
Ch.51 - The Trial of Pettigrew (2)

A couple of days later, the trial of Peter Pettigrew was held. It was being broadcasted live through the WWN. Interestingly, the Observer had taken over the WWN for about a year now and the improvements in their programs was apparent.

Alex was listening to the broadcast in his class with the second-year Gryffindors and Slytherins.

"Today, we will be listening to the WWN's live coverage of a very important trial in the court," announce Alex to his class. "Some of the things that would be covered in this trial would be very terrible indeed. Those who would rather not listen to it are free to leave."

"Prof. Grey, what do you think will happen?" asked Harry.

"Now that Pettigrew had been revealed, let us hope that the truth would prevail."

"I can't believe that Scabbers was actually a Death Eater," said Ron weakly.

The incident was traumatic to Ron. It wasn't every day that a boy found out that his own pet was actually a middle-aged man.

"Don't feel bad Ron," said Neville. "It's not your fault. Things will be better from now."

"Neville is right," added Hermione. "All of us didn't notice anything was wrong. Scabbers was a fat and lazy rat. Who could have imagined this?"

"Ron, this matter will affect your family. Thankfully, you have good friends to help you out," said Alex.

"Yeah. Everything will be fine, Ron. We're here for you," said Harry.

Then, Draco Malfoy decided to interject, "Your family was keeping a Death Eaters as a pet for 10 years and didn't know about it until Prof. Grey's intervention. How incompetent could your family be?"

Ron was just about to explode on him when Alex held him back.

"Stop it there, Draco. I'm sure you of all people would rather not speak about Death Eaters and family members in the same topic. Some of you might have former Death Eaters in your family and you feel threatened about this proceedings, but what have I always said? Always keep your wits about you. Do not lose your heads in fear and hatred."

"But Professor, you must understand our concerns. A lot of the Slytherins here have family members who were accused of being Death Eaters," said Draco.

The Slytherins were shocked about Draco's admittance. The Death Eaters were not usually talked about even in the Slytherin House.

"There is not a dark wizard that didn't come out from the Slytherin House," said Ron.

"Do not speak like this, Ron," said Alex. "Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew were both from the Gryffindor House and one of them was a Death Eater. And I'll tell you this. Not all Death Eaters chose to be as they were voluntarily. Some of them simply found no other recourse. — I want you all to remember this, whether you are Slytherins or Gryffindors, it doesn't matter to me at all. I want you all to be witches and wizards who can be responsible for your own actions. Be brave enough to defy the expectations on you. And be cunning enough not to be forced into doing what you don't want to do. And if you ever find yourself having no other choice and you want a way out, come to me and I will protect you, even from your own family."

All the Slytherin students listened silently to him. Alex knew that his words connected to them. Hopefully, they will remember him should they find themselves in trouble.

The trial was beginning from the sound of it. Once again, the most important trial of the year was being presided by Amelia Bones, Head of DMLE and member of the Wizengamot.

The details of the case were announced and the defender was brought in. Pettigrew was being represented by a lawyer provided by the Ministry. It seemed that there was no one who was willing to represent the man in court that day.

Edward Tonks was prepared for any situation to arise. His greatest challenge would be to get the truth out from Pettigrew without using Veritaserum. But, he was an experienced barrister and a great orator.

The court was also being guarded by Aurors, Hit-wizards, and 'Arms' contractors just in case someone attempted to intervene in the proceedings. There might be some wizarding families that would prefer to not have the trial at all. So, Auror Bailey and Mr Grant had increased the level of security.

One of the people who was adamant about stopping the trial was Lucius Malfoy. However, the moment he spoke out, his connection with the Death Eaters were brought into question. The interviewers from the papers were asking him why he didn't report that Pettigrew was a Death Eater. Especially because, he was the one of the most vocal about Sirius Black's crimes ten years ago. Lucius Malfoy refused to give an answer which was noted clearly in an article in the Observer. Malfoy had not been seen in public ever since.

Peter Pettigrew tried to deny all the accusations on him. But, when questioned why he disguised himself as a pet rat in the Weasley family, he had no answers to give. The fact that he never revealed himself for almost 11 years even after being awarded with an Order of Melin medallion made everyone very suspicious of him.

His own representation could only shake his head in defeat. He was probably asking himself what could he have done to be assigned with such a case.

When Sirius Black was brought out as a witness, there was an audible gasp among the people who were attending the trial. It could even be heard from the radio.

The radio presenter described Black as being very thin and looking very unseemly in all aspects. It was the result of his stay in Azkaban for so long. If he really was innocent of the crimes he was accused of committing, it would mean that the Ministry had really blundered in handling his case. It wasn't the Dark Lord or Pettigrew who had reduced the man to his current state. That was done by the Ministry and their Dementors.

Black was shouting crazily, "Peter! I thought you killed yourself! You rat! You've betrayed them all! They were our friends!"

Pettigrew winced in pain after hearing Black's words. Then, he finally couldn't stop himself and said, "I didn't want it to happen! They would have killed me, Sirius! You would have done the same! I didn't have a choice!"

"I would have chosen to die!" responded Black.

The trial was practically decided then, but Pettigrew wasn't in trial for betraying his friends to the Dark Lord. As terrible as it sounded, it wasn't really a crime to be a cowardly and traitorous friend. The crimes in question were the killing of 12 muggles in November 1991, Obstruction of Justice, and Defamation of Sirius Black.

Being a Death Eater wasn't exactly a crime. The way that the Wizengamot handled the trials after the defeat of the Dark Lord, it was legally considered as an extreme political affiliation. Unless there was direct evidence that could link someone to an actual crime like murder or assault, the accused Death Eaters managed to avoid persecution.

That was the case with Lucius Malfoy and Corban Yaxley. While Bellatrix Lestrange and Bartemius Crouch Jr were persecuted after their attack of Frank and Alice Longbottom.

Black recounted the events from the Halloween of 1991 to the moment he had caught on Pettigrew's trail. It was very much like how the papers reported it.

Harry was listening very closely. It was the first time ever that he was hearing about what really happened to his parents. Dumbledore had certainly neglected in informing the boy. How could he not understand that the boy would grasp at anything that was related to his parents? Even if it was something painful like the story of their death or the betrayal of their friend, he would still want to hear it.

Alex placed his hand on Harry's shoulder. He felt sorry for the boy. He understood him on some level. Of course, his parents were not murdered by a lunatic, but losing your parents at the same time was very hard regardless of the cause. Harry was even denied any knowledge of his parents' death. Now that he was learning about them, it must have felt that he was losing them a second time.

"Harry, when we have the time, let's visit your parents' resting place," Alex said.

"Yes, Prof. Grey. Thank you."

When Pettigrew was questioned again Sirius Black's testimony, he admitted to his crimes finally. Alex knew that Pettigrew still feared Sirius Black after all this time. Black was delirious, he wouldn't hesitate in killing the rat if only he had the chance.

Pettigrew was likely hoping that Azkaban would protect him from Black. The Dark Lord was working on returning to the wizarding world. He would reclaim all his followers soon.

