(Drafts) 83-84, 85 Epilogue

SPOILERS: The following are drafts of the ending I initially planned out.

Ch.83 - End of an Era (1)

After his visit to Hogwarts, Alex busied himself communicating with the other leaders of the Order. The time to attack Voldemort was coming and Alex wanted to make sure that they were as ready as they could be. Most likely, they would only get one chance at ending the Dark Lord.

Meanwhile, the work in the Ministry never stopped. They were finally making some progress with the backlog of trials lined-up in the Wizengamot. Members of the Wizengamot were attending the trials every day in the past month.

No one told any of them that having a seat in the Wizengamot would become a full-time job. Most of them treated their seat as honorary positions. They would only be called to their duty when a new bill was being deliberated on. In actuality, a trial in the Wizengamot was a rare occasion.

And so, several days had passed just like that. Alex never missed a day in the Ministry while the Order scrambled away from the public's notice to coordinate their attack. One thing that they had learned was that Voldemort was no longer in the British Isles. The tracker was pointing them somewhere in mainland Europe.

On Christmas day, it was time for the Yule Ball in Hogwarts. The Great Hall was decorated very lavishly. This is one of the biggest events in Hogwarts in recent history and they wanted to impress their guests from Beauxbatons and Drumstrang.

Outside the castle, some wizards and witches were patrolling the premises just in case anyone would dare attack the castle. These people were professional security personnel from 'Arms'. It was good that Nymphadora Tonks was in Hogwarts to coordinate the security measures around the school.

Inside the castle, every student from the fourth-year and above was wide-eyed at the festivities going on. For most of them, this ball would be the very first dance that they would attend. Every boy was garbed in their best dress robes, and every girl was wearing their pretty gowns.

Alexander Grey, the Interim Minister, was notably absent from the event. He was expected to give a speech about the solidarity of wizarding nations. So, Mr Tonks was there on his behalf.

To begin the festivities, Dumbledore stepped to the podium and said a few words. He was looking even more festive than usual.

"Welcome, friends," he greeted.

A special night to celebrate the turn of the year.

The changing of the season

from the coldest of winter nights to warmer days ahead

Friends, students of Hogwarts, and our guests from foreign lands

Welcome, all!

The music started playing

The champions' dance

Cedric's date was a Hufflepuff prefect.

The expectations of the Hufflepuff House on their champion.

Hermione and Krum

Harry and his date

Harry's scar.


Elsewhere, the special forces of the Arms of Poros were assembled. There were about sixty of their best fighters that gathered for the current operation. This was the strongest force that Alex could call on while being able to stay unnoticed. Some of these people were working in the Ministry, but they all shared being trained by the 'Arms'. It was time to prove their worth.

They crossed the sea after tracking the location of Voldemort. They all used international portkeys to go to France. Some of their agents in that country arranged for their arrival to make sure that their movement would be unnoticed. After all, the entry of more than sixty wizard combatants would garner too much attention.

It seemed that the Dark Lord had abandoned his base in Little Hangleton.

And that night, on the 25th of December, they managed to confirm the location of their target in a dark forest in Albania.

Alex and Mr Grant had taken their positions on the outskirts of the forest. There were a total of three separate groups huddled just outside the forest. They would be approaching the target from different locations.

Everyone was equipped with the best fighting gear that they could put together.

At the stroke of midnight, they began to move.

Mr Baxter was there on Alex's orders.

Alex handed the tracker with Hufflepuff's Cup to Mr Baxter.

Then, he joined his troops on their approach to Voldemort's location.

When they got near, about 500 meters away, Alex had given the order to activate the Anti-Apparition and Anti-Portkey wards. A group of wizards had also taken flight to patrol above the forest. Their job was to prevent anyone to escape by flying.

"It's time," said Alex looking at Mr Grant.

After the wards were set, Alex gave the go-ahead to Mr Grant. From here on, the older wizard was the commander of their forces, so he was in charge of giving the commands. Alex was just one of the fighters. His job was to find and defeat Voldemort personally.

They charged into the deepest part of the forest, some were running, others flying on broomsticks.


Deep in that forest in Albania, Voldemort was currently resting on his chair that he brought all the way from his manor.

The other Death Eaters were all camped in tents.

They were reduced to this.

