Chapter 7

Daniella looked up at the dark sky. They had been flying for a long time and she didn’t know where they were going. She was scared. Her parents must be looking for her and an evil girl was after them. What was a supernatural to do?

She stiffened in his arms.

“Kie-“. She wasn’t able to finish that though.

She could already see Veronica on her own bird made of black smoke. There was really nothing she wasn’t going to see today.

Kieran looked over his shoulder and she squealed when Kieran spat out fire at her. It was a lot of fire and it was so hot, literally.

There was no way she was going to survive that rain of fire.

She stiffened when she felt that rise in energy and she came out of the flames still on her bird her skin untouched.

She wagged her finger and pointed up. Both eyes went up and she could see that tonight was going to be a full moon.

She looked down at her bird and it looked like the bird was going to scream again.

“Kieran” she said holding onto him tight.

“Shriek” she mouthed.

The bird opened its mouth and she closed her eyes waiting for pain. Kieran held her tight. He could just get rid of the wings and fall, but that was too risky. He wasn’t healed yet. For some reason he was taking much longer to heal. He’d have to fight back.

Danny felt chilly. She opened her eyes. “Kieran don’t!” she yelled.

The bird release an ear bleeding shriek and she closed her eyes, but what she heard was glass.

She opened her eyes to see Stephanie with wings of her own with her hands out shielding them from the bird’s noise.

“Stephanie how did you-“

“Danny kept screaming in my mind the whole time” she replied through grit teeth.

“Really?” Danny asked perking up in Kieran’s arms.

“I can’t hold this anymore” she said and dropped her hands and the ice shield broke like many shards of glass.

Her wings disappeared and she was falling.

“Hold on!” Kieran yelled and his wings disappeared too and he was falling.

“Just teleport!” she yelled holding onto him tight.

“Can’t” he said and he held onto her with one hand and he held his other hand out and Stephanie was in his other hand easily.

His wings came back and he was able to get them back to the ground slower and safe.

Stephanie pushed him away. “I would have landed on my feet” she grumbled.

“Can’t you just be the princess you are” he said releasing Danny.

Stephanie turned to her.

“I really didn’t know that I actually contacted you, I really thought it wouldn’t work. Thank you for coming to our aid”.

“I’m still going to get even after this” she said turning back to Kieran. “I knew something was off with her when she got in the way of my hand. How was she able to pull off the human act?” Stephanie asked removing her glove and her black sleeve from her right arm.

“She’s gifted” Kieran replied.

‘He looked better now’ Danny thought. She took a deep breath. She had accepted a while ago that this was real and this was really happening. She was going to do what she could. She had trained and she felt ready. She was going to get Clara back.

“Hope you can remember all that training” Kieran said.

“She’s going to need it” Stephanie said.

Veronica materialized out of black smoke and so did another person. She had a boy with her. Same blonde hair which looked really familiar to Danny.

“Well I wasn’t expecting the princess now. I was meant to kill you after I kill Kieran, but now that you’re here it’s even better”.

Danny tried not to gag.

She had changed from her uniform and seemed to be in underwear or sportswear, but she really couldn’t tell. She had tattoos all over her body. There was little visible skin and they were moving?

“I’ll have your head before you even think of opening your mouth” Stephanie growled and blue light covered her.

She had changed when the light cleared. She was dressed in fur like a warrior and was with a sword. Her tattoos from her shoulder to her hand all ready.

“Princess you seem to have not fought a Luvinan before” she said with a smile. “Time to educate you”.

Kieran had changed also and he was ready.

“Victor” she purred to the boy beside her. “Play with the pretty girls, but don’t kill my friend Danny” she said looking directly at Danny.

“I’ll take care of Kieran” she said.

“Okay Sister” he replied his voice all silky.

Kieran teleported and Ronnie had disappeared with him.

With a war cry Stephanie charged at him swinging her sword.

Danny wasn’t so sure about charging at him. Clara had said something about them being untouchable and she took it literally. Did Stephanie have any idea what she was up against?

She swung her sword at his head which went right through him and she backed it up with her leg which he caught easily.

“First lesson princess, never charge at your Luvinan enemy” and he delivered a foot to her stomach sending her towards Danny.

She caught her though. Not easily like she hoped, but she still caught her.

He looked at the two girls and sighed. “She never lets me have any real fun, but you two will do”.

This time he was the one that charged.

“He’s coming” Stephanie said getting back to her feet.

She was scared. If they were doing this bad, she wondered how Kieran was faring.

Kieran stood in a clearing with Veronica not too far away.

