quirrell was finally on the defensive.

Harry Potter and the rest were stunned watching the exchange between Quirrell and Alex. They couldn't even tell what type of spells the two wizards were using since they were only using non-verbal spells.

They couldn't believe that their bumbling DADA professor was keeping up with a celebrated duelling champion. Furthermore, the man had tried to kill them multiple times just in the past minute. Thankfully, the 'Alexander Grey' was there to protect them.

Harry regretted getting involved in the whole affair. He only ended up endangering his friends. He should have listened to Mr Grey from the very beginning. The man was only trying to keep them safe.

The possessed Quirrell was losing his patience. When he thought he had the window, he decided to end the battle once and for all.

He shouted, "Avada Keda-" but he didn't get to complete the incantation.

He was hit him with a quick non-verbal spell. Casting the unforgivable spell took more than enough time for Alex to sneak in a simple 'Knockback Curse'. Quirrell was thrown off to the stone wall and hit his back badly. His spine or some of his ribs were most likely broken.

Not wasting any time, Alex summoned his enemy's wand and bound the man with an 'Incarcerous Spell'. Finally, the battle was over, or so they thought.

Just before they could relax. Quirrell convulsed uncontrollably. A dark smoke started coming out of his mouth as he released a loud screech.

The smoke became more corporeal as it formed to the face of Voldemort. It lunged at Alex and the children behind him. It seemed that Voldemort, after seeing that there was nothing more he could do with Quirrell, decided to abandon him as he made the attempt to possessed one of them instead.

Fortunately, Alex was quick to use a 'Spirit Repelling Charm' to stop the ghost of the Dark Lord. A great red light resulted from the impact of the spirit to the charm and they heard a loud wail from the apparition.

"You will pay for this, Alexander GREY!" they heard the hoarse voice of the ghost. "No one can defy Lord Voldemort! NO ONE!!! You will pay for this!"

The ghost hurriedly escaped passing through the walls. Being very weak in spirit form, it had possibly escaped from Hogwarts that moment. Only then that Alex allowed himself to be relieved.

Alex thought about the revelation of that night. Was Voldemort a ghost? He didn't seem to be a regular ghost which had limited ability to affect the physical world. Was the possession of a wizard the way he was able to return in the previous timeline?

He couldn't know for sure. The only thing he knew was that he had to move his preparations for the revival of the Dark Lord forward. With the spirit out there doing who knew what, he would have to be more aggressive in his approach.

The powers under his command had grown considerably in the past four years. One thing he had used to his own advantage was the secrecy of their agenda. Subtlety had served them well, but, the time of staying in the shadow would be over soon.

He looked at the four Gryffindors behind him. Their appearance were quite dishevelled after being pushed around by Alex multiple times to protect them.

"It's over. We're safe," Alex said simply. "Are you okay?"

"We're okay, Mr Grey!" said Ron.

"A little scratched, but we're fine," said Hermione.

"We'll go to Mdm Pomfrey later on. For now, let's finish up here," said Alex.

They went to check on Quirrell, but what they found was what looked like a dried-up corpse. He must have died when Voldemort left his body.

The children shrieked at the sight of the body, except for Harry who stayed quiet.

Alex placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and they exchanged a knowing look.

"Now let's check this mirror," said Alex as walked in front of the mirror. "Look here, this is probably Prof. Dumbledore's ultimate protection for the stone."

"He called it the Mirror of Erised. It shows the thing you want most," explained Harry.

"I see. 'I show not your face but your heart's desire'. Clever," said Alex.

He used his wand to examine the enchantments of the mirror.

"The stone is inside a pocket dimension hidden in this mirror and it seemed that the only way to retrieve it is to know the existence of the stone while not having any desire to use it," explained Alex.

He added, "Quirrell would never be able to get the stone from within this mirror. Instead, it would entrap him in an illusion."

"So, the stone was never in danger?" asked Harry.

"I'm not sure, Harry. If it was just Quirrell, we would have found him caught under its illusion when we came here," said Alex. "But, with the Dark Lord actually possessing him. He would have avoided getting trapped. It is a very clever illusion, but I don't think Prof. Dumbledore expected Quirrell to actually be carrying the Dark Lord within him."

"What would happen if You-Know-Who got the stone?" asked Neville fearful of the possibility.

"I suspect, using the stone, he would devise a way for him to have a body once again. To return to life."

The kids were reasonably disturbed.

"So, he might try again?" asked Hermione.

"He might. I will talk with Prof. Dumbledore for a permanent solution," said Alex. "Let's see if we can take the stone to the Headmaster."

Alex stood in front of the mirror to get the stone out. Instead of seeing an illusion, he only saw himself. He already knew his own innermost desire. He didn't need the mirror to show him what it was.

He moved his right hand to receive the stone. His palm facing upward as if he was waiting for something to be given to him.

Then suddenly, a red crystallized stone appeared on his hand. It was undoubtedly the Philosopher's Stone.

"That was easy," said Ron.

"That means that Mr Grey doesn't want to use the stone, right?" said Harry.

"But, why wouldn't you want to use the stone?" asked Hermione. "With it, you can be the richest person in the world and be immortal, like you said."

"There are things in our life that are more precious than gold or our life, besides the stone wouldn't give me true immortality. I would just avoid dying of old age," said Alex.

"Mr Grey, can the stone be used to heal my Mum and Dad?" asked Neville.

It turned out that Neville was the most interested among them about the stone. Alex understood Neville's wish.

