Chapter 33 Threat

"Why did you invite them at the same time?" Pierce skeptically raised as he put down the champagne and sank himself into the firm cushion of the lounge chair, resting his arms crossly behind his neck.

"The more, the merrier," Simon explained, chuckling.

"Next time, don't invite them to your home at the same time. I can't bear it." What annoyed Pierce the most was when Ferlyn and Teresa were together, and they didn't get along well with each other. He hated the drama.

The two men continued to lay in the courtyard and stared at the stars for a while, unmoving. Simon, who became suddenly serious, broke the silence. Devoid of any expression, he began, "Pierce, it's time for you to forget her after all these years."

Like a sharp knife blade, the girl's name could hurt his heart deeply. Pierce couldn't take that name off his mind, and for all these years, it kept on haunting him!

"If she's still alive, I would have a home now!" Pierce sounded forlorn. There was a trace of sadness that appeared in his eyes, which he rarely displayed. Only when someone had mentioned that girl's name, would he show such a sad expression.

"Don't be like this, Pierce. Anyway, she is dead. We can't bring her back to life. If you can't get out of the past, you will suffer endlessly by yourself," Simon pleaded, throwing a look at Pierce.

She was such a nice girl, but it was unfortunate that she had passed away so early.

"The Campari Group had signed a contract with us last month. At that time, their company's cash flow was insufficient, so we took their house as collateral.

"Mavi is arrogant. I have never liked him since he came to talk about collaboration with me," Simon continued with a smirk.

"I heard as well that when Mavi's ex-girlfriend went to the police station to see him the other day, she cried hysterically. Pierce, don't you think the people in the world are so strange? They love each other so much, yet they hurt each other too. What two weird people they are..." Simon spoke, but his voice soon trailed off as he sighed deeply from the bottom of his heart.

Pierce squinted his eyes as he listened intently to every word until he could no longer bear to hear another word. His face grew darker when Simon mentioned Eliz, who cried sadly for another man. His heart was now in a mess. The corner of his mouth curled up into a sneer as his eyes held a strange and malicious glimmer.

A malicious look crept up on Pierce's face, immediately replacing its gloominess. Then he stood up abruptly.

"Where are you going, Pierce? We haven't eaten the barbecue yet,"

"You eat more barbecue. I have something to do," Pierce replied as he urgently left the backyard.

No. 520, Haibin Road

As the car pulled to a halt, Pierce got out of the Lamborghini, and he walked fast like the wind.

As he reached his destination, Pierce pushed the door open and went inside.

"Follow me upstairs!" Pierce ordered as he turned on his heels and glared at Eliz over his shoulder.

"Clickety-clack!" the door was bolted loudly and with absolute precision.

"Who were you meeting with while I was gone?" Pierce asked as he yanked Eliz and pushed her against the wall. There was no room for her to back up.

"I... I haven't met anyone," Eliz responded, exhaling out sharply as her brain blanked out.

"You are lying!" Pierce growled, glaring at her with no glimpse of tenderness in his solemn eyes. Then, he suddenly clutched her jaw with his long fingers and forced her to raise her chin.

"I didn't!" Eliz's heart was racing, and she struggled while she pronounced those words under the pressure of his grasp.

"You are deceiving reason with me! I grant you this chance to figure it out. Eliz, you should know that you can't deceive me!" Pierce bellowed with his eyes fierce and startling.

Sensing a bloodthirsty bitterness in his remarks, Eliz couldn't help shuddering at the sight of his livid features.

"Then you tell me who else?" Eliz asked. Eliz's body was shuddering as she stared at him.

"Are you sure? Are you certain your claim is not a lie?" Pierce added, with venom threatening in his voice.

"Who did you visit in the police detention house?" Pierce blurted out as his fingers slipped down to her throat with his knuckles turning white due to his tight grip. In less than two seconds, Eliz's eyes grew wide, and she was almost out of breath.

"I... I..." Eliz choked, but Pierce squeezed her so hard that she felt she was passing out.

"Just speak the truth! Just tell me!" Pierce screamed. The direct message he had stated was sufficiently filled with rancor.

Seconds later, Pierce finally took off his hand and let her breathe. He towered over her with a straight face and realized he didn't have to use force to deal with Eliz.

"I had visited Mavi... Ahem. Ahem," Eliz coughed.

"Who is Mavi?" Pierce asked with coldness wrapping around his eyes as he played the fool.

"Don't make a pitiful face in front of me. Don't give me that! I won't stand for that! I suggest you can reserve that for your ex-boyfriend again!" With an icy stare, Pierce emphasized the word "ex-boyfriend."

"If you like it, I would like to send you to the detention house to have a reunion with him," Pierce suggested. There was no trace of affection in Pierce's voice, but a murderous warning!