However, he didn't know the movement that was happening behind the curtains. Mrs Pearce had caught on some quick transactions that Lucius Malfoy was making with some of the members of the Wizengamot. In Malfoy's carelessness, the Order had finally caught on the corrupt members of the Wizengamot. Their names would be added to their list from now on.

What Malfoy was actually urging them to do was to prevent any questioning about other Death Eaters and to actually push for the maximum punishment, execution by Dementors and being pushed through the veil. It seemed that Malfoy, knowing that the case against Pettigrew was lost, decided to cut him loose instead to prevent any possibility of him being used as a witness ever.

Alex couldn't think of any reason to stop it. He had no more need for Pettigrew. And, he had other plans for Lucius Malfoy. His end would not be decided in a court. In fact, he was already caught in Alex's trap. That day would come soon for Malfoy.

After the representations of the prosecution and the defendant had made their closing statement, Amelia Bones called for the vote in the Wizengamot. It was a very quick deliberation.

Peter Pettigrew was declared guilty of all charges against him. He will be executed by the Dementors immediately.

Sirius Black's sentencing was also annulled. He would be processed for release as soon as possible. He would receive a compensation of 500 GG for every month that he spent in Azkaban. All his criminal records will be cleared as well. He was recommended to undergo a treatment in St. Mungos until his health was fully restored.

Pettigrew resisted as much as he could. "No, anything but this! I will go to Azkaban! Please have mercy! Sirius, my friend! Save me!"

But, Black didn't say anything.

There was a crystal cage with a Dementor inside it that was wheeled in by the court guards. Pettigrew was shoved inside it by two bulky men.

His anguished cries could be heard through the radio as his soul was sucked from him by the monstrous creature. Most people who could hear his screams squirmed involuntarily. The students who were listening had a horrified look on their faces.

"That is enough of that," said Alex as he turned off the radio.

He looked at the children and said, "That was terrible indeed. Not everything in our world is wonderful. This is one such example. I don't want you to think that this is normal, but I also don't want you to be the kind of witches and wizards who would turn a blind eye and pretend like there is nothing wrong. — Now, is there anything you are confused about?"

"Why did he do it?" asked Neville. "He betrayed the only people that cared about him."

"That is the most puzzling of all. And we may never know the right answer. But, do you think that he really wanted to do it? This is only my opinion, but, Pettigrew probably regretted his actions a lot. After all, they were true friends during their Hogwarts years."

Harry was incensed about his words.

"I know that this is not something that you want to hear from me, Harry. Pettigrew was not courageous or cunning enough to determine his own circumstances as he was swept by the pressures surrounding him at that time. He was probably targeted by the Dark Lord and his followers because of his weakness. — But, that doesn't mean that he is faultless. Just like what I said earlier, every one of us is responsible for our own actions."

"Prof. Grey, are you suggesting that the Dark Lord only chose the weak!?" asked Draco.

"The weak and the insecure. Don't entertain any thoughts that the Dark Lord actually cared for the state of the wizarding world, Draco. He only wanted to conquer and dominate. And this is something you and the others in your situation should keep in mind. Do not be like Pettigrew. Make sure you have the ability to determine your own fate."

The class was dismissed soon after that. Alex didn't want to be too harsh with his students, but he needed to make them aware, especially the Slytherins.

They will be responsible for their own actions regardless of their circumstances.

Ch.52 - Political Fallout

After Alex had dismissed the class, he asked Draco Malfoy to remain and talk with him. The trial that just took place was probably on the mind of the young boy. Draco had a tendency to spout blood supremacist ideals when he had the chance. He had already called Hermione a 'mudblood' if what he heard from Ron was true. So, Alex wanted to set him straight if he could.

"Draco, I noticed how concerned you were about the result of the trial. Is there something you would like to talk about?"

Alex was using passive Legilimency on Draco, however, the boy actually had some Occlumency shields around his mind. It wasn't surprising considering that he was the heir of the Malfoy family. Alex could only perceive an impression of Draco's surface thoughts unless he didn't care about being detected. At least, he should be able to tell if the boy was lying or not.

"Anyone would be concerned, Prof. Grey. It was an important trial like you said."

That was a half-truth. Could Draco know of his status as a possible claimant of the Black fortune?

"But, it looked more than that to me. Your mother is from the Black family, is she not? Did she say anything about Sirius Black to you before?"

"What she told me is the same as how we knew of it from the history books."

"Do you think that she lied to you? Or do you think that she really didn't know?"

Draco frowned and said, "Are you asking me if my mother is a liar or a clueless woman!?"

"I wouldn't use those words, but yes..." said Alex provokingly.

"I don't have to stay here and listen to you," said Draco as he tried to leave.

However, the door had shut by itself and Draco could not find the strength to stand up from where he sat. He looked at his professor in fear and shock.

"I will be frank with you, Draco," spoke Alex seriously. "I know your father was a Death Eater."

"My father was cleared of all—"

"I don't care what the court or the Ministry say about your father. However, it is an undeniable fact that he was or 'is' a Death Eater."

"What do you want from me!?"

"I only want you not to follow your father's footsteps. I wish you can be different. — Did you think that I wanted to hurt you? If I did, we would never have this discussion."

"You don't understand," said Draco. "You are just a muggleborn. Us purebloods have our own noble traditions. I could never disappoint my father."

"I am indeed a muggleborn. But it is you who don't understand. Look at Sirius Black and his family."

"You want me to become like Sirius Black? Dishonoured and disowned by his own family?"

"Dishonoured, disowned and alive. If Sirius Black didn't have the courage to stand up against his family, do you think he would have survived? The Black family gave their everything to support the Dark Lord, and look what happened to them."

"Are you threatening me? If my father hears about this, you can say goodbye to your post here in Hogwarts."

"I am trying to warn you, Draco. I couldn't care less what your father thinks. — Here is something that your father probably never told you. The Dark Lord is not dead. And he will return one day," said Alex deciding to gamble on Draco.

"What!? How can you say something like this?"

"I'm saying it because it's true. Last year, did you know what happened to your former DADA professor? — He was possessed by the Dark Lord and I killed him for it. The Dark Lord is still out there in spirit form. And one day, he will find a way to return."

Draco mumbled, not knowing what to say.

"Your father is the Dark Lord's servant. What do you think would happen to him?"

"He would be his follower again..." said Draco absent-mindedly.

"I'm afraid it won't be simple. If you think that the Dark Lord was ruthless against his enemies, you wouldn't believe how ruthless he could be on his followers. Do you think the Death Eaters follow him because of pure loyalty? No. They are the ones who fear him most of all."

"Do you want me to convince my father not to serve the Dark Lord?"

"No. It is too late for your father. He won't have a choice when the Dark Lord returns. What I'm concern about is you. Are you willing to be like your father? A slave of a monster?"

"But my father..."

"I know that you care about your father... But, do you hate muggleborns and muggles to that extent? Can you kill an innocent person just to prove your loyalty to their cause?"

"Why are you asking me this, Prof. Grey? Do you want me to abandon my family?"

