Chapter 3: Scheming friends

Motto Know your friends

We then went to Russell Heights to pick up Cordell. We parked out front and I went into his yard. I left Michael and Garret outside.

I knocked, his wife opened the door and said, "Morning. Cordell is getting dressed."

I went in and said, "That's good."

She then said, "OK. Can I get you something to drink?"

I then quickly said, "No! I am fine. Thanks anyway."

Cordell then came down in his white track suit and gave me a fist bumped.

He then kissed his wife and said, "See you later babe."

"No girls! I love you too much to make it happened," his wife quickly told him.

We laughed and went out. The we loaded the bags. As we did a blonde, long haired Burnett Latina came out in her grey Yoga pants and sports bra. She then proceeded to watering the front yard of one of my former friends.

I stopped and asked, "Cordell, when did Harry get a new girlfriend?"

He was still packing up and said, "Harry is in Trinidad. He got the job at William Engineering Co. Limited. He sold the house to Lisa."

Weller then said, "Lisa is not a lesbian. So who is watering the front lawn?"

He looked and said, "Oh! That's Andrea. She is a freelancer Architect and Landscape consultant. She is the founder/owner of Francis Design & Landscaping Limited. They are headquartered in Halfway Tree."

Malcolm then said, "Cordell, Let me ask in Weller's terms. Is she single?"

Cordell then exhaled and said, "She is divorced. Her husband cheated on her and she suffered a miscarriage. With that, she isn’t in your league."

I then said, "Sure. But I am looking at those legs. I want them around my waist."

With that I walked off and Cordell kept calling me. She was moving around and dancing to her music. With knowledge of Harry's yard and my years of playing football, before my injury, told me she was going to fall. She stepped back on a metal shard sticking out of the ground and as she did I caught her.

I picked her up in my arms and said, "You should watch your step."

She then said, "I am bleeding."

"Tell me something I don't know,” I replied as I walked to the door.

I held her and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I reached down and turned off the pipe. With that I took her inside and the guys cheered.

I brought her to the Living room and asked, "Where is the first aid kit?"

She then said, "Under the sink."

I went and got it. Then I got to take off her socks and she mourned as I cleaned the wound. I then bandaged it up.

She then said, "Thank you..."

I then sat beside her and said, "Nicholas, but everyone calls me Nic."

She then extended her hand and said, "I am Andrea. Andrea Francis."

I then shock her hand and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you Andrea. But unfortunately I have to get going."

I then got up and she said, "This is strange."

I then turned and asked, "What?"

She then said, "You just rescued a girl and she is all alone. But you are not trying to get into her panties."

I then asked, "Did Lisa ever told you about the boyfriend that she got close to but he broke up with her?"

She quickly got it and said, "Yea! She told me about the perfect guy. She got to him and after a kiss he broke up with her."

I then said, "Good, she told you about the bastard. Well I am that guy. And I don't think she would allow me kissing you out front. Worst in her house."

She laughed and said, "Well Lisa isn't here and you are the first honest guy I have ever met. So I think we should be friends. At least take my number, as consultation. I do architecture and landscaping."

I exhaled and gave her my phone. She then put it. Then she hopped up and gave me my phone.

She then said, "Pink."

I then exhaled and asked, "What?"

She then said, "That is color of the thong I am wearing."

I laughed and texted her asking, "Can I take it off?"

She then said, "No! You can't take it off."

I stepped closer to her and asked, "So can't I see it?"

She then started kissing me and I picked her upon me. Then I brought her to the couch. We then proceeded to make out. After a while I picked her up and brought her to her room.

The boys were all sitting in the back of the Rav-4.

Malcolm then asked, "Yow, what you guys think Nick is doing in there?"

Cordell then said, "I would say he is working into the trap. We will have victory soon."

Garret then laughed and said, "I didn't know it was this easy to get money off of him."

Malcolm then said, "It is easier than you think. In fact any girl can get it. But Andrea is perfect for the job. Plus she has a hatred for him. So no strings."

They all laughed. Moments later I came out of her room and fixed up my clothes. She was in her robe and sweating, she was all over me.

I stopped her and said, "Unfortunately I have to get going."

She then said, "But we need to have more than booty called. Aren't you going to take me out?"

I then smiled and asked, "How about tonight?"

She wrapped her arms around my neck and said, "Sure. Call me when you get back. Maybe we can hang out."

I then kissed her and went outside to my boys.

Malcolm applauded as I walked to them and Cordell said, "The lady killer strikes again."

I then took out her thong and said, "I got another one as consultation."

Garret shocks his head and said, "You need to slow down man. Life is not about what's between a woman legs."

"That's why you are single bro," I told him as the boys laughed.

We all laughed at him and he said, "You know what, let's get going."

We then got into the vehicles and drove off.

Andrea then went to the attic and said, "Phase 1 completed."

