Chapter 26 Go To Psychiatry Department

"Well, I have done a checkup. There is nothing wrong with your heart. Take some proper rest when you go back. If you still feel the pain, come back to the hospital for a follow-up," Eliz cut straight to the point. She knew that Pierce was here to flirt with her, so she didn't get angry with him.

"Really? Are you sure my heart is all right?" Pierce asked with a somber expression.

"Yes, I'm sure of it. Your heart is in very good condition," Eliz nodded and, after a pause, replied earnestly. Eliz tried to maintain her professional ethics despite Pierce's annoying ways.

"But can you explain why do I feel this pain in my heart? It must be love-sickness! What say you?" Pierce replied with a cynical smile.

At that time, Pierce was in no mood to let go so easily. He suddenly placed his big hand on the back of Eliz's hand and let her feel his warmth.

Eliz was shocked but refrained from reacting. She withdrew her hand right away. After putting the magnetic card into the notebook, Eliz flashed a cordial smile and said, "Mr. Aleotti, you can go back home now?"

"Are you so eager to drive me away?" Pierce replied as he smiled playfully. At that moment, he was yet to button up his shirt.

"Please don't be so capricious. You know, many other patients are waiting outside."

"But as a doctor, you haven't cured my illness yet."

"What are you talking about? Do you want to challenge me?" Eliz stopped smiling and retorted in an angry tone. She felt that Pierce had come to the hospital on purpose only to mess with her.

"Of course! I have doubts about your medical skill!"

"According to my examination, there's nothing wrong with your heart. If you are still unsatisfied with my diagnosis, I would advise you to get an X-ray done first."

"Who on earth recruited you for this job? Did you get here through the back door? Your medical skills are poor, your attitude bad," Pierce asked with a heinous smile. He started to button up his shirt.

"I think you had better go to the psychiatry department. Should I transfer your medical records over there right now?" Eliz answered coldly with her eyes fixed on the screen of the computer.

"I would like to go to the hospital director to complain about you right away!" Instead of getting angry, Pierce spoke aloud and laughed wildly.

"That's exactly what I want!" Eliz bellowed at Pierce with gritted teeth.

"You look so beautiful when you get angry. Don't fret over it anymore. As your future husband, I won't frustrate you and make things difficult for you. Let's have dinner together tonight, okay?"

"Hey, I haven't yet said yes. I'm afraid I'll vomit up all I have eaten if I have dinner with you," Eliz refuted scornfully. It turned out that Pierce had gone a long way to invite her to dinner. Eliz realized it with embarrassment.

"It doesn't matter if you vomit up. You know, I can take care of you! By the way, will you come to a hotel with me?" Pierce blurted shamelessly.

"Get out! Get out of here right now!" Eliz bellowed as she put the medical record into Pierce's hands. By this time, Eliz was fuming in rage. Her face had turned red, and her ears felt warm.

"I'll wait for you at five-thirty this evening, Venice Restaurant," Pierce said before he turned around and left. It took Eliz a minute to catch her breath after Pierce had left. She took a sip of water to calm her nerves. Before leaving the hospital that day, Eliz went to make a round of the patient's ward to see how her patients were doing.

When Eliz noticed her entering Jamon's ward, a cry suddenly burst out inside.

A lady in her early forties had settled on the bedside, with one hand holding a handkerchief and the other on Jamon's hand, sobbing. Her makeup was so appealing as if it had been done by an exclusive makeup artist. There was no sign of gaining weight, and her skin was fair and elastic for her age. Surely, she was cared for.

"Don't laugh at me, Eliz. By the way, this is my sister. She just flew back from America," Jamon explained to Eliz as he placed a hand on her shoulder, comforting Daisy.

Hearing this, Daisy gazed upon Eliz and said politely, "Hello, Dr. Navarro. I heard that it was you who did the surgery for my brother. Thank you very much."

Eliz felt flattered by the unexpected gratefulness she received. The woman in front of her must be Pierce's mother. She looked very gentle. Her behavior revealed a graceful etiquette of a lady, which was quite contrary to her son's crank ways and manner. Eliz thought that it might be the result of the mutation of the gene...

"Madam, you're welcome. A doctor must save lives and heal the wounded. Since you are fine, I'll excuse myself then. My apologies if I suddenly came inside. I thought there was something wrong since I heard sobs." Eliz's lips twitched up, giving a grateful smile as she left the ward.

After her working hours, Eliz went to Venice restaurant as scheduled. She arrived at half-past five. Standing in front of the restaurant, Eliz's eyes lit up at seeing how beautiful the scenery of the sunset was.

Walking across a magnificent stone bridge, Eliz decided to board a boat. Venice restaurant was a high-profile restaurant, where all the guests could arrive only by boat.

"Good afternoon, Miss Navarro. I'm glad you have arrived. President Aleotti is waiting for you inside." She heard the waiter greeted her politely as soon as she went inside the restaurant. Eliz smiled, but the thought that the waiter knew her name left her confused. Her eyes roamed around the big dining room and noticed no one else was seated around the tables.

'Had Pierce booked the whole restaurant?'