"I am telling you this because no one has probably spoken to you about this frankly. And because there are people in the Slytherin House who are probably under the same circumstance as you. They would have to make the same choice as you. Do you think you can save them? Can you help them to be brave and cunning enough to live by their own actions? I am giving you an option that Peter Pettigrew probably never had. — If you think you are about to do something you wouldn't be proud of, don't do it. If you find your self with no other choice, come to me."

Alex decided to trust the boy to be smart enough to know what is good for him. He wanted to prevent Draco from crossing the line of no return even if he had to take a little risk. Even as he plotted against Lucius Malfoy, he still would offer Draco this one chance. Lucius had sealed his fate by his own actions. Draco would have to do the same.

Alex feared most of all what he would have to do to Draco should the boy chose the wrong path. He feared it because he knew that he wouldn't hesitate.


After a couple of weeks, people were still debating the trial and its implications. The Observer ran a series of interviews with many influential people in society to get their opinion on the issues that were being discussed the most. Even in Hogwarts, there was plenty of debate going on.

People were questioning what it meant to be 'Light' or 'Dark' families. The historical context was being examined and the people actually found it very interesting. The term Light or Dark families started being used around the 9th century after there were some major advances in the study of the Dark Arts. As a reaction to this controversial field of study, the idea started spreading that there was a distinction of good and bad magic. Good magic would be those which are considered benign and bad magic would be those which are malicious like hexes or curses.

Dark families were those families which were renown for their expertise in these dark magics. While Light families are those who were adamant that some type of magic should never be practised or taught to children.

But around the 14th Century when muggle and wizard relations were the worse it has ever been, Light families became synonymous with families who are labelled as 'muggle lovers', those who believed in peaceful co-existence with muggles. And Dark families were their opposite, those who look down at muggles as mere animals.

Aside from that, there was a question of how the history books would be rewritten. Some were saying that the history books should be recalled en masse. And an entirely new set of history books would replace them. While others were insisting that they should just publish some new books with an updated entry where it concerned Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black, meaning the mishandling of the case of Sirius Black was going to be permanently recorded in the books.

While some Ministry representatives would rather not include that in the new books, several historians were strongly opinionated that it was also an important part of history. They tried to ask Sirius Black himself about his opinion about how his story should be written in history, but unfortunately, the man was unavailable for comments. Sirius Black was admitted as a patient in St. Mungo's under guard.

The Ministry itself was receiving plenty of criticisms. They were being called out for their tendency to sweep any controversy under a rug. That controversy happened to be an innocent man this time. Because of their desire for expediency, they denied a man his trial.

Some were claiming that the situation would have been different had they given Sirius Black his trial before. Some were saying that it would have been the same. The evidence against Black was damning and with Pettigrew missing, he was likely to receive the same guilty verdict despite his denial. Either way, the Ministry would have avoided so many criticisms if they had the trial in the first place.

Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge was quick to claim no responsibility about the fiasco and blame the previous administration. The capture and sentencing of Black technically happened during the term of Millicent Bagnold who was already on her way to retirement after being the minister during the Wizarding War.

[AN: In this story, Fudge became the Minister around 1982 instead of 1990.]

Another person who was thrown under the bus by the Minister was Bartemius Crouch who was the Head of DMLE when Sirius Black was brought in. He was primed to be the next Minister because he was known as a cruel and ruthless combatant against the Dark Arts. But, he was greatly discredited after his own son was revealed to be a Death Eater.

Minister Fudge had also cut ties with Lucius Malfoy and his friends. As the way things were going, it was a predictable move to do for the self-centred Minister. Malfoy was under too much scrutiny at the moment.

Before the matter with Pettigrew was revealed, Malfoy had contacted the Association to possibly receive their endorsement on his businesses. He was practically trying to buy it by offering a small bribe to the administration of AIM.

After the trial, he contacted the Association again offering an even bigger bribe. Alex instructed his people to play along and ask Malfoy for an exorbitant donation officially. Should Malfoy cave to their demands, they would use the donation to fund some of their pro-muggleborn programs in the AIM Centre. Alex wanted Malfoy to believe that his money still made the world go round. Sometime later, there would be a piece in the Observer about a new training program for muggleborns in the magical creatures farming industry that was completely sponsored by Lucius Malfoy.

Meanwhile, the whole judicial process of the Ministry was being questioned by the public. Some were saying that it was a primitive system that allowed too many loopholes.

The law expert of the Observer stated that what people really needed was to have more transparency in the courts. There should be public records of all Wizengamot proceedings so that they would remain accountable for their verdicts. Mistakes and misinformation were unavoidable in any judiciary system. The most important thing was for the people to know that any trial was fair.

Minister Fudge jumped on the opportunity to make some promises of reforms in the Wizengamot. However, he would most likely fail to back-up his words. He wouldn't want to oppose the Wizengamot too much because they still had the power to kick him out of office.

It was a very eventful couple of weeks news-wise. Alex was glad that the public was taking an interest in the way that their world was regulated. In the meantime, the Intelligence Division of the Order was investigating some of the members of the Wizengamot to determine which of them would be 'discredited' and 'removed' from their seat.

Ch.53 - Teachers and Parents

After their class during the first week of October, Harry stayed behind to talk to Alex. It looked like he had something important to say and he was hesitating a bit.

"Is there something wrong, Harry?" asked Alex. "You can tell me anything."

"Well, Prof. Grey. There is something actually. Prof. McGonagall told me that Sirius Black wants to see me."

"Oh? He is your godfather, Harry. Is there something stopping you?"

"Well, I'm wondering, sir. Could you come with me when I meet him? I don't really know how to face him by myself."

"Of course. When is your meeting?"

"It's this Saturday. We will be meeting in the Headmaster's office after breakfast."

"Okay then, Harry. I will meet you at breakfast in the Great Hall."

"Thank you, Professor!"

Harry left in a hurry. He must have been nervous about meeting with his godfather for the first time. Alex didn't know where this development would lead the boy. If Harry was surrounded by people who cared for him, would he be better equipped to face the Dark Lord in the future?

Next Saturday, Alex met with Harry in the Great Hall just as they agreed to do.

"Ready to go, Harry?" he asked.

"I'm still nervous about it. What if he doesn't like me?"

"Don't be silly, Harry," said Hermione. "I'm sure he will like you very much."

"Yeah, mate. Maybe you can talk about quidditch with him," added Ron.

"I'm sure he'll have plenty of stories for you, Harry," followed Neville. "You can ask him all about your parents!"

"Yeah! You're right! Let's go, Professor."

Alex and Harry arrived at the Headmaster's office together. There was Prof. McGonagall and Dumbledore standing and chatting together with Sirius Black.

"Harry! Here you are at last!" said Dumbledore happily. "There's someone here who has been wanting to see you. This man here is Sirius Black."

There was real happiness in the Headmaster's voice.

The man being introduced was a very thin man with long wavy hair. The bags under his eyes and the gauntness of his cheeks made him look older than he was.

"Hello, Harry. I wanted to see you so badly," the man said gently. "I am Sirius Black, your father's best friend. Did anyone tell you that you look so much like him?"

