
I ran along the sunset, still wondering why did I stayed alone in my classroom, I didn't expect to meet them at all. It was Yui who caught me and dragged me into the girl's washroom in the first place. I shall have a chat with her when we are alone. I panted as I leaned against my closed door. Unlocked the door, grasping my breath, grabbed a bottle of chilled juice and drank it. "Aaaah" It quenched my thirst. I took a hot bath and after watching my favorite show I went into my room.

----"Fine, no problem-----tomorrow for sure... Good night :D-----" Rin replied for the message I sent.

I didn't feel like eating anything after what all happened recently. I got kissed thrice on the same day by 3 different girls. Even though the two of them felt nothing like the kiss I have with Rin, but, it's still weird. I tried my best to forget what happened with Sensei but it was useless. My heart went cold every time her face flashed in my mind. How will I face her tomorrow?

Rolling on the bed I recalled what all happened today.


Today on ROOFTOP...with RIN

"What? Why do you want to maintain our relationship a secret?, " Rin asked.

"It's because I want to confirm something., "

"What do you want to confirm?... Do you think I am faking being you girlfriend, " She pouted.


"No.. No chance in hell.. It's just that..."


"Whenever I get a girlfriend and make it public for some reason we break up in the next 2 days."

"Is it a curse or something, "She mocked.

"It maybe.. I don't know, that's why I want to see how longer we can be a couple if we maintain our relationship a secret.... Also tell anything weird happening with you or around you."

"What's this.. scaring me..."

"I am serious.... ", I reassured.

[This may lead to a clean break up... Just what on hell I told her.. maybe she will think I am bonkers or I am not interested]

"Fine by me... I am not someone who breaks up so easily." She said.

I wanted to ask about her previous boyfriends but since she never asked me about my ex-girlfriends... I thought to forget about it and live in the present.

She smiled, and I smiled back.

"I really hope... we never break apart"

" Me too, you idiot, "she said returning inside the door. This time I leapt on her back and hugged her. She unwrapped herself faced me closed the door with her leg and climbed on me....

We stared at each other for a few seconds, even though she climbed on me I didn't feel any burden. Slowly closing the distance between our lips, we kissed.....



[ Why did Yui act so weirdly.... Firstly, she talked with me after many months, secondly she kissed me very casually, thirdly she told me not to confess to a girl I like or I will regret it and Finally she didn't want Onee-chan to know any of this.... Why?........ Also what was Sensei doing with me... Was she teasing me or playing with me..... From next time I meet her I should better ignore her and avoid eye contact and not be alone with her...]

All is giving me a headache... The only thing to do at this time is.......

I opened my drawer packed full of porn magazines, but, also I felt guilty doing this when I have Rin.

"Ahh, "I screamed.

"What happened, " Sister asked.

"whoa! when did you come home?" I closed the drawer, I asked her since I thought she was at work.

"I finished work early, so I came fast, "She replied.. continuing," Did you again meet a girl today?"

"Ya! I met Yui... She talked with me after many days..."

"What did she say?"

[What do I say? If I tell that she dragged me into the girl's bathroom and kissed, then it might turn troublesome... better find something else to say.]

"She just said Hi and , You are mine..., "I paused.

[No... What did I just say.... It came out automatically...]

My sister's calm face suddenly had a fierce look.

"Onee-chan?," I said.

"Oh! I forgot I have something important to do... I will come soon wait for me.," She excused herself and went out.

My sixth sense told me she was lying and the important business must be with Yui... I wanted to see how things will go, so I waited a minute after she left and then I too wore my slippers by the door to go to her house... Yui lived just a few houses beside us.

I wore my black jacket to camouflage me in the darkness and went outside.

"I told you to wait inside... right?"