The yellow flame shone brightly from the brown earthen pot causing reflections like spirits on the rugged stoned wall. Distinct voices hummed choruses assumed to be scared in evoking certain powerful spirits or supernatural beings. Bronze trays of different sizes were arranged on the wide table adjacent to two enormous pillars decorated with green opaque gems. Daggers, broadswords, knives, scimitars, name it. Different weapons in various sizes were all aligned on a wooden bench.

The coven held no windows or doors. The air was thick and dangerous, echoes like the marching army of southern wanderers kept the background sound. Twelve eligible priests in their immaculate white robes, large material covering their heads and waist tie with the dried skin of a deer.

Six priests held a bowl each containing a white powdered substance which they sprinkled around the environment. Purity at its peak. The other half held bowls containing sparkling gold dust.