Harry nodded and said, "Nice to meet you, Mr Black."

"Call me Sirius or Padfoot just like how you used to when you were just a babe."

"I'm sorry. I don't remember that..."

"That's fine, Harry," said Sirius as he held Harry by the shoulders. "We'll make more memories from now on."

"I'd like that, Sirius."

Then Black finally noticed the man that was standing behind Harry. He had a puzzled look on him as if trying to figure out if he knew Alex or not.

"This is Prof. Alexander Grey," said Prof. McGonagall before Sirius could ask anything. "He is the current Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"He is also looking after Harry during the summer holidays," added Dumbledore.

"Hello, Prof. Grey," said Sirius offering his hand. "Thank you for looking after Harry."

"It was no problem at all," said Alex. "I'm glad to have Harry."

"Well, now that I'm free, I suppose Harry can live with me from now on."

"Sirius, I like living with Prof. Grey," said Harry.

Sirius was heartbroken. He was more of a stranger to his own godson than the boy's teacher.

"Harry, Sirius is your godfather. Legally, he is your guardian," said Dumbledore.

"The Headmaster is right, Harry," said Alex. "But don't worry, summer is still a long ways off. You can get to know Mr Black before then. Besides, you are always welcome to visit my home."

"Thank you, Prof. Grey," said Black genuinely. "Now, Harry. Since I can stay in Hogwarts for the entire day, why don't you show me your flying skills? I heard you made Seeker in your first year. James would be so proud of you!"

Harry looked at Alex who nodded in approval. Then, Harry and Black left the office running.

"I should make sure that they don't do anything too bad," said Prof. McGonagall before leaving as well.

Alex and Dumbledore was left alone in the room.

"I'm surprised that you approved of Harry staying with Sirius Black," said Dumbledore. "I thought you would have said something against the idea."

"Harry wants to form more connections to his parents. I only wish the best for him. However, he would still be needing protection. I will be coordinating with Black later on about the protections on his home."

"You care for Harry a lot. You know that he cannot avoid the trials ahead of him."

"They are not just his trials, Headmaster. Not anymore. I believe that he will be stronger with people there to support him."

"Perhaps. But lately, the future has become so uncertain to me. I'm not sure if that is good or not."

"I know that you are a very good Diviner. But, if you are too focused on what lies ahead, you might step on a sharp rock."

"You sound like Nicolas," laughed Dumbledore. "I do miss having him around."

"They left our world with no regret. I am happy for them."

The news from the Flamels just arrived recently. They have left so quietly that it was difficult to believe it. However, Alex wasn't sad for them.

"Alexander, thank you for what you did," said Dumbledore. "Because of you, a grave mistake has been corrected and Harry can meet his godfather.

"You care about them too, the 'Marauders'."

"Yes. I must admit that I was indeed fond of them. Even Pettigrew..."

"You are not responsible for his failures, Headmaster."

"I find it hard to agree with you."

Alex sympathized with the Headmaster. But, his opinion as an educator is different.

"My grandfather told me before that there are only two things in this world a man was truly responsible for. One of them is the things that we do in this life. The other is the things we chose not to do. Ultimately, you can't be responsible for other people's actions. It would be vain to think otherwise."

"Your grandfather sounds like a wise man."


The colder season swept in as the days passed by. The discussions about Sirius Black eventually faded as the students of Hogwarts continued on their normal routine. Alex's DADA class was also progressing along well. There was a newfound interest among the majority of the students on the subject. He was expecting that more sixth-year students next year would be eligible to take the advance level courses of the subject.

Defence Against the Dark Arts was not really a popular course for students to take for their NEWT classes. That was partly because there wasn't any regularity in the instruction of the subject in Hogwarts because of the always-changing teachers on the subject. Additionally, DADA is not a required course for many careers after graduation. Unless one was thinking about becoming an Auror or a Hit-wizard, a NEWT on the subject was not necessary.

Alex's fifth-year classes was a particular interest to him. He was trying to cover the materials for the OWLs during the first half of the school term. Then, he would be able to teach the students some practical skills on the latter half of the class. Most of the students would not be continuing the subject for the NEWT level. Alex wanted them to leave with some practical skill that may just save their lives one day.

After one of his classes, Cedric Diggory had come to him for some advice. The young wizard was one of the top students of his year. As a fifth-year, it would be helpful to decide now what he wanted to take for his NEWTs level courses so he could focus on them for his OWLs, making sure that he would get the required grade on the classes to advance.

"What are you taking aside from the core classes this year, Cedric?" asked Alex.

"I'm taking Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes," said Cedric.

Those were the most popular electives in Hogwarts.

"Do you think that you would be advancing on those classes next year?"

"I want to advance on CoMC, but I don't know about Ancient Runes."

"That's fine. Are you already thinking about your career post-Hogwarts? If I am not mistaken, your father is working for the Ministry, isn't he?"

"My father works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. But, I am thinking about becoming a professional quidditch player."

"It would be exciting to be a quidditch player. But you know, you must have a second choice as well, right? Playing quidditch can't be your only choice."

"What about you, Professor? You played for the national team then you become a duelling champion. Now, you are a professor. Did you plan it all when you were my age?"

Alex laughed and said, "Well, not exactly. But, I've always wanted to travel when I was your age. There are different cultures in magic in other parts of the world. I wanted to see them all. I still do, but, I have responsibilities here."

"An adventurer! That is exciting. I wish I could be like that."

"Why not? You certainly can. As an adventurer, you would need a fairly diverse set of skills. I would recommend advanced studies in Charms, DADA, Ancient Runes, CoMC, and Potions. If you want to explore ancient structures, it would also be useful to take Ancient Studies as a new elective."

"You really think so?" asked Cedric.

"My point is, you can be anything that you want. Quidditch player, explorer, or Ministry employee. Anything."


During the Halloween Feast, Alex noticed that Harry and his friends were missing from the Gryffindor table. Those four really were the most talented students that he had ever met when it came to seeking troubles. It was like a talent or, most likely, a curse.

Alex decided to excuse himself from the feast and look for them. Shortly after walking out of the Great Hall, he found a peculiar sight.

There on the stone wall was a message written in blood.


The floor was flooded by water that was coming from a nearby girl's bathroom. And, a cat was hanging from a wall torch beside the message.

Before he could make sense of what happened there, the four students that he was looking for showed up running. It took them a moment to notice the strange message on the wall.

"Where did you four come from? You've missed the entire feast," said Alex.

"We were attending Sir Nicholas's 500th deathday party, Professor. What happened here?"

"I don't know. I arrived here just a moment before you did. You should return to your dorms. It looks like things are about to become chaotic in the school once again."

Alex was thinking that the message on the wall must have been a part of what Lucius Malfoy was planning on Hogwarts. Was it as mere stunt? Or had the Chamber of Secrets been opened for real?

The chamber was said to have been left behind by Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts, when he fled Hogwarts. Was the 'heir' written on the message pertaining to the heir of Slytherin? It would truly be scandalous.

