“So, you’re Jasmine correct?”, Mr Patel says carefully observing me.
His green eyes and youthful face would have made you think he was much younger but his balding head and round belly exposes his age.
What is it with balding men and their sudden appearance in my life lately? And let’s not forget their intimidating presence.
“Y-Yes sir.”, I say ready to pass out.
My social anxiety isn’t ready for this. I have half a mind to run towards the door that says ‘employees only’ and lock myself in the first room I see.
He examines me the way Gordon Ramsey does undercooked chicken. And just when I’m about to pass gas from how fast my heart is beating and my palms are sweating, he breaks out into a really loud and uncontrollable laugh.
I stare at his beer belly and his crinkled face in astonishment, and not just because his belly is almost touching his face from how hard he is laughing, but also because it’s surprising just how fast his whole mood changed.