He blamed Alexender Grey for all that had happened to him and his followers.

He had been humiliated, his forces were defeated.

And now, he was back to hiding in the forest of Albania for the third time.

However, this time, he wasn't alone. With his remaining followers, it should be easy to take control of the local Ministry of Magic in Albania. He would rather start his reign once more in the UK where he was born, where Hogwarts is located.

However, he could be a little more patient. The time would come for him to return to the British Isles. He tried to play the subtle game, but that only gave way for Alexander Grey and his ilk to take power. This time, he would not be merciful. He would bring the British Ministry and the Association to their knees.

He was interrupted in his musing when a Death Eater came to him running.

"My Lord! We have been found! They're here!"

"Who's here!?" asked Voldemort. Could they have been found?

Before the frantic wizard could answer, it started raining spells from the enemy.


After Mr Grant had given the order via glass communicators, their forces started firing their bombardment spells. Most of them were using Bombarda Maxima. A group of highly trained wizards was truly a fearsome sight to behold.

The spells did hit a protective barrier at first, but it could only hold for a second before it failed. The destruction that they caused was akin to a well-coordinated air-strike from the muggles. Normally, they would not expect anyone to survive the explosions, but they were dealing with fellow wizards.

When the smoke cleared, there were still about twenty people standing at the targeted spot. They must have used strong Protego Charms to protect themselves. Some of them tried to escape via Apparition, but they were kept there forcefully. Some of them tried to escape by flying as they turned to a cloud of black smoke, but they were shot down by the wizards up there. No one could escape.

The remaining Death Eaters looked at one another realizing that they could only fight their way out. They knew that even if they surrendered, they would be charged with treason for associating with Voldemort, and the punishment for treason was death. The Bloody Minister would not let them off.

They started fighting back, but they were outnumbered. One by one, they fell to the might of the 'Arms'. Only a few of the Death Eaters were actually capable of fighting back.

Alex moved through the battlefield followed by his most trusted guards. They protected him while he was scouting the field for Voldemort.

There, away from the battle were Voldemort, Barty Crouch Jr., and the snake.

Alex made a move immediately. He pointed his left arm toward the enemy and, from the space-folding scabbard strapped on his arm, out came the flying dagger with the inscription of 'Greywolf'. Its target was none other than Crouch Jr.

The dagger flew with incredible speed as it went through the wizard's chest, right where his heart was. With the raw force of the hit, the half of Crouch Jr.'s torso was blown off. The man actually managed to look at what happened to him before falling over as he died.

Alex controlled the trajectory of the flying dagger with a movement of his fingers. It turned mid-flight, drawing a wide arch as it went. This time, it's target was the 20-foot-long snake by the Dark Lord's side.

However, contrary to Alex's expectation, the dagger failed to kill the snake. There was a loud sound at the impact. The dagger bounced off when it hit the target. The snake was also thrown off a couple of meters away.

The entirety of the snake was a Horcrux. Unlike the case with Harry, who is quite vulnerable because the Horcrux in him was contained in his scar, the snake was nearly indestructible.

"YOU DARE!" screamed Voldemort. He just saw how Alex had targeted one of his Horcruxes. He might have his suspicion before, but there was no longer any doubt that his Horcruxes were known.

Alex commanded the flying dagger once again. If he couldn't kill the snake with it, he could at least hurt Voldemort.

However, the Dark Lord had seen through Alex's tool. With a simple flick of a wand, he fired a Reductor Curse at the dagger. Normally, it should have been protected from such spell, but it succumbed to the power behind the curse. It was deflected from its course, and it was grounded to a sand-like substance.

The flying dagger was destroyed utterly.

"Quite an ingenious trinket," said Voldemort. "I will have to look into the making of my own after tonight."

Alex glared at the Dark Lord as he said, "If you are thinking of escaping again, don't bother. I will find you wherever you go."

"True. I wonder how you were able to find me here. However, no matter what you do, you can't win our war!"

"Let's end this," said Alex. He held his arm before his chest. A ball of fire formed on his hand.

"What is this?" asked Voldemort as he saw the ball of fire transformed into the shape of a large wolf after Alex had thrown it on the ground. "Fiendfyre? No, it's something else. You surprise me, Alexander Grey."

"You will be surprised even more." The fiery wolf ran off deeper into the forest.