Was that Malfoy's plan? To create a controversy in Hogwarts? No, it would be more dangerous than that. The house-elf, Dobby, was sure that Harry could possibly come to mortal harm.

"But, can't we at least get some food from the Great Hall?" asked Ron always keeping his priorities straight.

"The feast is probably over by now," said Alex.

And as if proving his claim, the other students had arrived to gawk at the message as well. They were murmuring amongst each other.

"Enemies of the Heir, Beware. You're next Mudbloods!" said Draco towards Hermione with a sneer.

Alex gave Draco a dirty look which caused the boy to straighten up his stance. This type of behaviour was exactly the ones that he had warned Draco about.

"Sorry, Professor..." said Draco realizing what he just said in front of his muggleborn professor.

"All students will return immediately to their respective dormitories," said Alex with an obviously irritated voice. "Prefects, lead your housemates to your dorms in an orderly fashion. Now."

The students moved immediately. Even the Slytherins were looking offended at what Draco had said. The boy made the entire Slytherin House look bad in front of a respected professor.

Just then, Mr Filtch had come and saw his cat hanging from the torch.

"Mrs Norris! What has happened? Who killed her?" said the distraught caretaker.

"I don't know, Mr Filtch. She was already like this when I got here. However, your cat is not dead. She has been petrified," explained Alex.

The Headmaster, Prof. Snape and Prof. McGonagall arrived just as Mr Filtch was bringing down his cat from where it hanged.

"What happened here, Alexander?" asked Prof. McGonagall.

"I do not know as of yet," said Alex repeating himself. "This thing written in blood, the flooding of the corridor, and Mr Filtch's cat being petrified, they are like this when I got here."

"Petrified? Something like this could only be the result of a very dark magic," said Dumbledore.

Alex agreed with the Headmaster's statement. In a way, it was easier to kill than to bind someone, especially with a petrification like this. The cat was completely static.

"Was anyone present when you got here? I thought I saw Potter and his friends," asked Prof. Snape.

"No, I was the one who discovered it first. They came in later. Apparently, they were invited to Nearly Headless Nick's 500th deathday."

"What about my cat? How can we cure her?" asked Mr Filtch.

"As it happens, Prof. Sprout is currently growing a new batch of Mandrakes. When they are ready to be harvested, we can cure Mrs Norris in no time, Argus," said Dumbledore.

"I may be able to acquire some Mandrakes from outside the school. Prof. Snape, can we have you take care of the brewing of the remedy?"

"Have the ingredients sent to me, I will take care of it," said the dour man.

With that, the caretaker had taken his leave while cradling the petrified cat in his arms.

"What about the message, Albus? Surely it can't be the real Chamber of Secrets?" asked Prof. McGonagall.

"I'm not sure, Minerva. However, we must practice caution if the Chamber has indeed been opened."

"It's just one thing after another around this place," said Alex with a sigh.

"Welcome to the Hogwarts faculty," said Prof. Snape sarcastically.

Ch.54 - The Chamber of Secrets (1)

During their next DADA class, before Alex could begin his lessons, Hermione raised her hand to ask him a question.

"Yes, Hermione," he said.

"Professor Grey, I was wondering if you could tell us anything about the Chamber of Secrets," she stated.

Hermione wasn't alone in her interest, apparently. Both Slytherin and Gryffindor students seconded her question. It was a controversial topic, but, Alex had always made a point to answer his students' questions to nurture their inquisitive minds. This time, he wanted to open it up for discussion instead.

"What does your books tell you about it, Hermione? I'm sure you have already looked everywhere you can."

"I couldn't find anything regarding it, Prof. Grey. It was mentioned in 'Hogwarts: A History', but there wasn't much information about it."

"That is because it is a legend that has never been confirmed. What happened on Halloween night is a prank. A very distasteful one in my opinion."

Alex was sure that it was Lucius Malfoy's doing somehow. He just didn't know how or why as of yet.

"But, sir, don't legends always have a basis in facts?"

"Not always, Hermione. But, if you want to know what is the legend of the Chamber of Secrets, that I could explain a bit."

"Please, Professor. We are all very interested," said Harry.

"Very well. Before I could explain it though, let us talk about the historical context of the legend. We all know the tale of the foundation of our school, yes? Around a thousand years ago, the four greatest sorcerers of their age, Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin, built the school in this remote location far away from the muggles. It was a time when the fear of magic was prevalent among the muggles and wizards and witches suffered much persecution, before the Statute of Secrecy."

Alex paused and look at the faces in the room. Some, like Hermione, frowned after hearing their professor talk about this dark period in history. While some, like Malfoy, looked like they were somehow vindicated by something that had happened a millennium ago.

"It was certainly a revolutionary concept. But, their success was not apparent immediately. They simply did not have enough students in the beginning. For a few years, the founders worked together harmoniously, seeking out young people who had talents in magic and bringing them to the castle to be educated. But, when the school was properly established, a disagreement between Slytherin and the other three founders started getting worse."

Now the Slytherins showed a wary expression from what Alex was talking about. They all knew this story, but, it was still strange hearing it spoken aloud by anyone, especially a muggleborn teacher.

However, Alex had a very neutral attitude to it all. History had the tendency to be viewed under the lenses of the values of the readers. For Alex, it wasn't his place to judge the actions of the people from the distant past. Arguing whether they were good or not is a pointless exercise anyway. The most important thing that they could learn from history was the fact whether they did indeed happen in the past or not. The students could either learn to avoid it or to relive it. That was it.

"Slytherin wanted for them to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts," Alex continued. "He believed that only students who came from all-magic families should be allowed magical training in the school. He thought that those children with muggle parentage couldn't be trusted with the safety of the school. The arguments between Gryffindor and Slytherin became too volatile and Slytherin decided to leave the school."

"I knew Slytherin was bad news but I didn't know that he started all this pureblood business," commented Ron.

The students from the Slytherin House were provoked. They were ready to pounce on Ron for what he said. But, Alex waved them off to calm down. It was going a little off-topic, but, he thought that the class could benefit in discussing it. Blood supremacist ideals existed in the real world. As an educator, he couldn't just choose to avoid that topic just because he found it distasteful.

"And why do you say that, Ron?" asked Alex.

"If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't be so divided between muggleborns and purebloods. Honestly, if the sorting hat had put me in Slytherin, I would have gone straight back to the train."

"Slytherin is not a saint, but, that is true for most people," explained Alex. "And neither was Gryffindor, for that matter. But, do you think that his position did not have merit? Hermione, you are a muggleborn witch—"

Hermione immediately had an embarrassed look on her as she shrunk down a little.

"Don't be ashamed about being muggleborn, Hermione. I am also muggleborn, and I have never denied it. Continuing on my point, Hermione, you are a muggleborn witch, but, I know that you have read the history books more than anyone of your classmates. — So, tell me. Can you think of any reason why Slytherin argued that muggleborn shouldn't be admitted into Hogwarts?"

Hermione had a puzzled look on her face. She couldn't quite decide whether to answer her professor's question or not. However, she was still a model student.

