Hello! Thank you readers for reading my story up until now. As you might have noticed I haven't updated in a while. After posting the last two chapters I started to think about the story long term and they didn't make sense. I started having these painful tics that make me so tired that most of my energy goes towards my job and taking care of people in my home.
Plus my job has been giving me more hours so I haven't had the energy or time to read over what I've written thus far. I want to go through all 28 chapters I've written thus far and update them, change them and overall just try to make my story more fluid.
So yes, there will be no new updates for this story for a while, but there will be changes to the chapters that are there. Plus I have been workshopping other stories/ideas outside of the Pan series that might something to look forward to as well. Thank you for being patient and staying with me all this time. <3
I hope to continue writing for you all more often after I straighten out what we've already got. I cannot wait for our future!