"I'm sorry Neville," said Alex sadly. "This stone does not have that ability. The only thing it could be used for is to create an 'Elixir of Life'. Aside from keeping a person alive, it does not have any healing effects."

Neville was dejected. He was hoping that the stone could be used to help his parents.

Then finally, Dumbledore arrived at the scene. He must have had his own detection spells around the room. Otherwise, he wouldn't be here when he was supposed to be in London dealing with an important matter.

"Mr Grey and students, what happened here?" asked Dumbledore.

"Quirrell tried to steal the stone," Alex said. "Harry and the others tried to stop him. I followed the kids here to protect them. Quirrell and I fought, but there was something I did not expect from him. He died as a result. I'll be happy to tell you the details, Professor. But, I think we should take these kids to the infirmary first. They got banged up a bit during the chaos."

"Very well, I will inform Madam Pomfrey at once," said Dumbledore.

The Headmaster waved his wand to produce a Patronus without any incantation. He was using it to send a message.

"Before I forget, here is the stone," said Alex.

He handed the stone to Prof. Dumbledore who was quite surprised by his action.

"Were you the one who had removed the stone from the mirror?" asked the Headmaster.

"Yes," Alex simply said. "It was a very clever enchantment, however, you left a method for someone other than you to be able to retrieve the stone."

"Outstanding! I am truly surprised," Dumbledor said heartily. "I will have some people take care of poor Quirinus. Let us withdraw from this place for now. — Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, please do not tell anyone what happened here unless they are from the faculty. I don't want the tragedy here to spread amongst the students."

Ch.43 - Endings and Beginnings

Minutes after the fight with Quirrell, Alex was relating to Prof. Dumbledore what happened in the underground chambers. Fawkes the phoenix was there in the Headmaster's office and he greeted Alex happily.

"After the incident last Halloween, I placed a hidden 'Intruder Detection Ward' at the entrance to the restricted area where Hagrid's Cerberus was located. Tonight, while I was grading some test papers, my detection wards were tripped by Quirrell. I wasn't very worried then, I knew there would be some unsurmountable obstacles for Quirrell to get to the stone. But minutes later, my wards were tripped again by the four Gryffindors. So, I decided to follow them."

"And why did you feel the need to place your detection ward in the first place?" said Prof. Dumbledore.

"I'm sure Prof. Snape had told you what he shared with me regarding Quirrell. I was told not to intervene with your arrangments, but I could not just leave it at that. — Anyway, when I caught up with the students, they were already in the room where Prof. McGonagall's 'protections' were located. It was very peculiar in the least..." said Alex looking sceptically at Prof. Dumbledore. "Once I saw the nature of these 'trials', I couldn't possibly leave Quirrell alone. However, I also couldn't send the children back on their own. So, I decided to proceed with onwards with the children behind me."

"And what happened to Quirinus that resulted to his death?" asked Dumbledore.

"He was possessed, Professor, by the Dark Lord himself."

The Headmaster was surprised, truly surprised. Alex had never seen the old man make that expression.

"Perhaps, this part would be better if you see it through a memory," offered Alex.

"You're right, I have just the thing," said Dumbledore. With a movement of a hand, he had summoned a Pensive in the form of a large but shallow silver basin from a cabinet.

Alex used his wand to extract the memory of his fight with Quirrell and poured it to the Pensive. Prof. Dumbledore dunked his head in the basin and watched the memory.

There was nothing in the memory that he wanted to keep secret from Dumbledore. He didn't use his Flying Dagger or his Hellfire Protector. He didn't mind if he showed a little of his ability in wandless magic. In fact, it should let the Headmaster know his proficiency in magic.

The Headmaster looked shocked at what he just seen. It turned out to be worse than what he expected. He was speechless and Alex had to bring him out from his introspection with a question.

"Have you known all this time that the Dark Lord was not dead?" Alex asked sternly.

"I have suspected, though I didn't know for sure," said the professor who was still visibly shaken by the revelation.

"And, you used Harry Potter to be certain," accused Alex.

"Regrettably..." said Prof. Dumbledore sadly.

"How long have you known that Quirrell was working for the Dark Lord?"

"Quirinus was a great teacher. He taught Muggle Studies here with excitement and joy. He was a passionate educator... But when he returned from his year-long sabbatical, he was clearly changed. He applied for the position of the DADA professor, and I decided to accept him. I knew that he had plans for the stone. After all, he had shown up after there was an attempt to steal the stone from Nicolas Flamel's residence in Devonshire. But, it was only through Severus's suspicion about Quirrell's interest in Harry that I started considering the idea that he was working for Voldemort. I don't think that he had been possessed when I hired him. That must have happened after I gave him the post."

"It must have happened after Quirrell's attempt to steal the stone from Gringotts," said Alex. "The Dark Lord couldn't tolerate any more of his failures. Quirrell's life was forfeited from that moment on."

"He wasn't a particularly strong wizard, but, I didn't expect that Quirinus would allow himself to be possessed by Voldemort."

"I don't think he had a choice. I had never known Quirrell before this school year. But, I believe that he is also a victim in this incident. When the spirit of the Dark Lord found him, he was probably tortured to some level of insanity until he was willing to serve the Dark Lord even at the cost of his life."

Prof. Dumbledore winced in pain after hearing his words.

"Sometimes, I tend to forget how terrible magic could be," said Prof. Dumbledore regretfully. "If Voldemort wanted to use the Philosopher's Stone to restore himself, I do not doubt that he could do it. He is not the type to waste his time. Without the stone, however, there are fewer ways for him to return."