“Come on Kieran, I’ll make it so easy for you” she said with her hands spread wide and the tattoos glowed and crawled off her body and into the trees. It was really ominous seeing the animals moving around the trees with their eyes glowing green and making a lot of noise.

Kieran set his body ablaze. That would be the only thing that would protect him from the animals. The thing about being a shadow animal was you couldn’t touch them, but they could touch and hit him really bad.

He looked right at Veronica who was stalking towards him.

His flames could protect him from the animals, not from her. He wondered how Danny was holding up.

Danny leaned back really far saving her face from a huge blow. ‘He’s really fast’ she thought.

Water erupted out of the ground, but he went through untouched still going after Danny.

Stephanie ran up to them and jumped hoping to take him down from above, but a tail came out of nowhere hitting her in the face.

Danny distanced herself from him. She didn’t feel like she was contributing to the whole fight. If she couldn’t touch him, she’d just have to use her mind.

Stephanie saw the tail coming and to her surprise she held onto it. That was odd. She tried pulling, but spikes came out and pierced both her hands. She didn’t relent. She steadied herself and pulled back with her monster strength.

Ice had already encased her fists. He was coming closer with a smile on his face. Her fist moved, but it went right through him. He flipped in midair kicking her in the chin.

He landed softly on the ground.

“I thought you’d be tougher princess. You’re kind of a bore” he said a hand on his hip and running his fingers through his hair slowly.

‘Stephanie!’ Danny yelled.

‘What are you doing in my head again North?!’ she yelled in her thoughts.

‘The moon is his source of power yes and you control water which is what clouds are made of. So if you could control the clouds, you could block the sight of the moon and he won’t be so untouchable’.

‘Nice plan Daniella, I’m a little bit busy. Why don’t you make yourself useful and then maybe I’d get an opening’ and she charged again.

They were really fast. Stephanie moving really fast shards of ice flying everywhere and she had to stay on the ground. Her hits would be more effective if she was actually touching him instead of passing through.

But he could hit her and he was hitting hard and that tail was coming into play a lot. Weren’t scorpions poisonous?

She needed to focus. She stood up determined.

Victor turned to her with a devious smirk.

Stephanie had gone through a tree and it was her and him, hopefully for now.

“Ronnie said I shouldn’t kill you, but she didn’t say I couldn’t hurt you” and his tail was coming at her.

‘She could do it’ she thought.

She closed her eyes, but nothing happened. Where was the pain? She opened her eyes to see the tail between her eyes and Victor standing there and he looked to be in pain.

‘It worked’ she thought. But it was not easy. He was strong and she was fighting her control.

“You really think your tricks will work on me?” he asked and the tail getting closer slowly.

“Yes” she replied and it got darker slowly and it was her turn to smirk.

He really wasn’t expecting to be hit from nowhere. He went through two trees and Stephanie was by her side. A chain materialized in her hands.

“Thanks for the distraction, but I’ll take it from here” she said advancing on him.

“But I can help” she tried.

“You’ve done enough, but you are kind of a sitting duck and I can’t protect you all the time. Stay out of the way” and she charged with a war cry.

A tail shot through the trees and Stephanie held onto it this time and pulled hard. This time she landed a punch on his face with an ice covered fist.

“I mean it. I won’t save you” and she ran through the trees.

Danny sighed. ‘I don’t do well with taking orders’ and she followed.

Kieran smiled when he noticed that the moon was blocked and he fired at her. She blocked it easily and did a motion with her hands which caused the animals to advance on Kieran.

Kieran got on his knee with a hand on the ground. A ring formed round him. The fire got bigger and bigger until it extended to the animals burning all the animals which had her stomping her foot agitated.

Kieran stood up flames on his fists.

Veronica clapped slowly.

“Nice, really nice” she said.

“Where are your friends now?” he asked walking towards her.

“Where else if not with me” she replied.

That made Kieran stop in his tracks and Veronica released an ear bleeding screech which had him tumbling back.

Victor hit the tree hard and he ducked just in time to save his face from being smashed in. He hated Elementans sometimes.

He was able to land a kick to her stomach before going a distance, but was stopped in his track again by that pesky girl. She was getting really hard not to kill. It was more annoying than it was painful, but he didn’t have time to think that because he got a kick to the back of his neck.

He went tumbling and landed face first in the dirt.

Before he could get up, he felt a sharp crushing pain going up his spine. He really hated Elementans.

He felt the cold steel of her chain wrapping round his body and he was pulled upright into a sitting position with his broken spine.

“Now do you have anything to say?” Stephanie asked placing a hand on his head which just made him groan and she could see his veins turning blue.

“I’m tired of playing nice. I really don’t care what V says. She won’t be mad at her brother forever” and his eyes turned green.