It was only then that the Dark Lord realized that the wolf was heading to the direction where his snake had gone to.

"No!" Voldemort exclaimed. He tried to stop the fiery wolf with another powerful spell, but he was prevented from doing so.

Alex pulled the earth to create a wall between the apparition of his Hellfire Protector and the Dark Lord's spell. He looked at Voldemort with a grin. It was only a matter of time before his fiery wolf could find and destroy the Dark Lord's snake. He didn't even have to focus too much to maintain the spell. The fiery wolf had a partial intelligence of its own. It would seek the Horcrux snake on its own.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" cried out Voldemort. He fired a Confringo Curse.

Alex deflected the attack easily. Now, he and the Dark Lord had engaged in a duel once again. The rest of the 'Arms' gathered around the two great wizards. All the Death Eater had all been taken down.

When Alex fired a powerful Reductor Curse at Voldemort, it was easily deflected back at him. Voldemort caught the attack in a swirl of black mist that he was creating with his wand. Then, out of the dark vortex, the Reductor Curse was fined back towards Alex with intense dark energy surrounding it.

Alex knew by instinct that he could not defend against the oncoming spell. He had to use wandless magic to push himself out of the way fast enough. There was no question that Voldemort knew the Dark Arts like no one, and Alex had to remind himself of the fact.

He crashed into the ground, unable to stop the momentum of his movement. Voldemort's retaliation went by just as quickly. The people who were standing behind Alex, watching the duel between him and the Dark Lord, realized that the curse was now coming their way. Most of them were able to move out of the trajectory, but some were helplessly caught by the attack. These people were reduced into black sand-like substance as they screamed in anguish.

Alex couldn't even allow himself to lament the loss of his soldiers. He had to keep moving to avoid more incoming spells from Voldemort.

As he rolled away a second time, he transfigured the ground under his feet and, from it, a great number of crows sprung forth. He kept moving as the birds flew away hiding above the branches.

Voldemort undoubtedly saw what Alex had done, but he kept his focus on his target. He knew that he only needed to take down Alex to come out victorious. Whatever Alex was planning, he would surely be able to deal with it. He was also surrounded by about forty other combatants, but be didn't even recognize them as threats. For him, their number meant nothing. Only a powerful wizard like Dumbledore and Alex could possibly harm him.

When the birds came back to attack, Voldemort simply had to flick his wand at their direction to destroy them all. However, that was all that Alex needed.

Alex stabbed his wand on the ground and it made the earth crack with lights coming from underneath. Some other members of the 'Arms' that came with him had also done as he did. This was something that he learned from the notes of Nicolas Flamel, a spell requiring the cooperation of more than twenty wizards that would create a barrier strong enough to contain something that was powerful enough to destroy an entire city.

The invisible barrier was formed instantly. Of course, Alex would never let his people stand idle and watch him duel the Dark Lord on his own. They were discretely getting in position as their leader faced off against the enemy.

Alex knew that he had been lucky during his previous battles against Voldemort. The circumstances worked in his favour. However, in a true battle to the death, as it was at the moment when they gave Voldemort no other way out but to fight, Alex was still not a match with the Dark Lord in terms of raw power.

When they first fought, Voldemort was possessing Quirrell unable to unleash his full power. When they fought in Hogsmeade, Voldemort was still unwilling to truly fight against Alex. He still needed to build up the ranks of the new Death Eaters and there was also the fact that Hogwarts was so close. He didn't want to risk fighting Alex and Dumbledore at once.

"What is this?" asked Voldemort. He glared at Alex with all the hate that he could muster, but the man offered no explanation.

Voldemort fell on one knee as he felt the weight coming down on him. This was an effect of the barrier, he realized. He had to break it as fast as he could.

He fired every spell he knew that would create the strongest impact, but it was useless. The barrier was unaffected.

Did he lose? Voldemort couldn't help asking himself. The barrier was only becoming stronger and he couldn't think of a way to escape. He looked at the man responsible. Alexander Grey had an unchanged look of determination from the moment they fought. This was a man that didn't merely come here to defy him, this was a man who came here to defeat him. All this time, Alexander was looking at him as an enemy that he could defeat. If only he recognized that look earlier, then he would never be in this position.