"You are saying that it is better to keep Harry Potter out there!?" asked Alex.

"It is for the greater good," said Prof. Dumbledore sadly. "Only then we have a chance to predict Voldemort's movement."

Alex nodded in agreement. He knew that the Dark Lord would indeed find a way to return. Ironic though it might be, the Dark Lord would have to return first before he could be properly vanquished. For that, they needed to let Harry Potter lure him out. However, Alex still had some reservations about it. He felt that Prof. Dumbledore was leaving too much to chance. So, he decided to prepare the young Harry anyway he could without drawing too much suspicion from Prof. Dumbledore.

[AN: At this point, Dumbledore had the benefit of knowing about the prophecy, while Alex didn't.]


Two days later, the last quidditch game for the year between the Gryffindor and the Ravenclaw team took place. Alex was asked to referee once again.

The game proceeded regularly. Neither team was playing very aggressively. And, the Gryffindor team won the game easily. With it, the ranking for the Quidditch Cup was set. Hufflepuff won first place by winning all their games. Gryffindor was second, and Ravenclaw was third. Alex was glad that his old team had won the Cup once again.

After the game, Alex met with Harry and his friends near the courtyard.

"Congratulations on the win, Harry," Alex said. "You are really turning out to be a formidable Seeker for the Gryffindor House."

"Thank you. That means a lot coming from you," said Harry.

"Yeah, Mr Grey is probably the best Seeker that Hogwarts has ever produced," said Ron.

"I don't know about that. I had great teammates who supported me," said Alex. "Anyway, I wanted to check in on you guys after what happened in the underground chambers. That was certainly not a regular experience for Hogwarts students to have. So, how are you holding up?"

"We're fine, Mr Grey. But, I am still confused by what happened in there. I think we all are," said Neville.

The others agreed with him.

"I understand, but, what are you confused about?"

"Mr Grey, about Prof. Quirrell, was he really a bad person?" asked Hermione to speak for them.

Quirrell was their teacher for an entire year. And with Prof. Snape around, it was hard to think of Quirrell as the worst teacher that they had.

"Well, that is not an easy question to answer. But, I can tell you that we didn't meet the real Quirrell this school year. The real Quirrell was long gone, ever since, he met the spirit of the Dark Lord."

"You mean Voldemort had changed him?" asked Harry.

Neville and Ron gasped from hearing Harry speaking Dark Lord's name.

"Do not say that name, Harry," said Alex.

"But, Prof. Dumbledore say that we shouldn't fear his name. That the fear would only give him power over us."

"Prof. Dumbledore is a powerful wizard, Harry. And, he is right that we shouldn't fear the Dark Lord's name," said Alex changing his tone to be more serious. "But, magic can be very mysterious. For example, there is a charm that can hide a secret inside a person's soul. — There were rumours during the war that there was a taboo over the Dark Lord's name. Speaking it would let him see you, hear you, or know your location. So, it is best to be careful when you are not as powerful as Prof. Dumbledore. So, call him the Dark Lord or You-know-who, just don't make a habit of speaking his name, especially when you are not in Hogwarts."

Alex knew from Corban Yaxley's memories that the rumour was true in some fashion. But, Yaxley didn't really know the details surrounding the taboo. Alex could only guess that it was the result of some kind of ritual.

"Back to your initial question, Hermione. Quirrell was indeed changed by the Dark Lord. If you are thinking about what happened to him, just know that there was nothing you could have done to change it. Whether he succeeded in taking the Philosopher's stone or not, the same thing would have happened to him," explained Alex.

"I understand, Mr Grey. It's just hard not to think about it," said Hermione.

"I know. But, you are not alone. Here are your friends with you. And, you can also come to me if you need to. Just remember that. And that goes to all of you."

"Mr Grey, what will you be doing during the summer?" asked Neville.

"I might be giving some summer lessons in the AIM Center in Diagon Alley this summer. You can all attend if you want, just look for my name in the schedule. I'll save a spot for you all."

They were happy to hear that. Ron was telling them that his brothers attended his summer classes last year and how they bragged to him about it. But, Harry was quiet for some reason.

"Well, I have to get going now. The Hufflepuffs are having a party for winning the cup. Have a good summer all of you."


On the next day, Alex was summoned to the Headmaster's office. When he got there, a very old and frail-looking wizard was sitting beside Prof. Dumbledore in his study.

"Ah. You're here," exclaimed Prof. Dumbledore. "Allow me to introduce my friend and former mentor, Nicolas Flamel. — This is the young man I was talking about, Alexander Grey."

"It's an honour, Master Flamel," greeted Alex.

Flamel just smiled at him in return.

"Alexander here is one of the few students that I've taught Alchemy here in Hogwarts. Alas, we have too few students here who are interested and eligible to learn Alchemy," said Prof. Dumbledore.

"The same trend is happening all over the world. The field of Alchemy is losing its scholars," said Flamel. His voice was faint and shaky.

"Quite. Anyway, Alexender, I called you here to discuss what should be done with the Philosopher's Stone," said Prof. Dumbledore.

"Why ask me?" asked Alex surprised.

"You have retrieved the stone from the Mirror of Erised, something I thought would be impossible for anyone to do except an innocent. That is why I wanted to ask your thoughts about what should be done with it. I, for one, am of the opinion that it should be destroyed."

"With the Dark Lord after the stone, I can see how you could suggest this, Professor," said Alex. Then, he turned to Flamel and asked, "Master Flamel, wouldn't you die if we destroy the stone?"