"From a historical analysis, the charms and wards that hide us from the muggle societies were not yet invented at that time. Hogwarts was hidden by the remoteness of its location alone. So, we can say that Slytherin was just being extremely wary about the familial connection of muggleborn students to the muggles."

"Thank you, Hermione. I know that it must have been hard for you to say it. Ten points to Gryffindor!"

Hermione perked up a little bit and her housemates congratulated her. Professor Grey rarely award house points. So, it was a little bit more special.

"Now, Ron, do still think that Slytherin actually hated muggleborns?" asked Alex, getting back at Ron's previous comment.

"Maybe?" said Ron, still unsure.

"That is right!" declared Alex. "We just don't know. He lived so long ago and we can never be sure what he was like."

"What?" asked Draco. The other Slytherin students were probably just as confused. They didn't expect Alex to turn it all around.

"Did you think that I was trying to vindicate Salazar Slytherin?" asked Alex laughing a bit. "Certainly not. My point is it shouldn't matter at all. Why should the opinion of those who died long ago affect our own beliefs? Our world is different from how the world was back then. We recognize the contributions of Slytherin to the foundation of our school the same way we do for the other three founders. Let's leave it at that."

The students looked at one another in amusement. But, some were looking quite annoyed as if a trick was just played on them.

"But, Professor, how about the Chamber of Secrets? What does Slytherin have to do with it?" asked Hermione.

"Well, the events that we've discussed until now were indeed based on facts. They were recorded by so many historians at the time. Salazar Slytherin left Hogwarts after an argument with the other three founders. And that is where the legend about the chamber is based on. — It is said according to the legend that Slytherin had created a secret place in Hogwarts unknown to the other founders. Before leaving the school, he sealed it so that only his true heir could find and open it. Thereby, unleashing the horror that lies within, purging the school of those whom he found unworthy to study magic. Naturally, the school had been searched on multiple occasions and it has never been found."

"Sir, what do you think is the horror that is in the chamber?" asked Hermione.

As a muggleborn, she was probably worried about it than most.

"Well, legends say it contains a monster that only Slytherin's heir could control. So, it is probably a giant snake or something. Slytherin is famous for being a Parselmouth, after all. But, it is only a legend."

"What is a Parselmouth, Professor?" asked Harry.

"A Parselmouth is someone who can talk to snakes," Alex said simply.

"I can do that," Harry said without thinking.

Everyone in the room was shocked at what Harry casually admitted.

"Excuse me, Harry. Did you say that you can talk to snakes?" asked Alex to clarify.

"Doesn't everyone? I bet loads of wizards could do it," said Harry confused.

Alex couldn't help but laugh out loud. Of course, Harry Potter was a Parselmouth! He was being ridiculous by being surprised still.

"Professor? Are you alright?" asked Harry.

"Yeah, I am alright, Harry. To answer your question, very few wizards are Parselmouths. It is a very rare gift indeed."

Harry and his friends were beginning to understand the situation.

"Professor, does this mean that Potter is the heir?" asked Draco. It was probably the question on everyone's mind.

"Shut it! Malfoy!" said Neville uncharacteristically. "You don't know what you are talking about."

"Let's not get too heated, Neville," said Alex. "It is a reasonable question. Parselmouth is an ability that is passed down in the family."

Harry had a disbelieving look on his face.

"But, Harry is not the heir of Slytherin. There are probably more than one person in this room who could trace a connection to Slytherin in their family line. That doesn't mean that any of you can possibly be the heir."

Harry was relieved by that.

"How can you be so sure, Professor?" asked Pansy Parkinson.

Alex paused while thinking about what he was about to say next. Could he reveal this information to the children? Would it be too much for them to handle?

Is he deciding as the leader of the Order of Prometheus or as their teacher?

They were just children, he thought to himself. But, they were also his students. All of them. It wasn't his duty to protect them from the world. He was supposed to prepare them to face it no matter what.

"I can say this with certainty because we already know who is the heir Slytherin," said Alex. "We know of only one person who has claimed to be the heir of Slytherin in the past 50 years. And that person is the Dark Lord himself."

The students gasped once again. The fact that Harry was a Parselmouth is not as big of a deal compared to the identity of the actual heir of Slytherin.

Alex knew about the Dark Lord's claims from the memories of Corban Yaxley and Peter Pettigrew. Dumbledore and Snape was probably aware as well.

Among the students, Harry and Draco were the most affected of all. Harry already knew that the Dark Lord wasn't truly gone. And, Draco must be thinking about the previous conversation that he and Alex had before.

"Now, you understand how distasteful this entire thing is," continued Alex. "I don't know whether the Dark Lord is truly the heir of Slytherin or he was just claiming it to attract some followers. You might be thinking that it is very interesting and you might want to participate in a little bit of gossiping. Just don't do it. — You would just be playing along to whoever is playing this depraved joke. Whoever played this trick will not be getting away with it. I promise you this."

Alex was looking at Draco directly. The seriousness of his words was underlined by the quietness in the room.

"Now, enough of this," said Alex. "We already spent too much time on this nonsense. Turn your textbooks to page 135."

Alex knew that their conversation would still spread throughout the school. Hopefully, the entire thing would really be taken as a distasteful practical joke. He would have to convince to the Hufflepuff gang and the Weasley Twins to carry out more pranks.


After the class, Harry and his friends decided to stay and talk with Alex.

"What is it, Harry?" Alex asked.

Hermione and Ron was trying to stop Harry from speaking, but, it seemed that Harry had already decided to say what he wanted to say.

"Professor, there is something I wanted to talk to you about. But, it is a little bit weird."

"Just say it, Harry. It will be easier once you start."

"I-I have been hearing a strange voice lately. I heard it once about a week after the beginning of the school term and I heard it again when Mrs Norris got attacked. But the others didn't hear it."

"Hmmm. That is certainly out of the ordinary. What was this voice saying?"

"It's saying that it wanted to kill, that it's hungry, and it wanted blood."

"How did it sound?" asked Alex.

"It was sort of hoarse and hissing."

Could Harry be hearing the actual monster from the Chamber? Did Lucius Malfoy really manage to open the Chamber of Secrets?

"I'm afraid I don't know how to help you, Harry. But, we shouldn't lose our heads even when faced by the unknown. Why don't we do this, the moment that you hear the voice once again, you run to me immediately."

Harry nodded in agreement. That was all Alex could offer him at the moment. All of them would have to be careful from that moment on.

Ch.55 - The Chamber of Secrets (2)

About a week later and it was once again time for quidditch. Just like every other year, the first game was between the Gryffindor team and the Slytherin team.

Both houses were excited about the match. The Gryffindor team was pretty strong this year. And, the Slytherin team had new Nimbus 2001 brooms for all their members. It was bound to be an interesting game.

Alex was asked once again to referee the game.

The fourteen players were flying all over and Alex was standing at the centre of the pitch. With a whistle, the team members of the two teams approached him before the match began. Just as before, Marcus Flint was the Slytherin captain and Oliver Wood was the captain for Gryffindor.

"I want a clean match this time around," said Alex. "None of that business from last year. If you are thinking that I will be more forgiving than last time, you will be wrong. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir!" said the two team captains.