He had lost. This time, Lord Voldemort had really lost. He was unwilling to accept it. He had sacrificed too much to fail. He had never imagined this day would come. Voldemort had experienced dying twice before; once when he tried to kill Harry Potter, and when Quirrell died. But to be utterly defeated, that was new. He was truly unwilling.

He was still trying to think of a way to escape when he felt a great amount of pain from within. He knew the reason why. Nagini, his familiar turned Horcrux was destroyed. This pain that he was feeling was from losing a part of his soul forever. He collapsed finally. The last thing he saw was the red spellfire coming for him.

Ch.84 - End of an Era (2)

Alex and the others with the unconscious Voldemort

"Are you sure we're not killing him?"

"I'm sure. There are more important things than just killing him."

"Yes, Archon."


On the 28th of December, an emergency session was called in the Wizengamot.

The Interim Minister had made it clear that attendance was mandatory.

The press and a limited number of citizens of the British Wizarding World were also invited to attend.

The day before, the upcoming event was announced in the Observer.

All over the country, wizards and witches were listening on their radio or watching what was happening in the big Wizengamot court.

They were expecting Alexander Grey to make an important announcement, although, no one knew what he was about to say.

Alex sat on the judge's chair in the wizengamot. The microphones and the camera were focused on him.

"Good day to all the citizens of our nation. Please listen calmly to what I'm about to say and know that I am speaking the truth. On the night of the 25th of December, an elite group of Aurors, Hit-Wizards, and other combatants have fought and captured the wizard known as Lord Voldemort."

The reaction within the court can be heard through the radio. All over the country, wizards and witches stood up from their chairs looking at one another as if to ask if they heard the announcement clearly.

Those who were watching the announcement in taverns and pubs had their eyes glued on the glass-screen looking at the expression of the Interim Minister. They couldn't believe it at first, but there was no sign of deception from the man on the screen.

People were saying, 'No way. . . .'

'It can't be. . . ."

Voldemort had been captured. If the ministry had announced that the Dark Lord was killed, it wouldn't evoke the same reaction. After all, Voldemort was killed before. But by saying that he had been captured, it meant that the Dark Lord, in the flesh, was currently in the custody of the ministry. The dark wizard that was most feared in history in the British Isles, a figure that haunted them in their nightmares, had been found, captured, and placed in a cage.

Alex continued his speech. "Today, on the 28th of December of the year 1994, in an emergency session on the Wizengamot with full attendance of its members, the dark wizard, Voldemort, shall be interviewed by the court as an enemy of the state and be executed for his crimes against the people of our nation. His right to trial had been withdrawn under an emergency decree by the Office of the Minister."

Alex paused and looked around to see if anyone would dare to protest. Withdrawing the right to trial of a man was unprecedented. Even those who were accused of treason had a trial out of formality. However, Voldemort had been declared by the Wizengamot an an enemy of the country. His guilt had already been decided.

"Bring out the prisoner," ordered Alex.

The people turned their heads towards the opening doors.

Voldemort was kneeling on a platform. There were some heavy chains attached on all his limbs and around his neck. These chains were supressing the Dark Lord's magic and physical strength.

Loud gasps could be heard from around the room at the sight of Voldemort. The man was extraordinarily pale. He was hairless and his nose was replaced by two big slits like the nose of a snake. Although the appearance of the Dark Lord had been described multiple times in the papers, everyone was still surprise after seeing him. He didn't even look human.

The Dark Lord laughed as he wes presented in the middle of the room. "It must give you the satisfaction to stand above me, Lord Voldemort. You standing over there are l am bound here like an animal!"

He was looking intently at Alex, the man who defeated him. He couldn't help but respect the man standing above all others. They were the same, he told himself. But Voldemort had failed where Alex had succeeded. He had used the pureblood Ideology to attain his position of power. Alexander had used the struggle of the muggleborns in his ascension. How ironic, he thought. He tried to achieve what he wanted only for it to be snatched away by someone while using him as a stepping stone.

Some part of Voldemort wanted to congratulate the man in front of him. However, Alex wasn't generous enough to give him the reaction that he expected. Alex, as the presiding leader of the current Wizengamot session, had a face that couldn't be read. For some reason, that had irked Voldemort even more. He was beginning to accept his defeat, but he expected to be respected as a worthy adversary. He was so disappointed!