"My wife and I are no longer afraid of death," said Flamel. "There is no such thing as real immortality. Take it from a man nearing his 700th year in this world. If I have to say it, it is quite a relief knowing that I could finally go to my eternal rest."

"Exactly, to a well-organized mind, death is just the next great adventure," added Prof. Dumbledore.

"If you have no reservations, then perhaps, it is really better for the stone to be destroyed," said Alex.

He could only think about how convenient it would be to have the stone. But, there were other ways to generate wealth.

"So, it is decided..." said Flamel. He held the stone with his right hand and it just turned into sand. No spell or tool necessary to destroy the stone. Only the will of its creator was needed to disintegrate it as if it instantly lost its matter cohesion.

Then, they continued to talk about Alchemy and life in general. Alex was glad to share his opinion here and there. He was talking to Albus Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel. The strangeness of it didn't escape him.

After a while, Alex had excused himself from the Headmaster's office. He said his goodbyes to the old men and he didn't neglect to acknowledge Fawkes the phoenix.

After Alex was gone, Flamel said, "He is an interesting sort. Talented and decisive, quite the young wizard. He reminds of you when we first met."

"Fawkes here also has a positive opinion about him," said Dumbledore. Then his smile disappeared as he said, "However, I am not so sure about his ambition. He had risen in fame in the past three years, becoming a public figure in such a short time. And, I am sure he is a part of the leadership of the Association. Despite his very public identity, he keeps his secrets very closely."

"Don't let your past mistakes prevent you from seeing the things in front of you, Albus. He surely has many secrets, but, who hasn't? When I met you, you were also involved with many hidden affairs."

"I know, but, he is very volatile like he is about to explode. He is just waiting for the chance to spring into action and that makes him dangerous."

"Change is not made by idle hands. That is something we learn as the years come and go. Take this from a man who had lived and seen the world change over and over."

"You cannot always use your age to make your point, my friend," quipped Dumbledore.

"You do the same thing and you're not even as old as I am. Don't try to deny it."


When the grading was over, there were more than usual students who passed the OWL in Charms with a grade of EE or above. Prof. Flitwick had given him the credit for the improvement.

At the end of term feast, Gryffindor had won the House Cup when Prof. Dumbledore had awarded 20 points each to Harry, Ron, Neville, and Hermione. The Hufflepuffs felt cheated at the last minute turn around, but, they still had come second in the rankings. The Hufflepuff student leaders had controlled their housemates after seeing Alex applauding the result. And so, the school year ended peacefully.

Regarding his own studies, Alex finally published his research along with his new spell. The 'Eyesight Correction Charm' would help improve the eyesight of those who are farsighted, nearsighted, and those who had Astigmatism. The incantation was 'Visuremedium'. A knowledge of the anatomy of the eye was required to cast the charm effectively. The Healing Division of the Unspeakables would have to review the spell first before it could be recommended for public use. Hopefully, the healers at St. Mungos would endorse it as well after reading his research. However, it was enough to finish his apprenticeship with Prof. Flitwick.

Prof. Flitwick and Prof. McGonagall congratulated him for finishing his apprenticeship while performing his duties as a teaching assistant and more. He would only need to go to the Wizarding Examinations Authority to take his mastery exam on Charms.

When he passed the test with additional commendations, the newspapers were quick to report the news. Alexander Grey was a new Master in Charms, it was an interesting scoop for them. They also reported on his activities in Hogwarts, but there was no mention about the Halloween night or about Quirrell. Once again, he had to do some obligatory appearances and interviews, but, he had gotten used to them at this point.

Ch.44 - Summer Lessons

Once the summer break had begun, Alex reviewed the affairs of the Order and the Association. The Association were becoming bigger and bigger. And, the British Wizarding World was steadily becoming dependent on it. Some pureblood families were wary of the powers that the Association were gathering. But, there were also those who took pride in the fact that the growing international organization had its origin in the British Isles.

The Observer had grown rapidly after they were transferred to a building of their own. They had completely overshadowed the influence of the Daily Prophet. They were reputed to be dependable and trustworthy, something that didn't come easily at first. When people wanted the news about current affairs, they looked for the Observer.

Their other publications were also successful. There were the M-Sports Monthly, Wizards Witches, Magical Wildlife, and Gringotts Magazine. Overall, the Observer and its subsidiary companies had more than a hundred journalists in their employ.

The AIM Centre was always busy in Diagon Alley. They already occupied about 20 per cent of the buildings in the alley. The high demand for spaces had pushed the reclamation of some of the abandoned side streets of the shopping area. Even Knockturn Alley was being more opened to the general public.

There were lectures and trainings that can be found every day in the Centre. If a person was willing and able, there were always opportunities to be found there. It has greatly reduced the poverty rate in the country.

Gaining the endorsement of the Association had become the mark of a dependable business. A lot of prospective affiliated businesses would actually sponsor some of their programs in hope of being known as a 'business partner' of the Association. They had the recognized brand, and they were making use of it.

That being the case, the Association had become a beast of its own. Its administration alone required about 400 people. There were plenty of purebloods and halfbloods in its employ. But, their intelligence network could pretty much screen out the 'bad' sort of people from their ranks.

They had about 20 tagged spies within the ranks of the Association. Spies were kept in insignificant roles or fired for the smallest of reasons. Some few spies were even 'removed' permanently after they had overstepped their bounds.

However, only members of the Order were privy to those operations. Out of the 70 current members of the Order, only about 15 of them were 'militant operators'. These few militant operators were trained to the extreme in assassination, infiltration, and battle magic. Mr Grant was their commander after Alex himself.