“Um Steph-“

“He won’t be able to break that chain. No one can” she said stepping front of him. “I’ve had enough of him for one night” and Danny could see her breath.

The looked down at the ground and it was already freezing up along with the stones and weeds and that made its way up to where the boy was bound and the ice was crawling slowly up his knees and he was still trying to get free.

Her sword was back in her hand and she raised it up a little.

“I’ve always wanted to say this. Off with……”

She lowered her hand.

He was screaming now and her chain looked to be melting. It disappeared round his body back to her hand. Her eyes were wide in shock. The ice was melting off him and so was the one on the ground and it was turning a sick green color which was melting the stones and weeds,

Stephanie got her wings out of a sparkly cloud and flapped her wings once and held Danny and there were on a tree branch.

“I think this would have ended sooner if you actually used your sword” Danny whispered.

Stephanie’s eyes glowed blue and she had ice in her hands and it extended to her wrist and threw it at him. That resulted in a big blast of ice and Danny had to close her eyes so she wouldn’t get injured with ice accidently hitting her eyes.

It didn’t clear though. Instead it got bigger and darker.

“He’s trying to push the clouds” Stephanie said looking up. “We have to act now!”

“Good brother” Ronnie said walking towards Kieran who was on the ground. She should probably just blow his brains, but where was the fun in that?

She hovered over him. “Bye Kieran” she said.

She straddled his hips and cupped his face. She kissed him and his eyes went wide in confusion and he realized the more she kissed him, the weaker she felt. She removed her lips. Her mouth still open and Kieran’s refusing to close.

She was taking his life force. His energy at the purest form and he could do nothing to stop her. He glared weakly when he realized this was what she did to Clara. He couldn’t die. How would he save Clara if he died right now?

He wouldn’t. He was practically born with fire and he wouldn’t die so embarrassing like this. ‘It’s time to turn up the heat’ he thought.

Ronnie smiled still taking her time in taking his life, but with Clara it wasn’t this hot.

She jumped back immediately clutching her almost fried throat. ‘How did he even manage that?’ she thought agitated. No matter. He’d need a lot of strength to get back on his two feet.

She moved out of the way when she saw a chakram coming with deadly speed towards her. She turned her neck to see that it had sliced through a tree. If she wasn’t careful especially if she didn’t have the moon he could chop her head right off.

The circular steel blade was spinning fast by his side and his feet no longer touched ground. “You’re meant to be weak” she said.

“Yes, but my mind isn’t and also” he made a gesture with his eyes. “The moon is still blocked and I have just enough time to kill you” and the blade was coming at her again.

She ran into the woods.

The mist was now glowing green.

“I’m going in” Stephanie said.

She flapped her wings and before she could move she was hit in her shoulder.

Danny gasped covering her mouth. His tail went through her shoulder.

“Stephanie I-“

“Shit” she whispered and she was pulled towards the smoke.

Danny followed immediately.

Her feet touched ground and the smoke cleared and Stephanie was there held up by the tail with her shoulder already bleeding. She also had bleeding hands. She seemed to try to get the tail out, but the spikes were sticking out of her hands where she held onto.

Danny took a deep breath and tried to hurt him again, but he flung Stephanie to the side without a care in the world. Now she could see him and he looked so inhuman.

‘Was this what Clara meant when she said full transformation?’ she thought really scared.

He was so scaly with glowing green eyes and his body seemed to be steaming. His tail was longer now and her power wasn’t working on him. She’d have to use physical combat.

She took a running start, but he wrapped his tail round her neck easily and began to squeeze. He smiled showing all his sharp teeth and green steam came out of his mouth.

She tried to hold onto his tail, but he squeezed tighter making her face turn a dangerous pale white. Just like that he became uninterested and flung her. Her ribs hitting the tree hard.

“You’re not worth the energy” and he turned around.

Stephanie stood straight glaring. A green bubble floated out of her healing wound and it popped.

“Now is not the time to fight like a princess” she said and put both hands on the ground.

Multiple icicles shout out from the ground making their way towards him.

He smiled and spat out at her attack and it melted instantly.

‘Acid and poison’ she thought.

Stephanie raised her hands and bubbles came out of the ground slowly and it turned into spikes and she shot it at him which he spat a big ball of acid making it melt.

Her wings came in a flash of blue light and she flapped it once and charged with a roar.

Victor spat out acid which she dodged and spat out icicles at him which he also dodged and distanced himself from her and he put his tail into play and aimed it for her wound again, but she saw it coming and went up.

She was coming down quick and with her sword.

