A letter

Wrapping my T-shirt drenched with deodorant (Aerosol) around the broken leg of the dining chair, I used the flame from the stove to light it. A short circuit took down all the lights in my house.

The faint light from the streetlight entering the kitchen was nothing compared to the intensity from which the flame in my hand burned.

In front of me stood my sister with a horrified look on her face. She wore her night pyjamas and is all drenched in water and her hair is messy.

"Don't... Don't.... drop it... U will burn your hand..." She tried to come closer to me with every word she uttered, but I waved the torch in my hand in front of her so she maintained her distance from me.

She smiled.....

Someone from behind grabbed my hand and took it under their control, and the next second I was getting choked by their arm. The torch slipped and fell in front of me. Ultimately, the dining table caught on fire.

"Wakey... Wakey..." A girlish voice buzzed beside my ear.

"Wakey... Wakey... Imouto-Yo"

"Wah" I woke up...

My soft blanket fell beside and my sister beside me looked at me, wonder struck.

"This is the first time, you woke up without resisting much..." She leaned and stared at me.

"You are sweating like crazy..." She squealed and rubbed her palm on my forehead. "You don't seem to have a fever, looks like you woke from a bad dream."

"Looks like it." I answered her. All this time my heart thumped loudly.

"Now... Now... No need to be scared you have your Onee-Chan with you... " She hugged me. But I didn't feel her touch as I would have normally. The dream was is reverberating in my mind, it looks so real....

"Maybe it's because you slept in the bathtub yesterday..." She said hugging me tightly...

"Huh? What are you talking about, I remember coming outside after the bath and having dinner with you... If I remember correctly we had....."

"Curry!" She exclaimed.

"Haaanh, yeah... It was delicious, and after that..." I can't seem to recall anything after that.

"You were very drowsy after the bath, so you slept right after you ate. I had to carry you to your bed while you were half asleep, you know.? It was hard..."

"Sorry..." I apologized for what I did last night. It might have been hard for her.

"Now get up and brush your teeth, how much longer will u keep hugging me... Wait a second... Don't tell me all this was an act to hug me... Even last night when I was treating your wound..."

"Nooo" I woke up and ran downstairs.


"Hey, Hey... You remember the moment, when we as a family, went to the zoo...? You were so engaged on the monkey that you didn't notice a bird pooped on you head.... pffwahaha" All the while from brushing my teeth to eating breakfast, my sister went on recalling all of our joyous memories...

It felt very wistful and at the same time, I missed my parents. The emptiness created by my parents is being filled by my sister.

Just when she grabbed her glass of water to drink, I noticed that she had a bandage stuck on the back of the hand to her middle finger. It's colour blended well with my sister's skin, so it was hard to notice it.

"Onee-Chan, what happened to your finger?" I asked her, I am worried if she is over working herself at her part-time job.

"Oh, it's just a slight cut. I tripped over and fell over the vase, breaking it."

"So even you can be clumsy. You should really take care of yourself, not to get hurt. Why don't you just quit that top-secret part-time job of yours?" I advised her.

"....." She stood up and turned back towards the sink, but I am sure that I just saw a nerve popping out of her head.

"Not yet, Touya-kyun"

[Maybe not]


It is a boring Monday, I am standing outside the school gate, my sister already left, but I am still waiting outside for no reason while everyone else entered in. I am happy that I didn't encounter anyone troublesome from yesterday, if possible, I don't want to ever meet them again in my life.

I have to face Sensei today face to face and if possible I have to escape her clutches and with that enthusiasm... I stepped forward.

I went inside, opened my shoe locker to change my shows, and found a letter....