Reunion and Registration (I)



"It's so glad to see you again, Sung-ho!" 

Tears were flowing from her eyes like fountains. She missed her son more than anything. 

"I'm back mom! I missed you!" 

Sung-ho holds his mom as she cries again. 

"Where did you go! You were missing for ten years! How could you not have changed in ten years!" 

"I'm sorry... I was shoved into a dungeon, and I couldn't leave... I just got out today." 

She looked at Sung-ho startled and completely confused. 

"What do you mean dungeon?" 

"The one in Anyang. I was shoved into it and got trapped." 

She stumbled back away from Sung-ho, and she started to cry, again. 

"How did you survive in there? Monsters destroyed our whole town! How did you survive in a dungeon full of them?" 

"I fought, and I fought, and I didn't stop fighting." 

Sung-ho puts his head down. 

"Speaking of which, I'm pretty tired!" 

Sung-ho fell face first onto the floor. He was passed out and fast asleep. 

His fatigue hit him all at once. He was too tired to function. 


Sung-ho was laying in a bed. His mother had lent him her room until he woke up. He had been asleep for five days now. 

"Mom, when is oppa gonna wake up?" 

"I don't know. Hopefully soon." 

"I couldn't believe it when you said oppa was back." 

"Yeah. Neither could I." 

Ha-yeon was fifteen years old now, she was well aware that Sung-ho was missing, but she didn't know he was in the Anyung dungeon. The dungeon that wouldn't let people in. 

Many raid teams tried to enter the dungeon, but they couldn't walk through a solid wall. Every Time they tried to enter, the dungeon would become harder than any known material and would block all entry. 


Sung-ho sat up and bed and was immediately greeted by his sister who hugs him.


Sung-ho was amazed at how grown up Ha-yeon looked. It was like looking at a younger form of his mother. 

'She really does take after her mother huh?'

Sung-ho embraced his sister in a passionate hug. He was happy to see her again. 

"You've grown so big!" 

Ha-yeon just ignored him and held on tighter than before. She didn't know him that well but she felt attached to him. As if he had been in her life all along. 


Sung-ho enjoyed the time he had with his family. He spent another week with them before he decided to get a job. His sister told him the best job would be a raider. 

Raiders were in charge of clearing dungeons and sometimes became private hit squads. Since Sung-ho was already plenty strong from spending all that time in the dungeon, being a raider would be a breeze for him. 

Sung-ho changed clothes and prepared to leave for the Raider's Association. 

"Bye son!" 

"Bye oppa!" 

Sung-ho smiled. 

"Bye, see you later!" 

Sung-ho left towards the Raider's Association. 


He decided to walk to the Association. He wanted to enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds of the city. It felt somewhat nostalgic to him. 

The Raider's Association was a large building. It was hundreds of meters wide and dozens of meters high. It had a couple dozen gymnasiums built on for training exercises. 

'So this is the Raider's Association? It looks like a factory.' 

Sung-ho walked in through the revolving door and headed towards the reception counter. 

The receptionist was a pretty blonde lady with smooth silky hair. She was wearing a fancy black suit and tie with golden earrings. 

"Hi! Welcome to the Raider's Association! How may I help you today?" 

"Yes, I would like to register as a Raider." 

The receptionist reached down into a drawer in her desk and pulled out a stack of papers. She handed the papers to Sung-ho. 

"Please head to gymnasium number one for your registration tests and hand these to your administrator." 

Sung-ho walked back outside and scanned the gymnasiums for his location. 

'Ahh! There it is.' 

Gymnasium number one was the largest gymnasium. It was very clearly designed to accommodate everyone's abilities. 

Sung-ho walked into the gymnasium and saw several dozen other participants standing around wearing armor and weapons. 

'Guess I'm not the only one.' 

"Hey everyone! Check out the fresh meat!" 

"He looks young! He probably just awakened his powers yesterday."

"Hahahahaha! So true!" 

Sung-ho was getting annoyed with them. He hated their attitudes. 

'I need to teach them a lesson!' 

One of the girls who witnessed the harassment walk over to Sung-ho. 

"Please pay no mind to them, it's not worth ruining your career for filth like them." 

'She's right, I hate to admit it, but she's right. My family is much more important to me than beating them up.' 

A well dressed man walks into the gymnasium carrying a briefcase and a black stone box. 

"Alright everyone! I'll be your administrator for this test! Please bring me your papers!"

The applicants line up in a single file line as they wait to hand their papers to the administrator. 

After receiving all the papers, the administrator walks over to a large black ball in the center of the gymnasium. 

"We will be taking three separate tests today. First is a magical power test. Second will be a physical strength test. And the third will be a combat assessment. Any questions?" 

The room was silent as they listened to the administrator's words. They all listened intently as he spoke... No one had any questions or concerns that needed acknowledgement. 

"Anyone?... Good, let's get going. Applicant number one please come and put your hand on this stone." 

Each applicant was given a number after turning in their papers. Sung-ho was given number twenty-six. 

Applicant number one walked up to the stone and placed his hand on it's base. 

The stone started to glow bright blue and flickered a green color. 

The administrator recorded this event on his papers and motioned for the next applicant. 


"Applicant number twenty-five, you're up." 

The nice girl who helped Sung-ho control his anger, walked up towards the stone. She put the palm of her hand on the stone and it glowed bright orange. 

The administrator was shocked when he witnessed this. 

"Oh my god! We have someone extraordinary participating today! You might become an S Rank!" 

She was shocked to hear this stunning revelation but she was also proud to be getting complimented. 

The administrator recorded the event on the papers and motioned for Sung-ho. It was his turn. 

Sung-ho walked up to the stone, he could feel the entire gymnasium staring at him as he placed his hand on the base of the stone. 

The stone started to cycle through every color before ending on pink. 





The stone shattered sending shrapnel through the air in all directions. 

"Everybody get down!"

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.)