The 'Arms of Poros' security company had grown after their expansion to France and Egypt. In every shop belonging to the affiliated businesses of the Association, there were 'Arms' personnel guarding them. Their professional-looking attire had become a symbol of security and peace of mind to the shoppers in Diagon Alley. The number of their regular personnel in the UK was about 200 with 40 of them in the 'Shadow Arms' division.

During the start of the year, The Hermes Telecommunications Company had begun its operations in France and Egypt as well. The French branch would also serve the surrounding wizarding countries. And, the same thing was true for their Egyptian Branch.


The situation within the Ministry had also changed in the last year. There were more muggleborn that can be seen in the MOM HQ, even though purebloods still dominated the more important positions there.

Recently, the 'Muggle Protection Act' bill was passed into law. It gave Ministry personnel the authority to conduct raids on wizards home with impunity. Although the goal of the bill was considered pro-muggleborns, Alex didn't like that it gave the Ministry the right to invade any wizard's home without warning.

Mr Baxter had already cleaned all the trace of the Order in the country house, so there shouldn't be any problem there. However, if there was an opportunity to overturn the bill, Alex would ask his people to campaign for it, even if it was written by Arthur Weasley. To Alex, it was just not very well-thought of.

Aside from that, the biggest issue being debated within the ranks of the Ministry was the uneven distribution of labourers. Most low-level labourers had begun getting their jobs from the Association where they would benefit from the protection and stability offered by the organization. However, that left the businesses owned by some purebloods families in a great need for affordable labourers. It was already beginning to affect their businesses.

Some wizards had demanded the Ministry to do something about the trend. But, there was nothing for the Ministry to do. Everything that was happening was legal and taking any actions to curb the current development would only be seen as discriminatory against the muggleborns.

The Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, had no course of action. His purebloods 'supporters' were beginning to distance themselves from him. There were already some whispers of pushing forward the election.

Thankfully for him, the increased Tax Revenue from the new businesses, big and small, was there to soften the blow. He was very glad to take credit for the development. He always looked forward to how the papers would praise him for his progressive policies and integrity to stand for fairness.

Another development that Fudge was being praised for was the increase in cooperation between wizardkind and the goblins. Gringotts had open a more accessible loaning programs with affordable and fixed interest rates for small entrepreneurs. The Goblins started to cooperate more openly with the Association ever since Alexander Grey was given the title of Warlock. The administration of Cornelius Fudge was turning out to be one of the most progressive administrations in the Wizarding World of Europe.

Little did Minister Fudge know that the Observer, under the management of Mr and Mrs Dewey of the Order, was slowly and steadily driving him deeper into the political side that supports muggleborn rights and further away from the traditional purebloods centric politics. He was too vain to realize that he could never again say something against the Association or the muggleborns without losing his remaining supporters.

They had made a hero out of Fudge. He had become a proper figure for the common people to depend on. It was exactly as Alex wanted it. He was technically lying to the public. But, it was a necessary step to make the Ministry more dependable and accountable. In time, Fudge would be making his exit as the 'hero' that he was.


For the month of July, Alex had signed up to give some lectures on the AIM Centre. He would be teaching Charms in two different classes that would meet twice a week every Tuesday and Thursday. The morning classes would be for students from age 12 to 15, and the afternoon classes would be for the 16-18 year-olds.

On the first Tuesday of the month, Alex arrived in the AIM Centre and went straight to his class. When he entered, every student greeted him enthusiastically. He saw that Neville, Ron, and Hermione were attending. It seemed that they had taken his invitation during their last conversation. However, there were no signs of Harry Potter.

"Good morning, everyone," greeted Alex. "In this class, we will be covering the theories and processes behind Charms and spell casting in general. Not all of you are in the same level in your skills, so you will be working at your own pace. At the end of this month, I want your charm works to be better and stronger."

Alex proceeded with the class and he decided to ask the three Gryffindors about their other friend after the class.

"So, where is Harry? I expected him to be here just like you."

"We haven't heard from him at all, Mr Grey," said Hermione.

"I sent him some letters by owl, but there wasn't a reply," said Neville.

"Do you think something could have happened to him?" asked Ron.

"I'm sure he is fine, Ron. Don't worry," said Alex. "I will try to check on him."

It was strange for Harry not to even contact his friends. But, perhaps his residence on a closely guarded secret for his protection.


Sometime around mid-July, Alex received a letter from Nicolas Flamel. He was being invited to visit the alchemist for tea. Alex was curious as to what Flamel could want from him.

The next day afternoon, he arrived at the residence of the alchemist. it was a small house in the outskirt of Devon. It was hard to believe that a 600 plus year-old alchemist who had the ability to create gold until recently was living in such an unassuming house.

The door opened when he stepped close to it. Nicolas Flamel was there to welcome him. The old man showed him to the tea room where an old woman was serving some snacks and drinks for them.

She looked just as old as Nicolas, but she clearly had enough energy to move around the house well enough.

"My dear wife, Perenelle. We met in Beauxbatons Academy all those years ago when we were just students. And, we've been together ever since," said Nicolas.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Madame Flamel."

The old woman smiled at him and excused herself from the room to let her husband and Alex carry on their business.

"Come and sit with me, Alexander," said Flamel. "I invited you here today to talk about what happened in Hogwarts with you."

Abey joined him and took his seat.

"Of course, Master Flamel. I can see why you would be especially curious."

"Yes, the Philosopher's stone was destroyed. Although, I'm curious. Why did you agree to destroy the stone like that? It could be very useful for you, no?"

