Uh, I didn't Mean That

Prince Thalal squinted at Cynthia who was walking towards him wearing a wide t-shirt and wide brightly colored culottes. Actually, the most fitting is wearing a bikini when they are on Kuta beach. But dressing immodestly around two Princes who were very civilized, was not the right decision. Although the situation and condition of wearing a bikini on the beach for some people is a very natural thing.

The debate between people about whether it is polite or not for an eastern or Asian person in a bikini on the beach is the same as a photo of a sexy woman in skimpy clothes posing for purely artistic purposes. Whether they act outside the norm or not depends on the point of view of those people.

And Cynthia herself is a person who grew up in a liberal country where one's rights have a wider range than someone who was born in an East or Asian country. Cynthia is used to dressing according to the condition, not according to whether she is covered or not.