Chapter 11

The audience's cheering and chanting could be heard echoing from the arena to the entrance of the waiting room. Rainer pushed the button on the wall and the door slid open. The cheering was louder than he thought. He walked out of his room and down the hall, the louder the cheers, the more his chest began to tighten.

"Well this is just great; I have an audience cheering for my death. Wonderful. Come on Rainer, fake some confidence!" He thought to himself

Rainer finally reached the end of the hallway, the open entrance to the dirt arena was right in front of him. The guard in blue armor walked up behind him and nudged him forward.

"Get going, skinny, we have others who need to use this arena" he taunted Rainer.

"Any chance you could tell me who my opponent is?"

A small pause fell between them and was suddenly broken with a simple “No.”