"It would be useful. But, it is only a tool."

"Do you not want immortality? With the stone, you can avoid the grasp of death even after a couple of centuries."

"The worth of our lives is defined by our actions, not by how long we live."

"And what would you do if you have a Philosopher's stone of your own?"

"You mean if I create my own?"

"Someday, perhaps. The creation of the stone takes over a decade. But, I am talking about now. What would you do if I give you a Philosopher's stone?"

"But, you destroyed it, right?" asked Alex furrowing his brow.

"I destroyed a Philosopher's stone, my stone to be exact. But, I am not the only alchemist in this house."

Flamel reached down to his pocket and took out a round yellow stone. There was a soft light coming from it, just like the other Philosopher's stone that he saw.

"This belongs to my wife, Perenelle," said Flamel. "We were thinking of destroying it as well, but after talking about it, we decided to entrust it to someone."

"And you chose me? Why?" asked Alex.

"You remind me of when I met the young Albus Dumbledore," Flamel said with a contemplative look. "He was so full of potential. He had dreams for the world and the drive to chase after them. I wanted to entrust the stone to Dumbledore then. But, he changed. He experienced a personal tragedy and he was never able to move forward."

"And what do you want me to do with the stone?" asked Alex.

"Before I tell you, let me ask you. What do you know about my life?" asked the old man amused.

"Not much. Aside from the creation of the Philosopher's Stone and your funding of Beauxbatons Academy for a while, there wasn't anything else in the history books. But, you have also appeared in muggle histories and legends."

"When the Statute of Secrecy was established, a lot of the muggle historical records were altered. Our wizarding histories were similarly changed. Just as we removed anything magical from the records of muggles, we also removed anything muggle related in our histories. — That included most of my activities in the first three centuries of my life."

"What were you involved with that it had to be erased from history?"

"I dealt with matters where magical people and muggles clash. Sometimes, I fought with other wizards and witches, sometimes I battled against muggles."

"Do you want me to do as you did!?" asked Alex.

"Of course not. I acted on my own beliefs according to how the world was back then. The world today is very different."

"What do I have to do in exchange?"

Flamel smiled at him and said, "I want you to train with me during the summer. I will teach you what I can about Alchemy and Martial Magic. I will also teach you how to use wandless magic more efficiently. So, what do you say?"

Alex couldn't think of a reason to say no. He didn't really care for the Philosopher's stone. But, he was interested in how the ancient wizard in front of him would train him.

"I'll do it," he said.

Ch.45 - Improvements

"What do I mean when I say Martial Magic?" Flamel asked rhetorically.

It was the first of the many training session that Alex would have with Nicolas Flamel. It turned out that the Flamel had a huge space under their house that was expanded and isolated from the outside world. No magic can be detected coming from within, so Alex could use any kind of spells that he wanted and the muggle neighbourhood outside would not notice anything.

Flamel continued, "Martial Magic is a specialized branch of magical arts that focuses on fighting, whether you are fighting non-magical people and their physical weapons or magical people with their spells. In our short time together, you will learn about the right time, the right place, and the right weapon for any attack. Other than Charms and Curses, we will also go over the applications of Transfigurations and Hexes during a fight. Your control of wandless magic have to be refined as well."

"What about Alchemy, will we have time to study it?" asked Alex.

"No, we won't. I will leave you with some of my own journals that can guide you if you want to study the art more in the future, but I can only teach you during this summer months."

"You are still set on dying?"

"Nothing dramatic like that. But, my wife and I have longed for rest in the past century. We were supposed to go to our resting place after I have taught Albus, but it couldn't be helped. In the end, he didn't have the right temperament to take over my role."

"Your role? Do you expect me to pick it up where Prof. Dumbledore has failed?"

"Yes. I have always tried to guide the wizarding world when I was in the peak of my strength. Once, you have accepted the Philosopher's stone, you will also do the same."

"What if I don't want to? I have plans of my own."

"Of course, you don't want to. And yet, you will. You won't be able to help it. Can you stand aside when the world crumbles around you? Will you enjoy your extended life hiding from the realities of the world. I think not," said Flamel sneering at Alex.

He was definitely being looked down on, thought Alex. Who was this man and where did he get the idea that he could assume as much from him?

"How can you be certain? There is nothing you can do that could force me."

"Certain? Do I sound certain? In fact, I am very uncertain about you. Therefore, I can hope. — Although I don't like to speak about it, I am a capable Diviner. I have not been uncertain for a while. But when I try to see your future, I can only see a haze. Now, do you have any idea why that could be?"

Alex was aware of this peculiarity about himself. After all, he had also attempted to see his own future before. The only reason he could think of was that he had already completed his fate when he died in the other timeline.

"A centaur has told me that I have been cut off from fate."

"Outstanding! That must be it! You have experienced a miracle! I knew I made the right choice with you!" exclaimed Flamel.

"A miracle? Don't be preposterous," Alex laughed.

"You don't believe in miracles?" said Flamel laughing like a crazy person at Alex. "You are a wizard! Did no one ever tell you? How could you not believe in miracles?"

"But everything has a reason, do they not? Even magic."

"You will be right, most of the time. And that is the accepted thinking nowadays. Everyone just expects everything to be explainable, wizards and witches are even more susceptible to that way of thinking. They think that just because they can use magic that there aren't any mysteries that are beyond them. However, there are still those few cases that crosses the bridge of impossibility. This is undeniable!"

"You really believe in it?" asked Alex sceptically.

