[NSFW] A Tale of Masks In Another World: One Piece


The sound of screeching tires is the last thing I hear, and pain the last thing I feel. Suddenly, I'm in a pitch-black void. I'm unharmed, at least, but the endless darkness seems to last forever as I wander. I wonder if this is just what the afterlife is. Oblivion.

Eventually, I see a light in the distance, and I run towards it at full speed. However, rather than being some kind of light at the end of the tunnel, it's from four torches. Sitting inside the square of light, is a middle-aged man with red hair, and purple robes.

He carries on his back a massive backpack, dotted with Masks. Some are familiar, some are less-so.

He's... very happy to see me. It's a little off-putting.

Spoiler: Happy Mask Salesman

"Ah! Another one, how grand! And here I though I'd have to wait another few years! Don't worry though, no evil plan this time, it's already been dashed away by the last!" he said, grinning. "I am the Happy Mask Salesman."

"I'm... I'm sorry, but... do you know how to get out of here?"

"Ah, I'm afraid the door you likely want has already closed! But, since I've been trapped here, I've found several other doors!" he said proudly, "And I've built a fine collection of Masks from each! They'll allow you to remain safe and happy in those dangerous places."

"Well... it's better than staying here in the dark. But I don't have money to buy anything with-"

"Oh that's fine. All I need is life force. However... the form that life force takes depends on the world. I'll even make a Mask of you!" he leans forward, and I flinch back. "Hm... sorry, but my eyes still just aren't any good! Could you describe yourself?"

He then begins to carve it, and I wait patiently for it. Like most things about the Happy Mask Salesman, while the Mask does have a passing resemblance to myself, something about it feels wrong.

"There you are! Now, whenever there's a new moon, you just put that on and you can come right back here to purchase more Masks!" I move to take it, but he pulls it away. "Ah-ah-ah! Not so fast, first, you need to choose a door." he shakes the mask, and to my surprise, four identical ones fall to the floor, the original turning to smoke and rising away. The four start rolling, until each hits one of the four torches. The torches fall over, and the flames spread, until there are four infernos surrounding the two of us.

"What the hell-"

"Now!" he said, "Choose."

The blazes abruptly open up, and I see four planets from a distance, each has a passing resemblance to Earth, but...

When I move closer to one of them, I begin to hear music rising from them... all of them are songs I recognize.