Please Return Her Baby

Niken seemed calm to mention the chronology of events that night in front of the policewoman who was typing her report in front of the computer. But before Niken made a report, She was suddenly contacted by someone. Niken smiled faintly. She was actually waiting for this.

So She immediately asked the police for permission to speak first before continuing her report. Because it was the right of the complainant, the officer allowed it.

The policeman looked at Niken with pity. A girl as beautiful and gentle as Niken must experience a terrible incident. Hopefully Niken can be strong to face this incident.

Niken walked into a room inside the police station. Inside were two middle-aged men. They immediately stood up to see Niken entering accompanied by a policewoman. Because She is a victim as well as a witness, She is protected by the authorities.

Niken shook the hands of the two men before She sat down in front of them.