"Believe in it? I spent my whole life studying it. How do you think the Philosopher's stone works? It is a miracle in crystallized form! It creates exceptions in the law of physics and magic when transmuting lead into true gold or when creating an Elixir that could increase a person's lifespan, changing destiny by a small margin."

"Is that why no one had been able to create a Philosopher's stone other than you? No one was crazy enough to chase after miracles?"

"There have been other Philosopher's stones before, but no one had managed to come up with a proven method of creating them other than me. And, the real secret is this. The process of creating the stone summons an uncomplete miracle which is then transformed into a crystal. It's pretty simple, actually."

"It doesn't sound simple at all!" protested Alex.

"Well, it involves a decade-long ritual and other things. But, it is simple compared to what true miracles could actually do. When you study my notes on the Philosopher's stone, you will understand better. For now, let's focus on Martial Magic!"

He had so many questions to ask. But, what Flamel said did strike a chord with him. He had accepted that not everything could be explained, one of those unexplainable things would be his return to his past. His own muggle grandfather had also said as much. However, being a wizard, there was a tendency to think that all the mysteries of the world are really within his reach. He felt that he was already 'in' in the secrets of the world.

He told himself before that there are mysteries far beyond his understanding. And, he thought that he had accepted it. But, Nicolas Flamel had gone even further. He spoke of miracles as if they are tangible things, like energy to be harnessed.

But, he didn't have the time to contemplate it. Flamel would only be around for another couple of months. And, it is more important for him to improve his fighting capabilities. He had managed to win against the Dark Lord who was possessing Quirrell. But, he felt that his enemy was only using a small portion of his strength.


The training with Nicolas Flamel occupied most of his time. Every time Alex was not busy with his summer lectures or other businesses with the Order, he was visiting the Flamels for training and studying.

Flamel showed him the applications of Transfigurations in a magical fight. During the few times that Flamel was feeling strong enough to spar, he would send multiple transfigured constructs in the form of beasts against Alex. Some would hinder his movements. Some would keep him distracted. And some would outright attack him. Meanwhile, Flamel was already preparing his next set of spells.

The key, according to Flamel, was forcing the enemy to adjust. He wasn't directly controlling the constructs. That would require sustained casting and concentration. Instead, the beasts already had the set of actions or behaviour that they would follow from the moment of their creation.

Some of them had direct instructions. They would instantly go on the attack after they were given form. Some of them had specific behavioural patterns instead. They would have certain predatory tendencies, looking for the opportune moments to carry out their assault.

If that was not bad enough, Flamel would also use some subtle debilitating hexes to affect his abilities. Alex had only realized he was under a hex after he was pushed back by some attacks that he should have been able to defend against. He would sometimes find his vision being slightly dimmer, or that his body is heavier than usual. It was very annoying for him as he was constantly using the spell cancellation charm on himself. But, he couldn't deny how effective it was against a very capable duellist.

However, what amazed Alex the most was Flamel's use of wandless magic. Alex could already use wandless magic, but, he would be considered an amateur compared to his trainer. Flamel really didn't need a wand. He could cast the most complex spells without using a wand. However, he still used a wand so his opponent wouldn't expect his subtle wandless spells.

Alex was able to keep up on some level. But, he had been properly humbled. He could only imagine how Nicolas Flamel was like in his prime.


The month passed by very quickly with Alex focused on his own training and Charms lessons in the AIM Centre. His students really improved their charms work. Perhaps, they would begin to appreciate 'spell-casting' as a proper skill.

Their summer course was over. Neville, Hermione, and Ron were disappointed that Harry had never joined them in the classes. And, Alex was wondering as well about Harry Potter. Unfortunately, his people were not able to learn the boy's residence.

Until on July 31st, there was a warning letter from the Improper Use of Magic Office addressed to Harry Potter at Privet Drive, Little Whinging. Mrs Pearce's people in that office were the one who reported the information.

Alex was intrigued. Harry Potter would have to be living in a non-wizard house to get that warning. On the 3rd of August, he made the trip to visit Little Whinging. When he found Harry's house, he immediately noticed the wards. It was an intent-based ward anchored in bloodlines, a very archaic form of warding, bordering on being 'dark'.

Since he didn't have the intention of harming Harry Potter, he was able to enter the protective wards easily. It was strange for a muggle home to have wards in place.

He knocked on the door. And then, a woman opened the door only seconds after.

"Good morning, to you ma'am," he greeted. "My name is Alexander Grey and I am looking for Harry Potter. Is he in?"

"And for what reason are you looking for him?" said the woman.

"I was his tutor from Hogwarts. I came here after I found out about his violation regarding his use of magic."

"Please come back another time. We are not prepared to receive some guests at the moment."

"I really need to speak with him. Where might he be?" asked Alex suspiciously.

"He's not home at the moment," explained the woman.

However, Alex was already using passive Legilimency on the woman.

Apparently, this Petunia and her husband had been keeping Harry locked inside a room on the second floor. The boy was only allowed to go out of the room twice a day to use the bathroom.

Alex was alarmed. He didn't think that the Boy-Who-Lived was living under such circumstances.

He used a wandless 'Confundus Charm' on the woman to make her walk inside the house and let him in. Then, he took out an artefact that he had devised from his bottomless bag that would place a 'Concealment Ward' around the house.

After the woman made way for him, he found the two other members of the household. Alex shot them with a 'Full-body Bind' and said, "I will deal with you later." Then, he walked up the stairs to find the room where Harry was kept.

He knocked on the door and called out, "Harry, are you in there? It's me, Alexander Grey."