As the game began, the players scrambled trying to gain the initiative. Slytherin had the first offensive. Their speed advantage was not anything to sneer at.

A few minutes later, Angelica Johnson, one of the Gryffindor chasers, got hit by a Bludger. Oliver Wood almost exploded at the Weasley Twins for letting it slip past them. But, it was hard for the Beaters to protect everyone all the time.

After about five minutes of game time, the score was 60-30 with the Slytherin as the lead. It was a pretty fast-paced game. The Gryffindor was doing a fine job keeping up with the other team, but, the speed advantage was hard to overcome. If the game stayed like this for another thirty minutes, the Gryffindor would lose all chance of winning.

But Alex didn't think too badly of the Slytherins. Equipment advantage was expected in quidditch. That is why some pro-teams have an exclusive contract to particular flying broom companies.

Accepting Draco Malfoy as the new Seeker for their team in exchange for a set of new brooms was a gambit that they took willingly. It was an impulsive decision in Alex's opinion. Draco had some talent in flying, but, he didn't seem to have the aptitude of carrying the team as a Seeker. Not to mention, he looked as if he was more interested in showing up Harry than actually winning the game.

Usually, taunting the opponent was supposed to distract the other Seeker. Draco was the only one being distracted by the way he was going.

And then, the Snitch was spotted. It was flying above Draco's head without the Slytherin Seeker realizing it. Alex almost shouted at Draco when it happened. Even the people on the stands saw the Snitch before the Seeker.

Harry lunges after the Snitch with his hand stretched. Draco realized his mistake a moment too late.

He caught up with Harry and the two Seekers engaged in pushing one another to get the lead on the Snitch.

Some Slytherin beaters sent the Bludger towards Harry, not hesitating even when Draco was there as well. Fortunately, one of the Weasley twins was there to intercept it this time.

Eventually, Draco couldn't keep up any longer. Harry caught the Snitch and the Gryffindor won the game at 180-70 points.

The current announcer was a fourth-year Gryffindor who was quite biased. He didn't hold anything back as he lorded their team's win on anyone who was listening.

The Gryffindor team was cheering on Harry for the win. Harry had proven once again that he was one of the best Seekers of the year.

Cedric Diggory would have a real challenge for the spot of best Seeker. The Ravenclaw also had a new female Seeker in their team named Cho Chang. It was a year when Seekers were at the centre of the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup.

Marcus Flint was giving it to Draco who failed to notice the Snitch when it was so close to him. Alex just shook his head in disappointment as a former team captain himself. Flint was not a very good team leader. He probably got his position through his influence or by intimidation, that was how it usually worked in their house. It wasn't surprising that their team had not been successful as of late.

Alex announced the end result of the game to conclude the event. The students were quite satisfied as they went back to the castle. It didn't last very long, but, it was a proper game of quidditch.


That night, another strange incident took place. A first-year Gryffindor student by the name of Colin Creevey was brought to the infirmary completely petrified just like the caretaker's cat.

Alex caught Prof. McGonagall and the Headmaster on the way to the infirmary with the unmoving student levitating behind them.

"Get Madam Pomfrey," asked Dumbledore as he laid the boy on the bed.

Prof. McGonagall hurried outside the infirmary to retrieve the healer. Dumbledore and Alex stayed beside the hospital bed while examining the boy.

Colin Creevey was a muggleborn first-year who got sorted in Gryffindor. He certainly fit the criteria of being an 'enemy of the heir' according to the message written on the wall last Halloween night.

Alex understood how the situation could be interpreted by the students. He made a considerable effort trying to keep the rumours in the school from getting wild. Now, he couldn't think of how he could calm them down. A petrified cat and a petrified boy was quite different.

When the healer arrived with Prof. McGonagall, she gasped when she saw the boy on the bed.

"What happened?" asked Madam Pomfrey as she checked on the frozen student on the bed.

"Another attack," said Dumbledore. "Minerva found him on the stairs."

The Gryffindor Head of House just happened to pass by the Grand Staircase that night when she found the boy. If no one found him in time, the boy could have fallen off the stairs the moment that the stairs moved again.

"Petrified?" asked the healer.

Colin Creevey was completely stationary. He was holding a camera by his face as if he was just about to take a picture.

"You don't think that he managed to take a picture of his attacker, did you?" asked Prof. McGonagall.

Alex bent over and reached for the camera. He was also curious if the boy did indeed capture the image of his attacker. But, when he tried to check the backside of the camera, the back part of it opened and the film was completely burned out. There was a nasty smell of burnt plastic that wafted through the room.

"It's melted inside," said Alex. "Completely melted. Even the lenses are shattered."

"What does this mean, Albus?" asked Prof. McGonagall.

"It means that the Chamber of Secrets has been opened indeed," said Dumbledore.

Even Alex couldn't help in being surprised. He had thought that the chambers were just legends. He thought that Lucius was just creating some controversy in Hogwarts. After all, his own son is a student here.

But, the Headmaster just confirmed the existence of the chamber. Perhaps, the Dark Lord made contact with Lucius Malfoy finally, thought Alex. And, he was the one who told Malfoy to open the chambers. Alex would have to send words to his people about this and make sure that they know everyone whom the Malfoy patriarch was meeting with so they could find the connection.

"Then the school is no longer safe," said Alex.

"I'm afraid so," said Dumbledore.

"We must have stricter curfews," declared Prof. McGonagall. "These attacks happened during after hours. We should be able to protect the students reasonably well as long as they stay inside their dorms at night."

She would be right, thought Alex. The common rooms are protected from intruders, especially beasts. But, the question was whether or not they could actually enforce such a curfew.

"Headmaster, do you know what kind of beast is in the Chamber of Secrets?" asked Alex.

"When the chamber was last opened some fifty years ago, it was officially declared as an acrumantula," explained Dumbledore. "But, I have always doubted that. I think that Slytherin's beast must be a type of snake."

"It had claimed a victim then," added Prof. McGonagall. "A muggleborn student who was sorted in Ravenclaw was killed then."

"Poor Myrtle Warren," said Dumbledore. "She still haunts the place where she was killed."

"Moaning Myrtle!?" asked Alex. "How was she killed exactly."

"We do not know that part," said Dumbledore. "Even Myrtle doesn't remember how she died very clearly."

"But, she died while the others were petrified... I know that it might be hard to remember this, Headmaster. But, was there any wounds or injuries on Myrtle Warren that could clue us on what type of monster we might be dealing with?"

Dumbledore furrowed his brows and think for a while. It was obviously a hard topic for him to discussed

"No..." said Dumbledore. "There wasn't any wound on Myrtle. Her state is not unlike someone who died by being struck by a Killing Curse. However, there wasn't any of the usual magical residue of the curse. We were fairly certain that it was caused by a beast and not a wizard."

"So, the beast managed to kill her without touching her?" said Alex while piecing together the puzzle. "Could it be a basilisk? — it is a serpent that could kill anyone with eye contact. But, Colin here has his camera. And Mrs Norris might have seen the eyes of the beast through a reflection on the flooded corridor floor. Perhaps, petrification is the effect when one sees the eyes of a basilisk indirectly through a refracting lens or a reflecting surface."