Lisa turned around in the chair and said, "Excellent! We will meet to object soon. The Don will be proud of you."

Andrea then said, "Thank your boss. I will get back at him for what he did to you."

Lisa then got up and said, "We need to get going. If you are meeting him, you need to go shopping for your date."

Andrea laughed and they went. With that a blonde Latina in short red cocktail dress walked into Anderson Motors Limited.

She then walked up to the secretary and asked, "Is my husband in?"

The secretary then said, "Mrs. Anderson, your husband is in a private meeting?"

She then said, "I will go see him."

She then walked off and went to his office. She walked in on him getting a blowjob from a girl in her lingerie.

Anita then said, "I see you are close to closing the deal."

The girl quickly got up and Anita said, "Shelly, I see you are more than a janitor. Oh wait you are technical clean the dirty off him. But he is too dirty for you to clean."

Earl quickly got up and went to her. He struck her in face and she dropped. He then started kicking her.

As she laid there coughing up blood he angrily said, "Know you! You a violate man in front dem girl! A kill man fi kill U!"

Shelly held him and they left her. Jason, the office mail man, saw her on the ground.

He then held her and yelled, "Yow! Call the ambulance."

With that she went into unconsciousness. We then pulled into Spanish Town Shopping Center. I got out and put my gun in my waist. Then put back on my Track suit jacket. While we got out Garth pulled up in the GMC SUV.

He got out with his partner in crime, Shawn.

I then smiled and asked, "Did you get it?"

He stopped in front of me and took out a brown bag.

As I looked in it and Malcolm asked, "What's in the bag?"

I then said, "We can't party on the beach without weed. And only Bulk has the A grade weed now."

Garrett then asked, "Don't you grow?"

I then said, "Yea but it's young and green. That kind will mad you. So Bulk wants us to try this, before we buy from him. He is about to become a farmer."

I then gave the bag to Malcolm and he said, "Did I ever say I love you bro?"

We then laughed and Cordell saw Lisa parking her Mercedes C-Class. He saw Lisa and Andrea got out. They were in jeans shorts, matching blouses, sunglasses and their hand bags on their arms. They then went into Fashion Trendz.

Cordell then said, "Yow! Let's go we go check out some shoes over at Fashion Trendz."

I then turned and said, "Mi have enough shoes already."

Malcolm then said, "Yea mon. But we need girls and the best place to get some is in a Fashion store."

We all laughed and went over to the store. With that we saw the cashier and it was a friend of ours, Frank Martins.

I then hailed him and asked, "Frank wah gwan?"

Frank then said, "Well I work here. I am the manger."

Garrett then said, "Well we can get a large discount. Seen that you are friends with us."

We all laughed and Lisa came to the counter. She hit into me.

I quickly turned and said, "I am sorry, Lisa."

She then said, "Seems like that is a favorite word."

I then said, "I see you still hate me."

She then exhaled and said, "And I see you are still screwing my friends."

Andrea then came and asked, "What is going on?"

Lisa paid for her dress and said, "I told you never to let this man whore in my house. But you did."

Andrea then quickly said, "I didn't."

Lisa then said, "And I supposed that my security cameras are lying."

As she puzzled to answer Lisa said, "Walk your ass back home!"

She then walked away and the guys laughed. I then saw Andrea get sad. She looked worried.

I then asked, "Andrea you alright?"

She then said, "I am fine."

I looked at the guys and Malcolm got it.

He then quickly said, "General we leaving. You can catch up or not."

I then nodded and said, "Cool."

The guys all left me there. And she paid for her dress. Then she left the store and as we got out the guys drove away. She looked lost

I went to her and asked, "You know where you at?"

She angrily said, "No! And I don't even know how to get home."

I exhaled and said, "Look I am sorry I got you into trouble with Lisa. She is putting my problems on you."

She then said, "It's OK. I might get raped tonight, while I sleep under a street light. But I am fine."

I then said, "I wish I could tell you that won't happen. But this is Lisa we are talking about, she crazy. She slashed my car tires."

Andrea then laughed and I said, "I made you laughed. So how we hang out and give Lisa time to calm down?"

Andrea then said, "Hanging out with you got me in this situation. So why would I want to do it more?"

"But look on the bright side you can have fun with me. And if she kicks you out, I can afford to put you up in a hotel," I quickly told her.

She then asked, "Why not your house?"

"I live with an overprotective adopted big sister. And I tend to sneak girls in and she normally kicks them out the next day. And last night was my last. Now I want more so until we know each other my house is off limits," I replied her.

Andrea then smiled and said, "OK. So let's go."

With that I put her bags in the trunk. Then we drove off. Lisa pulled up around the corner and watched us drive away.

She then called Earl and he answered asking, "How we looking?"

She then said, "She is in sir. We will have him trapped in under a month."

Earl then said, "Fine. You are clear to move to faze two."

Lisa then hangs up and drove off.