"hey..hey wake up.."

"Honey where are you? Let's eat together. Alec?"

"Clara! Call the ambulance! Hurry!"


"Call it!" He immediately undress himself on the spot and wrap the shirt around Alec's bleeding head.

While Nolen were panicking out, Clara were still in awe.

What is her husband doing?

Why did he undress himself?

And why do I need to call an ambulance?

Nolen walk out of the bathroom, gasping heavily "Call them!"

Clara were shock. Her husband's hand and body was smudged with blood everywhere. She take a few steps forward to the bathroom and see Alec.

"Wh..what.." she falls to the floor.

"Why is this happening..?"

"Clara call them! It's not the time to cry!"

He then dash to his room to find another shirt while Clara were still crying helplessly on the floor.

At the dining room, Elena who were eating her breakfast peacefully wondering why is her father screaming.

"Why is father shouting?.." she say with food in her mouth.

"I'm going to finish this first"

She immediately stuff all the rest of her food, finish her drink and go wash her mouth.

She then walk to the front only to see her mom crying in front of the bathroom. She dash as fast as she could to reach to her mom as fast as possible.

"Mom! Mom why are you crying?"

Her mom lift up one of her finger, shaking pointing into the bathroom.

She turns her head around and see Alec with his bleeding head.

"Alec! Alec wake up!"

She rush to him and caresse his head helplessly.

"Hey..hey! Wake up Alec! Wake up!"

She dash outside and grab her mom's phone at the living room. She open the phone and immediately dial 911. After a while, they pick up.

-• 991, what's your emergency?

- hello! My friend! His head is bleeding and he don't want to open his eyes!

-• little girl, do you have your parents with you?

- yes..but I don't know where is father...

"Elena! Who are you calling?!"

"It's the policeman!"

"Give me that!"



-•hello, are you the little girl's father?

-yes, yes I am

Nolen tell them every little detail of what had happened earlier. He hang up the call and rush to see Alec's condition.

The bleeding won't stop. The shirt that he wrapped around his head, were already soaked with blood. He couldn't think of anything else to do. He then unwrap the shirt to check his head. He couldn't see anything because his hair were blocking his view but he could feel that his skin were cut wide open and blood were flowing through it.

He take a glance at his hand that were full with blood with fear that spark clearly from his eyes. He then quickly wrap the shirt around his head again. He gets up and walk towards his wife.

"Hey..don't cry anymore.." he say caressing her wet cheeks with his bloody hands. The mix from her tears and the blood from his hand drip on the floor filling the moment of silence they were having.

"Get away.."


"I say get away! Back up!" Clara immediately move her body slightly to the back.

"What's wrong-"

"Father that's enough!"

He stop what he's doing and look at her daughter, her eyes were filled with tears. After she said that, he immediately sprint upstairs to her brother's room.


"No.. no I'm sorry.."

Upstairs, Elena quickly enters her brother's room and slam the door as hard as she could.

Her brother who were still sleeping at the moment, immediately sit straight up.


He lost himself for a while before he change his sight to the door.

"Hey..what was that for?..I'm trying to sleep.."

"Roland!" She say hugging his brother.

"Hey..what's wrong? Is everything okay?"


"What's wrong with her?"

Right after he said that, an ambulance sirens could be heard outside.

"It's that an ambulance?"


"What is it doing here? Let's go check it out"

He take his little sister's hand and dash out of the room. When they reach the stair, he did not immediately goes down but instead he froze right at the first staircase.

He slowly kneel down, turn his head around and ask Elena something.

"H..hey..what happened here..?"

Elena could not do anything except to shut her mouth close and froze her vision at the ground.

"Hey... I'm asking you here... what happened..?" He ask shaking his little sister's shoulder.

The feelings of fear and worries grow bit, by bit in his heart. He couldn't express it but it were already all written clearly on his face.



"You've woken up.."

"Mom! What's wrong with you?"

He say dashing down but he stop after seeing his mom's condition. He pull back his hand, didn't want to lay it on her mom's body.


"Mom..why are you like this..?"


" too.."

"What happened here earlier?" He says looking at his father right into his eyes.

He let out a deep sigh before answering the question with every little detail.

"So you're telling me that you found Alec, lying uncounciously on the bathroom floor, bathing with blood?"

"You heard it right.." he say slacking his hair back.

"Let's...just forget about it now. Let's clean this place up.." he lets out a deep sigh


"Elena! Are you done yet in there?"

"I'm almost done!"


Say Roland checking on his sister who were taking a bath

"Roland, can I sit in your room after this?"


About five minutes later, Elena come out from the bathroom fully dressed with her hair wet.

"You can go dry your hair in my room. I have a hair dryer inside. It's my turn to take a bath"


In Roland's room, Elena sits on her brother's bed and plug in the hair dryer and turn it on.

'come to think of didn't have his breakfast yet today..'

' I'll go fetch him some after this'

She finish her hair, comb it and goes downstairs. When she reach the dining room, she take a plate and place some food.

When she reach her brother's room, Roland has already finished dressing up and were now looking through his phone.


"Roland! I brought you some food!"

"Ah..careful. You might fall.." He gets up and take the plate from his little sister's hand.

"Thank you, Elena" he say cerassing his little sister's hair.

"Your welcome!" She say giving her big brother a big smile.

"I'm going to watchsome movies on my desktop. Do you want to join?"

"Really? Of course I want to! Roland you're the best!"

Roland let out a little giggle seeing his little sister's reaction.

"I'm going to turn off the light"

"No! I'm scared..."

"Don't worry, I'm here"

He put the light off and both of them start spending the rest of day watching movies together.

°°To Be Continue°°