The Search

A blanket of stars covers the dark cloudless skies. A full moon brightens the sleepy world below. Night creatures hum in the distance as a gentle breeze blows across the land bringing the delightful smells of spring with it. Pulling up to the Greco home a few minutes later, the officers gather at the edge of the walk.

"Everyone knows their position, correct?" Joe asks. The team nods. "Vests and body cams are on? The group shakes their head again. "Remember, go strictly by the book. We want this bust to stick."

"Yes, sir," they say in unison.

"Let's get to it then."

Two officers run to the right side of the dwelling, two others stationing themselves at the back door.

Seeing his officers are in place, Joe and the remaining crew make their way across the yard. Joe bangs on the barrier and says, Berryville PD, we're coming in." The officer rams the battering log into the fancy, door then steps aside.