"Mr Grey, what are you doing here?" asked the boy from behind the room.

"I came to check up on you. Hold on, I'll open the door."

Alex waved his hand over the padlocks, and they were unlocked in an instant. When he opened the door, the boy rushed up to him for a hug.

"Thank you for coming! But, why did you come?" asked the boy.

"You're friends were quite worried about you when you didn't show up in my summer lectures and didn't answer their letters."

"But, they haven't been sending me letters!"

"They clearly said to me that they sent you multiple letters."

Just then, they heard a crack and a house-elf had appeared.

"Harry Potter, must not re—" said the house-elf, but it wasn't able to finish what it was about to say before Alex had drawn his wand and fired a 'Stunning Charm' on it.

The house-elf was knocked back unconscious.

"This is Dobby, he came here on the night of my birthday to stop me from returning to Hogwarts. He said that there was a great danger in the school and I shouldn't go back. I think he is the Malfoy's servant, although, he had never admitted it."

"The Malfoys sent their house-elf to warn you of some danger in Hogwarts?"

"I don't think that the Malfoys know about it, Mr Grey. Dobby here went on his own accord."

Alex wondered, how did the house-elf managed to locate Harry Potter when even the Order's agents were unable to do so for an entire month? Is Lucius Malfoy up to something?

"Harry, do you want to stay somewhere else from now on?"

"I do, but what about the Dursleys?"

"I'll take care of them. Don't worry about them. I will make the arrangement for you. However, you cannot tell other people about this, okay?"

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to be accused of kidnapping the Boy-Who-Lived."

Harry winced at hearing his title.

"You have to understand, Harry, you are famous whether you like it or not."

"I never asked to be famous, Mr Grey."

"I know. But, that is how it is," said Alex sympathetically. He had gotten to know the boy and he knew about the boy's dislike regarding his fame. "Worry about the things that you can change, like your living arrangement. Now, do you agree with my terms?"

"l accept, Mr Grey. I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Okay. Wait here and I'll make the call. Don't wake up the house-elf. We need him to remain here."

Alex made some calls using his glass communicator to several people. Meanwhile, he went down to check on the people downstairs.

He undid the body bind on Petunia. The woman just stared at him in fear as if her worst fear had come true.

"You will tell me everything," said Alex calmly.

"You c-can't harm me. T-there are laws. I know this. They will stop you!"

"Pray for them to reach you. Legilimens!"

Alex read all her memories associated with Harry. His expression got worse and worse as he viewed the woman's memories.

Petunia Evans was just a little girl who loved her sister very much. They were the Evans sisters, the treasured daughters of their father. Then, one day, Lily Evans learned about her magic and she showed her sister. Petunia was amazed at first, but it quickly formed into jealousy when she learned that she couldn't do the same. It only got worse when Lily started being friends with the creepy Snape boy that lived in the bad part of town.

Alex was surprised to learn that Severus Snape had a connection like that with Harry's mother.

Continuing with the memories, Alex learned that Petunia's jealousy just got worse and worse. Lily was the pretty one, the smart one, and the magical one. Petunia was just plain and boring Petunia. When Lily got married to a handsome wizard, she married the first man that was interested in her.

Then, their parents died and she had lost all contact with her sister. A couple of years after, they found the infant Harry outside their front door. She was very conflicted. She felt angry and sad about the news of her sister being killed by some evil wizard. She began to truly hate magic. It had only brought her misery. And, she hated the boy knowing that he was a wizard.

They kept the boy for appearance sake. It wouldn't do for them to be seen around an orphanage. But, they never treated him at a family member. They gave him food and their son's older clothes and kept the child in the cupboard under the stairs. When Harry was old enough, they treated him as their servant.

Alex had about enough, he wanted to kill these people, especially the disgusting Vernon, who was especially cruel to the boy. But, he knew he shouldn't go overboard. He looked at Petunia with a scowl. There was some guilt in her eyes. She knew that what they were doing was wrong. But, she couldn't find the way to change.

"So, you hate everything that has anything to do with magic?"

Petunia didn't answer.

"I'll do you a favour, then. Obliviate."

Alex erased all her memories that had anything to do with magic. That includes all her memories about Lily, her sister. At one point, they really loved one another. They were the Evans sisters. They did everything together. But, that was now gone. Even half of her memories about her parents were erased.

When Alex was done with her, she was unconscious with her eyes opened and her mouth agape. The tears just flowed out from her.

Alex was actually saddened by her state. She would be crying for years to come and she wouldn't even understand the reason why.

As for Vernon and the boy, Alex did the same for them. He was especially rough with Vernon. The man would probably lose some of his mental abilities afterwards.

Just then, the members of his Order that he had called had come with Mr Baxter. Alex introduced Mr Baxter to Harry, telling the boy that the ageing man would be looking after him from that moment on. Without much fuss, Mr Baxter had left with the boy via 'Apparition'.

Then, he instructed the other people there who were waiting on the first floor of the house.

"There is a house-elf in one of the rooms upstairs. I want it taken into our custody. Make all the precautions to prevent it from escaping and being tracked or summoned by its masters."

Two wizards moved on to carry out his orders.

"The rest of you will erase any trace of Harry Potter living in this neighbourhood. Obliviate the neighbours and anyone that Harry Potter may have come across with. Use our agents from the Obliviators as much as you can. I don't care if it takes the whole summer. I want you to be very thorough."

The people saluted him and immediately got to work. And so, after that summer, Harry Potter had ceased to exist from the minds of the people living in Little Whinging.