Chapter 3: The chrono-dimensional library.

In the continent of Kyros, there is a popular legend about mysterious doors that appear randomly at any point in time and in any place of the same continent, although there are some people who say that in reality the existence of this door is not limited only to Kyros, but to the whole world, which would explain why it is virtually impossible to predict in which place it will appear.

According to the legend, once this door appears, there is a time limit of 5 seconds before it disappears again, which means that only someone extremely fast, could enter it, and also the door itself has a large amount of spiritual and temporal energy, so only some people with magical and spiritual abilities can see it.

From this point the legend is divided into rumors, rather than facts said by people who claim to have seen the doors, some say that even if you are lucky enough to see the doors, it would be impossible to enter them unless you were a giant or someone with superhuman strength, because if you push or pull them with all your might, you will not be able to move them even a millimeter, Others say that, even if you somehow managed to open the door, it would take you straight to hell, so it was not advisable to enter it, some also say that these doors are sacred and are forbidden to living beings, and once they are opened, it will be the end of the world and the gods of heaven and the underworld will devastate all existing life on the planet.

The rumors became so wild and macabre, that some people panicked and others prayed never to meet those doors, but all that changed when a person solved that mystery that tormented people with insecurity.

Her name was Elisia Immidous, the former demon queen, who was the predecessor of the current queen Karmilla Draculea, and who is currently her right hand.

Elisia discovered that what was hidden behind those mysterious doors, was a library, full of all the knowledge transcribed from the beginning of time, and that the reason why it disappeared and appeared at different points was because it traveled through time and space, a very high level magic had been imbued in that library, but... why, and who was the one who created that library, and much more important, with what purpose?

But those questions were asked to Elisia were never answered, either because she did not know or because she wanted to keep it a secret, no one ever got the answer.

The popular belief was that it was Chronos the God of time, others said it was a gift from the heavens, so that the beings of the earth would get the full knowledge for the new generations, and there were also the people who were opposed to enter it, because such knowledge should be known only to the deities.

But that was not the main issue, rather, a library filled with all the knowledge one could acquire existed, and it was calling all people to go for it.

And so, millions of adventurers and researchers of all kinds set out to enter it over several generations.

Some wizards disappeared in the attempt to find it, and would return a few years later, as elders, proclaiming that they had spent decades studying and researching inside it, others who disappeared in the same way never returned, as well as there were some who did not even make it to the gates and died in the attempt to find it.

But the reason why this story still remained a legend despite what Elisia had discovered, was because, the elders who claimed to have been in the library, were branded as madmen by the church and its associated kingdoms, also despite the fact that Elisia during her life has helped both demons and humans alike with her research, she was undeniably of the demonic race, so the church declared that any word said by her should always be questioned, and never be seen as an absolute truth.

At first the church and the kingdoms did nothing about the existence of this library, as if they had nothing to worry about, but strangely, as soon as those sorcerers who had supposedly disappeared began to appear, they moved in a hasty manner and captured, interrogated and subsequently executed them, for presenting insanity and being a danger to the citizens, or at least that was the excuse presented by the church at the time.

In any case, this event caused the citizens to reason much more about the advantages and disadvantages of checking if this library existed.

But even though this legend remained unprovable, the hope was still there, that somewhere, a person could find the answer to all the questions of humanity.

And Gin who at some point dreamed of finding this library and answering all his questions once and for all, was greeted with the following answer from the witch he just met in it.

—The answer you are looking for is not in any file or book in this library. —Explained Kimino in a serious and concise voice, to answer all the constant questions that Gin was asking herself in her mind.

From the first moment she met Kimino and heard the name of the library that millions of people have searched for generations, Gin tried to ask him if it was in this place that she could discover the origin of this war, but....

With a sad, slow shake of his head indicating denial, Kimino gave him to understand that it would be useless to search through the millions of bookshelves in the entire library.

And so the hope of discovering the truth about the world and Gin's dream of writing chronicles about them was shattered with those short, impassive words, nevertheless....

—Still, I have a proposal for you, container of the sin of sloth, would you like to hear it? —At the moment when Gin was about to give up the search for an answer in this place, the witch spoke again, to illuminate his heart with a small light of hope.

Kimino and Gin from the instant they met, even though Gin introduced himself, he was never called by his name, but rather he was called by one of his specific characteristics.

It was only after exchanging a few questions with her that he realized his imprudence.

If she was indeed, the powerful witch she claimed to be, as soon as she pronounced his name, Gin, it would become her real name and she would become his master.

This mistake was made in ancient times by many powerful wizards and sorcerers, since all living beings belonging to the demonic race, if they are named by entities more powerful than themselves... They would evolve and receive an enormous amount of power from the namer, making the latter their master and lord for the rest of their existence or at least until said sorcerer died.

As a member of this race, for Gin to have forgotten this very important information, even without knowing who the person in front of him was, was a shame and could even have been considered a ploy for the most powerful witch in the world to name him. This fact alone would have been more than enough reason to murder him on the spot for underestimating her, in such a disrespectful manner.

But to his good fortune, the Kimino witch maintained a friendly attitude towards Gin's mistake, and conversed normally with him.

And once this embarrassing misunderstanding was solved, Gin was forced to make a new and important decision in the face of this unexpected proposal that had not yet been heard.

To accept or not, was the dilemma that this demon had, driven from one side to the other by the incomprehensible and selfish goddess of destiny...