Conference (II)

*Chatter chatter*

Talking ensues while the raiders and their partners make their way into the conference room. A wooden table shaped like an oval is stationed in the center of the room with chairs lining it's edges. 

*Tap tap tap*

A man wearing a black suit and tie is standing at the head of the table. He taps his folder on the edge of chairs as he gathers the attention in the room. The room falls silent as eyes become fixated on him. 

"Thank you all for gathering today. I know it was short notice but I would like to share something with everyone in attendance.!" 

The man motions his hand towards Tae Min-seok. He stands up, making his legs as straight as a plank, and walks up to take the man's place. 

"I had suspicions of a possible threat. My suspicions were confirmed yesterday at the raider conference. I planted a spy among the Indian raiders, and according to him, they plan to conquer most of Asia." 

Gasps are heard flowing through the room, like a tsunami. The faces of the raiders began to turn pale as they thought amongst themselves. 

"I know this is a dire situation. They have the second most SS ranks in the whole world, but they couldn easily take down China. Because of China being as large as it is, the raiders are spread thin. India doesn't have this problem." 

Tae Woo-bin stands up and yells at her brother while pointing a finger at him. 

"Why would you tell us that!? Are you trying to make us afraid!?" 

"I just felt like giving everyone the bad news first. So, here's the good news, I will be contacting the big six for help." 

"The big six!" 

The whole room gasped in unison. Everyone knew who the 'big six.' Except for one, Sung-ho. 

Sung-ho raised his hand hesitantly as Tae Min-seok's eyes fixated on his position. 

"Who are the big six?" 

Silence. Silence is the only thing that can be heard. Looks of shock and disbelief were plastered on everyone's faces. Min-seok drops his jaw to the floor. 

"You're joking right?" 


Min-seok slaps his face. He squeezes his cheeks as he drags his palm down his head. 

"How-... nevermind, I won't ask. The big six are the strongest six raiders in the world. Each one of them is basically in charge of a continent. Nine years ago, the biggest red dungeon ever, spawned right in the heart of Austria. The dungeon opened immediately and 95% of Austria was eliminated as monsters of various types devastated the people and land. All the current SSS ranks in the world mobilized to stop the spread. Out of the forty sent, only nine survived. Three of them retired and/or went mentally insane from what they saw. The remaining six are known as... the big six!" 

Sung-ho leans into Hye-eun's ear and whispers to her. 

*"SSS ranks?"* 

*"When raiders prove they can conquer red dungeons by themselves, they get put into the SSS rank category. Currently, there are 76 SSS ranks and 878 SS ranks."* 

Sung-ho nods as he focuses his attention back towards Min-seok. 

"If we enlist the help of the big six we will surely win a war against India!" 




"What! A massive red dungeon spawned in the center of Kansas!?" 


The entire room asks in unison. 

"Okay... Okay... I understand! We'll be right there!" 

Woo-bin jumps to her feet in 

"What happened!? What's going on!?"

"A massive red dungeon popped up in the center of the United States. The government is contacting all the SS rank teams in order to take care of it. We're going too." 

Min-seok forms a sinisterly hopeful expression. His eyes gleam with happiness as he realizes the opportunity he has. 

'If I become the MVP of this raid then I can be even closer to becoming an SSS rank!' 


Min-seok stands up as he exclaims his excitement. The eyes of the room drift towards him as he blushes out of embarrassment. 

"I see someone is excited!.. We have an hour before the plane leaves, go pack your stuff and grab your equipment." 





Various cars and vehicles of all sizes began to arrive on the runway of the airport. A dozen large military planes were resting on the pavement with soldiers escorting everyone on board. 

Sung-ho steps out of a black limousine being accompanied by Hye-eun. He is escorted on board his plane by a soldier. 

Almost everyone on the planes was wearing their equipment. Most raiders brought their equipment for monetary purposes. The United States was the biggest manufacturer and trading hub of all raider weaponry and equipment. The raiders who didn't bring their equipment stood out amongst the luster of the others. 

Sung-ho had rarely used equipment when fighting in dungeons and Hye-eun wasn't an awakened so neither of them had anything for fighting. 

"We stand out don't we?" 

Sung-ho sighs at her obvious statement.


The raiders weren't seated in any particular order. However they arrived was how they were sorted. Sung-ho and Hye-eun were surrounded by various different races and ethnicities. 

"Well, I'm going to kick back and attempt to sleep during this four hour flight." (Sung-ho)

"I doubt it will be that long, but go ahead." (Hye-eun)

Sung-ho leans his head back and drifts off to sleep. 


The planes landed in Kansas City. As the raiders stepped off their planes they were sorted by country to receive a detailed briefing about the mission. 

Sung-ho and Hye-eun are led to the South Korean area where the rest are waiting for them.

"Ahh! Welcome Mr. Yoo, Ms. Kim!" 

They stand in attendance as the man from earlier begins to speak. 

"This is going to be just like any other dungeon. Head inside, kill all the monsters, kill the boss, and leave. I don't want any of you dying in there! Understood!?" 

"Yes sir!" (In unison)

"I forgot to say this but, Mark Smith is going to be joining us! The big six member in charge of North America! That Mark Smith!" 

"Wha~~~~!" (In unison) 

(Find any mistakes? If so, please point them out to me. I would like to fix them.) 

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