Of course, what Voldemort didn't know was Alex never viewed himself as a great villain or hero. His fame and reputation were just tools for him to use. He didn't treat his agenda as somekind of game or sport where he expected to be congratulated for each of his victories. He was just a man with a job to do. And at the moment, that job was closing the chapter in history that involved Voldemort.

"Mr Tonks, you have the floor," said Alex not replying to the Dark Lord.

Tom Marvolo Riddle

The story of an orphan boy

Slytherin House and Hogwarts

Chamber of Secrets

Myrtle Warren

"How did you know that!?" demanded Voldemort.

But Mr Tonks didn't answer. He was sticking to the script that was prepared for him.

Alex had already used Legilimency on weakened Voldemort after they captured him. Then, he Obliviated the Dark Lord afterwards.

With that, Alex had learned what Tom Riddle had done to become the dark wizard Voldemort today. All his schemes and all the rituals he performed on himself was revealed to Alex. The most suprising was how almost everything that Voldemort knew came from Hogwarts itself. Inside the Chamber of Secrets, the young Riddle found the magical tomes that Salazar Slytherin himself had gathered during his life.

Without the inheritance from Slytherin, Tom Riddle was just a talented normal wizard — a vindictive, narcisistic, ambitious, sociaphatic, but otherwise normal wizard. It was during his disappearance after his graduation from Hogwarts when he achieved his extraordinary magical strength. He performed rituals on his body and soul that even Salazar Slytherin himself would never dare to do.

After talking about Tom Riddle's Hogwarts years, Mr Tonks continued to narrate what happened with Riddle that eventually led with him becoming Lord Voldemort.

The Knights of Walpurgis

Riddle's job in Knocturn Alley

Returning to Hogwarts to apply for a teaching position.

The Death Eaters

For a long time, Alex had been thinking about what would the effect of revealing Voldemort's story. How would there people react when they learned that the person who had championed pureblood supremacy was actually a half-blood bastard who was raised in the muggle world.

There were some people in the Order that said that it could lead to a widespread suspiscion on muggleborns. The story could also be used as an argument for a more extreme separation of the wizarding and muggle world.

However, it was important to look at the entire picture when talking about the Dark Lord. It was the prejudice in their society that allowed for something like Voldemort.

History would be rewritten after that day. Alex was counting it.

Mr Tonks was finally finished with his summary of Riddle's story. Alex stood up and adressed the entire room.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle, for your crimes against the citizens of the wizarding world and for attempting to over throw the Ministry on multiple occassions, you are, hereby, sentenced to death by execution. . . . Do you have any lest words?"

"How did you learn those things about me?" Voldemort wanted to know the only thing that was eluding him. There were information about him that was revealed earlier that he had never shared with anyone.

Alex looked at him fiercely. "Did you think that we will remain idle? That we will remain petrified in fear? You've underestimated us. As long as one person was willing to stand in the face of evil, there will be others marching behind him. You will die and we still stand."


Those were his last intelligible words as he was pushed into the cage where a Dementor was waiting for him. Normally, Voldemort would have nothing to fear against such creatures. But at the moment, his magical abilities were being supressed.

His screams would be remembered for a long time to come. Everyone who was watching the execution was silent as they witnessed the Dark Lord's soul was sucked out from his mouth.


Hours later, Alex was alone in the hidden HQ of the Order of Prometheus.

After the execution of the Dark Lord, it was very hard for him to leave the commotion. It was as if something had broke and chaos was unleashed. People were overwhelmed with emotion about what had happened. Even the frigid Amelia Bones was crying in a corner. Alex symphatized with the woman. Even if they had become political enemies in multiple instances, he still respected the woman.

He kept his speeches as short as possible. His message for the people of the British Wizarding World was simple: the dark days had past and now was a time for new era.

Once he was alone, not counting his usual bodyguards, he found the Dementor that had consumed Voldemort's soul and he burned it to ashes with his Hellfire Protector spell. He wasn't about to leave the creature alone after it had consumed the soul of the most powerful wizard in the world.

Then, he had taken his leave telling his guards that he was tired and he Apparated to the HQ. He was in the basement looking at the remaining Horcruxes of Voldemort.

Something had changed with them. Instead of their usual passiveness, they were almost wailing in pain. It was like they knew that the wizard who created them was no longer in the world.

