Oh my God! This is so fucking good!
I ended up going to that diner and getting breakfast. I got pancakes and bacon. I think the Pre-me cat was not eating enough. Whatever I'm Cat now!
And as a Cat, the future Catgirl, I would be remiss to not abuse Wayne Manor's crappy security. I mean in the show, it had been broken into so many times.
Therefore, I decided to sneak into Wayne Manor and make off with a shit-ton of money. I just needed to pay for the train, an-oof.
"Well, here we go boys!"
Two big guys grabbed me, "fuck!" "Let go of me!"
"No can do, cutie." A man behind me said creepily. Being dragged behind a dumpster in an alleyway, I tried to break loose, but I couldn't. Shit! Was I about to be raped on my first fucking day!!
Trying to look at the guy behind me, I saw a short, stocky guy pulling his pants down. Fuck, why did I keep these girly clothes and hairstyle?! I should have changed to look more like a boy if that would have even helped.
The guy holding onto my right arm let go to try to take my pants off. However, I was able to use that arm to grab my knife in my jacket pocket. Swinging it out, I sliced the neck of the would-be rapist to my left.
"WHAT THE FUCK!" "She killed Leonard!!!"
While they were still staring in shock, I managed to stab the one that tried to take my jeans off in the dick. But by the time I did that the other one had managed to put his pants back on and was already rushing me. Sticking out the bloody knife, he just ran straight into it, "Fuck, it *cough*," blood flew out, "It shouldn't have fucking gone like this!"
He died, and while I was probably still in shock, the other one that I had stabbed earlier died. I threw up into the dumpster, and just started fucking crying. Probably like ten minutes later, I finally stopped bawling.
"Fuck" "Shit, shit, Shiiiiit!" I whispered yelled.
I decided to just try to look through their stuff to see if I could find anything. On the guy I stabbed in the neck I found around $70, mostly in $1s and $5s. In the next guy, I found a bigger knife than the one I had, the one still covered in blood. After I threw up again, I managed to clean it with one of the corpse's clothes.
Anyway, I took the knife and the last guy had a gun! What the fuck!? Why would he just charge me like a fucking idiot, if he had a gun? What an idiot. At least I didn't see any gang items, not that I would know what they look like. But still.
While I was searching through the bodies, I saw that the alleyway had a small hose. I managed to get most of the blood off, but the smell stuck with me.
"Fuck, just Fuck!" I ended up spraying the corpses down too, just to make sure that my fingerprints wouldn't be left.
After I finally left the alleyway on top of the roofs, I decided to keep heading to Wayne Manor.