Cover up

Joe walks into the station angrier than he's ever been in his life. No one kills in my city and gets away with it, he thinks, stomping towards the back. Throwing the interrogation room door open, he plods towards the suspect who's handcuffed and shackled wearing jailhouse garb. They sent him straight to booking hoping the process will rattle him into talking; break the cycle of him being brought in only to be released. Leaning across the table, Joe glares into his eyes and says, "Alright, Greco, we know Tito is hiding somewhere, so you can tell us where he is, or I'll arrest you for hindering prosecution, conspiracy to commit murder and accessory after the fact. God knows what else I'll come up with once I tear your place apart."

"You won't find a damn thing just like all the times before."

"I wouldn't be to sure about that."

Bruno leans back in his chair, smile, and says, "I already told you that Tito and his mother left for Italy last week."