Alex summoned the fiery wolf once again. Without any ceremony, it ate the Horcruxes starting with the Gaunt Family Ring, then Slytherin's Locket, then Raveclaw's Diadem.

Alex looked at the remaining one, Hufflepuff's Cup. It was still encased with the spherical glass that Alex was using to track it's connection with the other pieces of Voldemort's soul. Seeing that there were no longer any red marks on it, he was convinced that there were no other Horcruxes of Voldemort out there. He opened the contraption and let the fiery wolf consumed the golden cup.

Three of the founders' relics were destroyed. What a waste, thought Alex. However, it was a small price to pay to make sure that Voldemort was completely gone. He couldn't help but sigh in relief. It was truly the ending of an era.


Ch.85 - Epilogue

The New Years celebration of the Order following the death of Voldemort was something to be remembered. They have lost some of their members in the fight against the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters, but they came out of it truimphant.

There was a great party going on in the Order HQ. Mr Baxter and the house-elves had spared no expenses in the food and drink.

Alex even saw Mrs Pierce dancing with Mr Grant. Those two were the most intimidating members of the Order! One was the spymaster and the other was the commander of their soldiers.

"Everyone!" Alex gathered their attention. "We have scored a great victory for ourselves and all others in our world. The great villain known as Voldemort is no more!"

"Here, here!"


"But the work is never done. There will always be another Voldemort or another Lucius Malfoy. And they are counting on us to be careless. So, let us not waste what we've achieved so far. The Order of Prometheus will always be watchful. May we all always walk in the light!"


On February the 24th, the second task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament was held.

The theme of the second task was leadership. So, every champion will pick seven other students from their school to help them in the task.

The game was Capture the Flag. Each team has a flag to protect with the emblem of their respective schools. To avoid disqualification, they must still have their own flag at the end of the given time of an hour. The team possessing the most number of flags at the end would be the winner.

Fleur Delecour and Victor Krum had each assembled an intimidating team of their own. Cedric Diggory, on the other hand, had a very unusual team. It consisted mostly of Cedric's friends in the Duelling Club. Interestingly, the Weasley twins were in Cedric's team even though they were only in their sixth year.

Hogwarts won the second task.

Two months later, the third task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament was held. The theme for this task was cooperation.

The task for the three champion was to steal a golden egg from a dragon without harming the creature. They were attempting it at the same time. It was up to them if they could work together.

In the stands, Harry was sitting with Neville, Ron, and Hermione. Of course, Hagrid was there as well.

"Hey, I recognize that dragon!" said Hagrid. "That's Norbert, that is! Look at her, all grown up." He had tears in his eyes.

"Wow! That's Norbert?" Harry was amazed looking at the great majestic green-scaled Norweigian Ridgeback.

"She really let herself go!" joked Ron.

Of course, this had triggered Hermione who took it upon herself to explain to Ron with exact details how Dragons and humans grow in different rates.

Neville laughed looking at Ron's expression. He turned to the half giant and said, "Hagrid, can you imagine if you kept her in the Forbidden Forest? Where would you hide her?"

"Right you are Neville. Good thing Mister Grey was able to find a place for her in Romania. Now look at her. Soon, she will have some little dragons of her own."

Hagrid was crying happy tears. Neville and Harry shared a helpless look clueless at how they should deal with the crying half-giant.

The champions were able to work together to steal the golden egg from Norbert by working together.

After the task was completed, the awards ceremony was held. Alexander Grey was there to present the awards to the winner.

"This tournament highlighted the three characteristics that we need for our young wizards and witches in the current age; resourcefulness, leadership, and willingness to work with others. All these champions in front of me exemplifies these traits, but there can only be one Tri-Wizard Champion. . . . Cedric Diggory!"

With all of the tasks taken in account, Cedric was declared as the Tri-Wizard Champion. It wasn't a surprise with Fleur and Victor, after all, the Hogwarts champion did win the other two tasks.


In April of 1994, Alex and Katie's first child was born. They were glad to welcome into the world a healthy baby girl.


Alex was officially voted as Minister for Magic for a full term

The changes in the Ministry in his first and only term

Wizengamot was split into two

Azkaban was abolished

Education Reforms

Open Economy

Retirement after 7 years as Minister

The Order stayed in the shadows