
Sung-ho falls onto his face and looks up to see an elaborate and natural labyrinth of trees sitting all around him. 

"Where am I?" 

The trees were much taller than what he was used to. The trees towered over normal trees. These trees were as thick as houses and stood as high as skyscrapers. 

'Those are some huge trees!' 

Sung-ho starts to wander through this array of trees using the moss for directions. 

'Follow the moss, it leads to water, and water leads to civilization.' 

Sung-ho had taken survival classes back in grade school. So he had the basic survival knowledge. 


An unidentified object fell from a tree and landed behind Sung-ho. 

Sung-ho turns around to see a creature standing tall and staring down at him. The creature had dark green skin and looked like a large human. The creature was easily four meters tall and wielded a giant axe in it's left hand. 

'What is that!?' 

The monster swings his axe towards Sung-ho who barely manages to dodge. 

'What the hell!?' 

Sung-ho hadn't known fear. Not until he looked death in the face. His instincts told him to dodge, he did it reflexively. 

'What just happened? Was...I scared?'

The creature swung his axe towards Sung-ho again. 

Sung-ho falls to his feet as he attempts to avoid the blow. The axe slices Sung-ho's forehead with the tip of his axe. 

"Gaahhh!... Shit that hurt!" 

Sung-ho gets swung at again. The axe is swung from above and he rolls to get out of the way. 

'I need to run! I can't survive this!' 

Sung-ho stumbles to his feet and starts to sprint away from the creature. 





The monster flung his axe into Sung-ho's back. Sung-ho fell to the ground, coughing up blood. His world turns black as he slips out of consciousness. 

'So this is then end then? It's pretty peaceful...'

* (Author Notes: The "*" count represents the amount of time that has passed. One "*" can be a few seconds to a minute.)

[Player Registration Complete]



[Player Respawned]


Sung-ho wakes up in the same area he first entered the dungeon. 

"Huh? I'm not dead?" 

He looked around at the familiar sights. He looked up at the massive trees and started walking the same direction as last time. 

'I probably shouldn't go down here, but the moss leads this way.' 

Sung-ho trusted he could escape the creature this time. 

The fated hour was here. The monster jumped off the tree and landed behind him. 


'It's back huh?' 

Sung-ho turned around to see a shorter creature. The creature was green and wielding a dagger. It was only up to his waist in size. 

'It changed? It's not the same as before!'

The creature leaped towards him and tried to stab his chest. Sung-ho dodged and reflexively punched the creature in the face. 

The creature tumbles backwards from the impact and hits it's head on a rock.

Sung-ho grabs the creature's dagger and plunges it into the creature's heart, causing a fountain of blood to spew from the creatures chest.


The creature spits up blood as it dies on the dungeon floor.

[Level up!] 

Name: Yoo Sung-ho

Class: None

Lvl. 1 -> 2

HP: 10 -> 15

MP: 10 -> 15

Strength: 10 -> 15

Agility: 10 -> 15

Intelligence: 10 -> 15

'Huh? Level up? Is this a game?' 

Sung-ho needed answers to his questions. He went searching for another monster to see if he leveled up again. 

** (Author Note: Two "*" can mean anywhere from one minute to ten minutes.) 

Sung-ho encountered another monster after traveling for a few more minutes. This monster was a wolf, a large wolf. The mane was a dark grey with a lightning bolt shape below it's snout. 

'Alright, let's do this.' 

Sung-ho charged towards the wolf with the dagger still in hand. 

The wolf swung it's tail towards Sung-ho as lightning webbed out through the air. 

'Shit! That hurts!' 

Sung-ho launched himself towards the wolf's legs. Sung-ho jabbed the dagger into the wolf's tendons. The wolf toppled over in agony, wincing in pain. 

Sung-ho yanked the dagger from the wolf and plunged it into the beasts neck. He proceeded to repeatedly stab the wolf until it stopped breathing. 

[Level up!] 

Name: Yoo Sung-ho

Class: None

Lvl. 2 -> 3

HP: 15 -> 20

MP: 15 -> 20

Strength: 15 -> 20

Agility: 15 -> 20

Intelligence: 15 -> 20

'I was right! It's basically a game! This is going to be fun!' 

***** (Author Note: Five "*" can be anywhere above ten hours.) 

Sung-ho has spent 200 years in this dungeon. He hasn't slept, eaten, or had to use the restroom at all. 

'When I first got here, I thought it was weird that I didn't need to eat anything. But after hundreds of years I got used to it.' 

Name: Yoo Sung-ho

Class: None

Lvl. 73,569 -> 73,570

HP: 367,845 -> 367,850

MP: 367,845 -> 367,850

Strength: 367,845 -> 367,850

Agility: 367,845 -> 367,850

Intelligence: 367,845 -> 367,850

'I want to go home... I miss my family! I hope they are still alive...'

Sung-ho walked around the forest and killed monsters for 200 years straight. He has been fighting non stop because he doesn't get tired while in here. 

Sung-ho had fun fighting mobsters but he hated seeing the same scenery everyday. Every time he tries to leave the forest he just gets teleported back to the entrance. 

He was trapped here. And he didn't know for how long. 

'I need to go back home... I forgot the taste of my favorite food and the face of my mother!' 

Normal people would have gone crazy by now. But Sung-ho was used to being alone for most of the day. His mother wasn't home most of the time due to work and his sister had daycare until his mother got home from work. His sister was six years old. 

Sung-ho missed them both, deeply. 


[Level up!]

Name: Yoo Sung-ho

Class: None

Lvl. 999,999,999 -> 1,000,000,000

HP: 4,999,999,995 -> 5,000,000,000

MP: 4,999,999,995 -> 5,000,000,000

Strength: 4,999,999,995 -> 5,000,000,000

Agility: 4,999,999,995 -> 5,000,000,000

Intelligence: 4,999,999,995 -> 5,000,000,000

[Max level!] 

Five-thousand years were spent in this dungeon. Sung-ho could finally leave.