Chapter 28 You Are Jelous

The next morning, the sun came up slowly from the horizon, breaking the dawn of a new day.

From today, Eliz was going to live with Pierce!

"Ding Dong!" the doorbell rang very early in the morning. Afraid of disturbing her parents, Eliz jumped out of bed.

When she opened the door, she was stunned. She couldn't believe that Pierce had come personally to pick her up.

"What?You? Why have you come here ?"

Eliz spoke incoherently...

"I'm here to pick you up. Why do you look so surprised?" Pierce smirked.

"What? This is your house. Why are you behaving like a thief? Are you so afraid that I might be discovered by your family?" Pierce smiled teasingly and narrowed his brown eyes at Eliz.

"No. That's not true. Wait a minute," Eliz said. With the door banging closed on his face, Pierce was left outside the door. He gnashed his teeth and shouted angrily, "Bad girl."

"Knock, knock, knock." A few moments later, he heard a scurry of footsteps.

Eliz opened the door again and threw two huge suitcases at Pierce, and said with a twisted smile, "Thank you, Mr. Aleotti."

Without wasting any more time and also to make sure that Pierce went away as quickly as possible, she stood on her toes and planted a kiss on his left cheek. It was the first time that she had kissed him.

"Okay, you can go now."

"Okay, after work, you have to come directly to No. 520, Haibin Road. That's our home," Pierce said. After that, he waved his hand and left carrying the two suitcases in his hands.

As soon as he reached the gate, Fred caught up with him and took the suitcases from him.

"Ahem, you look very happy." Fred had been working for Pierce for so many years. Hence, he knew very well what kind of person Pierce was.

Unexpectedly, there was a childish smile on Pierce's face. He licked his lips and said, "No."

"That's not your style of denying," Fred remarked.

No. 520, Haibin Road

After jumping out of the car, she saw a European-style villa. Pierce had bought this villa with his first earnings at the age of nineteen. He was waiting for the hostess. Eliz felt rather uneasy as she stood at the door. The iron door outside the villa was not fully closed. She thought, probably Pierce was there inside.

When she pushed open the door, she saw a sexy woman with a delicate face wearing a bathrobe. She seemed to have come out of the shower, and her hair was still wet.

The woman in the bathrobe also saw Eliz. Even she was startled to find a strange girl in the villa. Her beautiful eyes suddenly became vicious. She asked with hostility,

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Eliz was left heartbroken to find another woman in the villa. She felt that she had been given a hard blow on her chest.

"Pierce, who is she?" The woman in the bathrobe suddenly rushed over and threw herself into Pierce's arms. Eliz could not help but narrow her eyes as she watched the woman's two fair and slender arms hung like a koala on his neck.

And much to Eliz's astonishment, instead of pushing her away, Pierce took her into his arms. With doting eyes on her, he grinned and said, "She's a new maid."

'Maid? New maid!'

At first, Eliz felt that there was something wrong with her ears. She turned around and saw Pierce's cold eyes.

When Eliz noticed carefully, she saw that Pierce smiled at that woman, but stared at her coldly.

But why does my heart hurt so much? Do I? No! I don't love Pierce! I don't love him at all!'

That kind of ridicule stabbed into Eliz's heart like a sharp knife...

"Pierce, what shall we have for dinner?" Teresa said as she stood on her toes. She lingered her perfectly manicured fingers on Pierce's chest while she had her eyes fixed on Eliz.

"Steak, what do you say?" Pierce turned around and pulled Teresa to sit in front of the dresser. Then he bent over and took out the hairdryer from the drawer.

"Bzzap... Bzzap…" Pierce was gently drying Teresa's hair with a hair-drier. There was an apparent gleam of love and care in his eyes.

"Why are you still standing here? Go and make a beefsteak!" Teresa urged her in an unfriendly tone as she looked daggers at Eliz from the mirror.

To her amazement, the kitchen was spacious. And it was stuffed with a lot of kitchenware in it. After quickly scanning the room, she directly went to the fridge to check if there was food stored in it. Eliz took out two pieces of steak, surprised that they were still fresh. But looking at these two pieces of steak, she felt annoyed!

What a mindless woman!" Eliz exclaimed to herself rather crossly. She then began shaking the two pieces of steak too and fro on the chopping block.

"I would like to put a purgative in your food to put you to death!" Eliz hissed, still fuming with anger.

Fortunately, Eliz had mastered good cooking skills when she had studied in England, so it was not difficult for her to cook Western food.

When Eliz put the Western food on the table, the suspicious look in Pierce's eyes showed that he had been assuming that she was a talented but unheralded chef.

"Pierce, I noticed that your maid was a little bit slow in reaction. Don't you think? She looked pretty silly. You may as well sack her," Teresa stated in an unhappy tone as she pouted.

"She is just a maid, Darling. Provided that the dishes are deliciously good, and the clothes are washed clean, then it is enough!" Pierce chuckled.

Adeptly, Eliz opened a bottle of 1982 Chateau Lafite and gently poured the wine for Pierce and Teresa like a pro. At this moment, the atmosphere became lighter.

Pierce, cheers!"

"Cheers!" Pierce was sitting opposite Teresa. He immediately raised his hand and clinked glasses with her.

Watching their intimate acts, Eliz felt sick.

'A subservient and servile woman's affectation is an eyesore and unwatchable!'

At around ten o'clock in the evening, Teresa finally called it a day and was about to leave the villa.

Pierce asked Fred to drive her home safe. And they parted with Teresa kissing Pierce on the cheek.

Teresa had left a red lipstick mark on Pierce's cheek.

Eliz felt disgusted, seeing the bright red mark. She nearly rolled her eyes, but she dared not to.

Eliz silently went to the kitchen to wash the dishes voluntarily.

"Are you annoyed?" Eliz snapped back to her senses. She heard a deep voice suddenly come from behind her.

"Don't make fun of me, Mr. Aleotti. Why would I be annoyed?" Eliz politely smiled as she busied herself with the dishes.

"Do you think that I invited you to my home only to be a maid?" As soon as he finished speaking, Pierce hastily pulled Eliz into his arms. He eagerly buried his head in her neck, and greedily he enjoyed the smell of her body.

"Mr. Aleotti, don't be like that, or your girlfriend will be jealous and annoyed." She continued to break free, but at that moment, Pierce refused to let go and hugged her more and more tightly.

"What does it matter? It's nothing!" Pierce drawled softly. Then he turned her around and forced her to look into his eyes.

"Why doesn't it matter? Why doesn't it matter? Since you have a girlfriend, you should know how to treat her well." Eliz didn't dare to move.

"You are jealous," he teased. His breath fell on Eliz's cheeks as he spoke. Eliz felt herself blush at his words or perhaps at his nearness.

"Why would I feel jealous? Cut it out, Mr. Aleotti. Don't make fun of me." Eliz reached out her hands and tried to push him away again, but Pierce was insistent.

"Call me Pierce!" Pierce ordered.

"Pi… Mr. Aleotti," Eliz almost blurted out, "Pierce." Luckily, she responded in time and immediately exclaimed, "Mr. Aleotti."

"Do you know the consequence of turning against me?" Pierce uttered in a cold voice as he squinted his eyes dangerously.

Long before Eliz could make any response, Pierce's lips had already delved into her mouth, covering her lips. His breath emitted a faint smell of alcohol. And when he felt she was distracted, Pierce stuck his tongue into her mouth, exploring her both gently and aggressively.