Pierce's movement was very fast. In just a flicker of an eye, he grasped Eliz and flung her on the bed.

He threw Eliz down while he dumped his clothes, casually and quickly.

Eliz felt pain bloom in her as tears started streaming down her cheeks, and he had also scratched her arm.

With immediate action, Pierce climbed on top of her, rendering her immobile.

In just a snap, Eliz's coat was ripped into pieces.

Pierce didn't cease his assault. Moments passed by, and Eliz's fleshy bra was exposed in the air, and then he dropped her lingerie on the floor.

"Ah!" Eliz squeaked, letting her feeble and hollow voice be heard in all the rooms of the villa.

"It's useless to cry. No one will come to save you!" Pierce growled as he stared at Eliz down with his icy eyes.

She had never been embarrassed by this since she grew up!

"Just kill me. Kill me already, Pierce," Eliz said through her grit teeth. Her eyes were shut tight as she felt entirely helpless.

"You think I wouldn't, my dear Eliz?" scoffed Pierce. His eyes were squinted with hostility, and his jaw was taut and tense. Nobody had ever dared to threaten him in his whole life–not until Eliz did.

Eliz could feel his breath blowing lightly on her face, and his eyes grew darker and darker. And then, without a moment's notice, he pressed his lips against Eliz's and kissed her in a ravished craze.

In one swift movement, he grabbed Eliz's hands and pinned them above her head. Squirming, she tried to get him off, but he was much too strong for her. Afterward, Pierce forcibly slipped his tongue into Eliz's mouth.

As the kiss between them got deeper and deeper, Eliz felt her whole mouth turning numb. When she was about to bite him, Pierce quickly pulled away. "If you bite me, you are done for," he warned.

Feeling that Eliz had gone limp, Pierce grunted. "Eliz, I brought you here to my home because I wanted you to be my woman and not be like a dead fish. I'm not asking you to be entirely into it, but at least you should learn to cooperate with me." Anger flooded Pierce's eyes. It annoyed him that Eliz was not interested in the kiss at all.

She frowned and said in a low voice, "Sorry, I shouldn't have kept it a secret from you. I just thought you didn't care about it and wouldn't mind my private affairs."

He didn't like to see her frowning! He wanted to see that innocent smile on her face that he loved so much.

Gently, he released his tight grip on Eliz's arms. Looking down on her, he pulled over a blanket and put it over Eliz's body.

Pierce just gazed upon Eliz's fair and delicate skin, and he saw the marks that were left by his intense kisses and his strong grip.

"Eliz, listen to me carefully. Your business is my business. I won't allow you to cry because of other men. I don't like to see you cry in front of me either. If you dare to betray me, I will kill your whole family!" Afterward, he gingerly put his hand on Eliz's cheek. His palm was so hot that Eliz's face turned red.

After hearing Pierce's words, Eliz was both frightened and confused.

Seeing that she was so depressed and vulnerable, Pierce caressed her. Although he was no longer as angry as he was before, his libido was still raging. Without warning, he pushed himself inside her, thrusting hard and fast.

At this point, he was driven by nothing but uncontrollable desire. He wanted nothing but to quench his thirst for Eliz.

And so went another night of Eliz getting tortured and abused.

The next day, the sun shone its golden light inside the bedroom.

Once Pierce opened his eyes, he stared at Eliz with an unspeakable emotion in his sinister eyes.

His hands touched her eyes in an unruly manner. They felt so hot...

Pierce quickly got dressed. He shouted from the second floor, "Lillian, come upstairs with the medicine box."

She was dreaming now. Despite her throat being hurt, she shouted in a hoarse voice, "Help... Help!"

Pierce became agitated when he heard Eliz screaming for help. He shouted her name, but Eliz wouldn't wake up.

Lillian rushed into the room with a medicine box. Pierce took the thermometer out from the box. When he took Eliz's temperature, the thermometer indicated that her temperature was 38.9 degrees Celsius.

"Lillian, get me a wet towel," Pierce


"I'm so scared. Please come and save me. Daddy, Mommy, where are you?"

"Oh, my God... Pierce, please don't come near me. I beg you!" Eliz called Pierce's name in her hoarse voice. Her dry lips moved as she mumbled.

Thinking that he had scared Eliz last night, Pierce frowned and deeply regretted his actions.

Pierce called John, his private doctor. Five minutes after the phone call, John had already arrived at No. 520, Haibin Road.

When John arrived, Pierce had already helped Eliz get dressed.

"Don't worry. She will wake up after she receives an IV drip from this bottle of saline water," John reverently said.

"Alright," Pierce was constantly quiet feeling a little sad.