Chapter 9.

When Miss Yang asked Cheryl Chen to be the desk mate of Sophie. Everyone who knew about their hatred frowned, Cheryl Chen and Sophie has always been enemies since they were 10years old. They were never seen together without an argument happening so the people who knew about them frowned because Miss Yang asked them to sit together.

Jassy Zhao stood up and told Miss Yang that she can sit with Sophie while Cheryl will sit with her desk mate. Miss Yang answered Jassy that if it was an instruction from both Cheryl Chen and Sophie Lu guardian to let the two of them sit together.

Jassy was wondering why her parent and Cheryl Chen's parent would tell Miss Yang that but she shrugged it off that maybe Cheryl Chen and Sophie sitting together would ease their hatred and they will stop fighting.

While Jassy was wondering, Cheryl Chen and Sophie Lu only frowned but they weren't complaining about them sitting together since they could have more access to pranking each other. So it wasn't bad to be desk mate.

During break Jassy and Sophie were going to the cafeteria for food when Cheryl Chen came with a bowl of spaghetti.

"So for pranking me last time, this is my payback" she said and dumped the bowl of spaghetti over Sophie's head.

"I knew you were going to do that so I came prepared" Sophie replied and also pour a carton of milk over Cheryl's head.

Everyone gathered together and was surprised with what happened and asked each other who were they. When they heard that they were Cheryl Chen and Sophie Lu.

Someone laughed and said that she had been expecting it since Sophie pranking the last time didn't allow Cheryl to come to school yesterday.

Cheryl laughed at Sophie and left to clean herself while Jassy took Sophie hand and went to the bathroom.

"I hope you brought a spare of clothes to change to" Jassy asked Sophie while trying to remove some of the spaghetti at the back of Sophie head.

"Of course I knew Cheryl was going to do something so I came prepared and brought three spares of clothes" Sophie answered.

"Can't you and Cheryl settled the matter? Wait what matter? Seriously I have forgotten the reason for you and Cheryl hatred".

"Well I don't remember also".

"Since you don't remember then you can settled it. It has been five years".

"Even if I don't remember, we cannot have peace with each other".

"Did you know that both you and Cheryl are embarrassing me?. Like one is my favorite cousin and the other is my best friend."

"It doesn't mean".

"It means. I am stuck between the two of you".

"Can you please forget it and help me or are you not helping me again".