"He is so wealthy," Eliz mumbled to herself. Pierce wore a white shirt, and he was sitting in the middle of the restaurant. A smile on his face welcomed Eliz as she walked toward him. This was a nightmare for Eliz. She approached him with bitterness engulfing her whole system, as she became convinced that Pierce had booked the whole restaurant.

"You are here!" Love and tenderness were reflected in Pierce's luminous eyes. Eliz pulled gently the chair out that was opposite Pierce's seat. As she settled down without revealing her thoughts, she put down her bag and stared at him without a word.

"Hi, Eliz. I'm so happy you have made it here. Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Here's the menu. Please, order from it yourself. " Pierce handed the menu to Eliz.

Elizbgladly took the menu from him. Looking through the listed dishes, she thought to herself that she must choose the most expensive meal since it was free, after all.

"Well, that is all." Eliz took a pen to circle the cuisine on the menu lightheartedly as she thought, 'Well, tonight, I'm going to cost a fortune. Pierce, I could eat a horse!'

Without even glancing at what Eliz had ordered, Pierce called a waiter over and instructed, "I would like to order the same dishes as the lady."

Eliz twisted her mouth as she asked, "How can you decide to order the same food without even taking a look at what I ordered?"

"Sei mia moglie. Mangerò Quello che vuoi,"

"You are my wife. I will eat whatever you like," Pierce said in Italian asserted happily.

"Signor Aleotti, la prego, abbia cura delle sue parole. Chi è sua moglie? L'ho main accettato?"." Mr. Aleotti, please have a care for your words. Who is your wife? Did I ever accept it?" Eliz blurted out in Italian, thinking what Pierce claimed was ridiculous and shameless.

"Do you deny that you have slept with me before?" he drawled, staring at her with a touch of rare tenderness in his eyes.

'Merda!' 'Shit!' Eliz cursed in her mind.

"Ha-ha!" Eliz let off a sneer.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense and embarrassing. Of course, Eliz refused to say anything to Pierce. She was not even interested in knowing what he was going to do. A waiter soon came over with a dish in his hands at this precise moment, saving her from further embarrassment. Eliz merely looked away and pulled a long face. They both ate in silence. Pierce seemed to be enjoying his meal. He was in a good mood. And playing tricks on Eliz made him feel pleasant.

"Pierce, Did your mother come to the hospital today?" Eliz tentatively asked.

Hearing her and noting the hesitation in her voice, Pierce suddenly stopped cutting his steak. 'Damn it, why is she back so soon?' he thought.

The relationship between Daisy and Jamon had been good since their childhood. Daisy had always been dependent on her brother, so she completely trusted him. It was absolute that no matter how Pierce spoke ill of Jamon, she would refuse to believe it. And as time went by, Pierce continued to hate Jamon even more. This time, he finally managed to find an excuse to deceive his mother into going abroad, but he didn't expect that she would come back so soon.

"Probably," Pierce replied flatly, glancing at her.

"Really? Don't you know?" Eliz calmly scanned his face, gauging his reaction. She wondered what kind of animosity there was between Pierce and Jamon.

"Just eat. Don't talk so much nonsense. Ask me again when you become my wife," Pierce muttered seriously. Eyeing her intently, he then reached out for the glass of red wine and had a sip. He seemed to be angry!

Eliz slightly frowned. What she had said was outright rejected by Pierce. Well, she mentally noted that she would never ask this question again. Curiosity killed the cat.

On this warm night, the cold wind blew slowly. Eliz gazed up towards the evening sky, mesmerized by the beauty of the sparkling stars. They were about to return, so they promptly headed back to the small boat. The water on the glistening waves was not like what Eliz had seen when she first came. But at this moment, Eliz felt that the scenery was much more beautiful, just like the stars in the sky.

Throughout the boat ride, Pierce was silent. He kept his eyes lowered like he was in deep thought. Though he looked arresting under the moonlight, Eliz could sense that he seemed to be coated with a layer of sadness.

'What was the matter with this man?' she thought. 'Why did he keep on badgering me? He had a better choice.' Eliz believed that a lot of beautiful women surrounded Pierce. And as she mulled this over, her thoughts suddenly drifted off towards the woman who would become his wife in the future. She silently felt pity for that woman.

In no time, they were outside the Happy Residential Community. Eliz casually untied the seat belt and was ready to get out of his car. She felt very awkward.

Pierce had suddenly seemed to change into another person on their way home. He didn't joke with her or flirt with her, which made her feel more embarrassed. Now, she was confused about whether she should say something to him before she opened the door. Eliz hesitated.

"Well, Thank you for inviting me to dinner," Eliz finally said. Pierce only glanced at her coldly, his face devoid of any expression.

"Prego." "You're welcome."

Eliz pouted and promptly got out of the car. She had explicitly gotten nothing at the dinner, and they hadn't talked about the most important thing. 'Does Eliz want to make me anxious to the point of death?' she mentally asked herself. After all, her father was still at the police station.

After taking a couple of steps, Eliz then heard the sounds of black Lamborghini roaring at a very high speed and disappeared.