The considered the possibility for a moment before reacting.

"We must abandon the school, Albus," said Prof. McGonagall. "If we really have a basilisk in the castle, I fear for the students. Just one accidental eye contact with the beast is all it takes."

"Minerva, I also want to protect the students as best we can, but..." Dumbledore said.

"But we can't at the moment." said Alex. "The caretaker's cat was hanging on a wall torch. I doubt that a basilisk had the dexterity required to put the cat there. There must be a person who is leading around the monster. And I hate to say it, but, that person is likely a student."

Dumbledore agreed to his assessment. "Alex is right, Minerva. Our perpetrator had also killed off all of Hagrid's chickens recently to protect the monster. The crowing of a rooster is known to be fatal to a basilisk. It fits the circumstances."

"I will personally take care of the security, Prof. McGonagall. We'll catch whoever is behind all this soon enough. Then, we can continue on our usual routine. — In the meantime, we should enforce a very strict curfew on the students. No one should be allowed in the halls after 9 pm, including prefects. We should ask them instead to stay in their house's common rooms and prevent anyone from going outside for any reason. Also, we can't have any overnight patients in the infirmary."

Dumbledore nodded.

"But, where would I keep my patients, Prof. Grey?"

"We should find an empty room in their dorms should the need arise. It will only be a temporary measure, Madam Pomfrey. I will send for more Mandrakes so Prof. Snape can make more of the draught."

"Very well, I can show you to the Gryffindor dormitories," said Prof. McGonagall.

The four of them worked together to transfer Colin Creevey as comfortably as possible.

During the breakfast in the Great Hall, Dumbledor had announced the temporary regulations that must be observed in the school. He had also announced that Prof. Grey was going to be investigating the incident officially.

The room was abuzz with murmurs of students talking amongst themselves on what could be the reasons behind the Headmaster's announcement.

The Gryffindor students were most affected of all. One of their members were just attacked the night before.


That day, Alex's first class was the sixth-year students who were taking the NEWT level studies for the DADA. For the sixth and seventh-year students of Hogwarts, the class was no longer mandatory. That is because only those students who received an EE or better on their OWL's could continue on the advance level classes. Students also had the choice whether or not they were willing to continue their studies on that particular subject. Students must take a minimum of three core classes and 1 elective class for their NEWT level studies. Anything more than that was up to the students.

Percy Weasley was attending this particular class. He had actually achieved 12 OWL's last year. He is known for being uptight unlike his older brother, Bill, who was very laid back while managing to achieve the same amount of OWL's.

Percy was one of the students in his class who participated the most. He gave some very detailed answers and was always ready to volunteer when the occasion arose. When the class was over, Alex asked him to stay behind for a little chat.

Bill was worried the most about Percy. And now, Alex could see why. The young wizard had been putting too much pressure on himself to succeed.

"So, Percy, have you given any thoughts about what career you want to pursue after Hogwarts?" asked Alex.

"I am thinking about becoming a Ministry official just like my dad."

"That's good. I thought you were going to say that you want to work in a dangerous job like your two older brothers."

Bill and Charlie Weasley had chosen quite the dangerous careers. No doubt their parents are always worried about them. Despite their achievements in Hogwarts, they have chosen a career that didn't have much of a promotion ladder. That had probably added some pressure on Percy. He might be feeling that he must be the first of the Weasley children to really succeed in the traditional sense of the word.

"I would like to work in a field where I can excel. It is not enough to simply follow your passions," said Percy earnestly.

"The Ministry is not the only place where you can apply your abilities. Your career is something that you will be doing for the rest of your life. It is important to find something to be passionate about in life. You will discover what that will be as long as you keep an open mind."

"Thank you, Prof. Grey. But, why are you telling me this?" asked Percy curious why his professor was suddenly counselling him.

Alex leaned back on his desk and crossed his arms before explaining further.

"Your brother, Bill, is worried about you the most, you know?" said Alex. "He told me so when I last communicated with him. He thinks that you are putting too much pressure on yourself. And from what I know of you, I think he might be right. — Don't take it the wrong way, Percy. But, it's important to take a break once in a while. Slow down for a moment and think. You might be surprised by what you can discover about your self."

"Thank you. I will keep your words in mind. Is there something else, Professor?" said Percy still being sceptical.

"Yes, actually. I wanted to ask you what do you think about the art of duelling? I've seen your spellwork last year in Charms and when you attended my summer courses. I think you may have some talent in the art."

"I am not really much of a fighter, Prof. Grey. It is interesting, though. I can see why it is still a revered art even though there are only few people who really practice it nowadays."

"Neither am I, really. You don't always have to be the aggressive type to excel in duelling. Just ask Prof. Flitwick. Did you know that he was also a duelling champion before he started teaching at Hogwarts?"

"Prof. Flitwick? Really?" asked Percy in a disbelieving voice.

"Really," said Alex. "It takes agility and poise to be a good duellist. That is why I am thinking that it could suit you. I am not saying that I think you should be a professional duellist, but, the skill can really help you in many other fields, even in a career in the ministry.

"Are you saying that you want to teach me how to duel?" asked Percy excitedly.

Even Percy would be excited about the prospect of learning how to duel from 'Alexander Grey'. It would surely look great in his records.

"Something like that," said Alex. "I've been thinking about reviving the Hogwarts Duelling Club. I will be the advisor and I can also give some lectures and demonstrations during the weekends. I am expecting a lot of students who would like to join it because of my status as a duelling champion. So, it will be quite hectic. Therefore, I would like a student like you to organize it."

"I'll do it!" said Percy happily.

"I know that I can count on you, Percy. Remember, I want the membership to be open to all students of Hogwarts, regardless of what house they are a part of," stressed Alex. "Perhaps, you can ask you fellow prefects to help you spread the words to their housemates. In fact, I want sixth-year and seventh-year students from all houses to administer the club as its leaders. I will let you make the recommendations. We can have our first meeting next Saturday. I prepared a room along the third-floor corridor, you won't miss it at the appointed time."

"Of course. I won't let you down, Prof. Grey!"

"I know you won't. You may go now. You don't want to be late for your next class," said Alex with a smile.

Percy ran out of the room after saying his goodbye. It was good to see the young man really excited for once. He was earnest, responsible, smart, and a stickler for the rules. Alex knew that Percy was the right man for the job of establishing the new club.

Alex was expecting Harry to show up with Ron and the others for the first club meeting. It was just the type of thing that Harry and Ron would be interested in. This would be a start on how he would prepare Harry for anything.

In actuality, Alex was not even considering the idea of staying in the school for another year. But, he was hoping that the new Duelling Club would last even after he was gone from Hogwarts. Perhaps, he could pass his role as its advisor to Prof. Flitwick on the next year.

He was enjoying his time teaching in Hogwarts despite how much it occupied his time. When the Dark Lord was finally gone, he could come back and be 'Prof. Grey' once again.