He used his tail to block the hit. While she was occupied with her sword, she didn’t see him move his hand and he scratched her with his claws across her arm.

Her wings left immediately and she landed on her feet. She didn’t have the height and weight advantage anymore so she tried using her strength to push him back.

“You should really focus on your wound rather than trying to win me your highness” she said with a huge grin.

“Killing you is the only antidote I need” she breathed out.

“Oh well” he shrugged and retraced his tail making her fall forward surprised. He kneed her in her abdomen hard and she doubled over. His tail wrapped round her middle tight and he squeezed hard. His spikes came out piercing her skin blood rolling down slowly and soiling her fur skirt.

“You’ve been on this place for long, so you should know this happens in all those nature geography channels. When a boa constrictor catches its prey. It squeezes tight in the process breaking all its bones” he said caressing her face with a sharp finger.

“But I’m not an animal, so I’ll let you go” and he did let her go spinning her in the process. His spikes cutting through her skin rapidly and she dropped to the ground her eyes closed.

He turned to Danny with a toothy grin.

Veronica hid behind a tree out of breath. She had been running for a long time. That weapon was still chasing her and it had come very close to beheading her. She gave up the idea of trying to catch it. That would saw her fingers off neatly.

She ducked as the said weapon shot past her almost cutting off her tips. She abandoned her hiding space and took off running. She could feel the thing behind her following her every move.

She looked up at the sky and the moon was still blocked. ‘What gives?’ she thought. This was getting her angry. Everything was meant to go according to plan, but Stephanie just had to show up and ruin things.

She jumped doing a flip in the air and the circular weapon just went past where her legs were seconds ago. If she was there she would have lost her legs.

Still in the air, she saw the thing stop and it was coming back at her with more speed than usual.

“That, is, enough!” she yelled.

Her palms glowed. A dark seal appearing there in the air and it glowed green. Green light erupted out of it sending Kieran’s weapon flying back to him.

He looked at the weapon and it was clean. It was only meant to come back when it had hit the target and from what he was currently looking at, it hadn’t hit.

He got on his feet and walked closer. She had summoned something.

The light had cleared and Ronnie was in the arms of a guy.

The guy set her on her feet and now she had a smirk on her lips. She pointed up at the sky and there was the moon shinning in all its glory.

“Why am I here?” he asked.

“Well Andy, you’re here to help me” she explained simply.

“And I would do that why?” he asked.

“Because you love me” she replied caressing his chest. “Now kill him will you. I’m sure my brother is done with the princess and the other one. Now finish this so we can go” she said moving into the shadows her animals following.

Kieran looked at this Andy. He didn’t have any business with him. He had to take care of her now. He had his strength back now and it wouldn’t be hard to take him out.

The weapon was moving fast and it went directly at him.

He didn’t move though. He saw the fast moving steel and he caught it. His hand and his fingers were still intact. He took it back and still he was still in one piece without a scratch.

Well if he could hold things that meant the moon thing didn’t work on him. He could actually touch him. Kieran shot a huge fireball at him which seemed to have no effect because he walked through it.

He tried to punch him, but Kieran dodged it and he tried a kick, but Kieran moved immediately. He cleaned his cheek with his finger and there was blood. ‘How was that possible?’ he thought.

He looked closer and the guy had a metal blade on his boots. All he had to do was avoid his foot. Easy enough.

Soon Andy was in the air struggling for his breath.

“No Kieran” he heard Ronnie whisper and at that moment something scratched his back. His hold on Andy broke and he landed on his feet.

Kieran was on his knees and his back was bleeding. He could feel it. A bear or something much bigger must have scratched him.

He felt cold steel against his neck and Andy had the blade on his boot against his neck. He dragged it against his neck slowly. Not that deep, just enough to sting.

Kieran fell on his side groaning in pain. He surrounded himself with fire. That’d keep him safe, but Andy held him up by his hair easily. Setting himself ablaze didn’t seem to work.

What was his power? Super strength? Was he just indestructible?

He was thrown like a rag doll and he hit the tree hard.

Danny stood on her feet. She wouldn’t lose. She had gone too far in her training to just die where she stood without doing anything. Stephanie was out of it and it was up to her to save the two of them.

“That look on your face is really scary” Victor said fake shivering.

He didn’t get a reply from her.

“No it really wasn’t” he said.

He held his hand out with a small green ball forming. Seconds went by and the ball got bigger and bigger and she just stood there.

She stood up straight wither her chest out and stretched out a shaky hand. She wasn’t useless, she wasn’t clueless and she wasn’t an embarrassment.

She opened her eyes which were pure black and Victor threw the ball.

The ball was coming closer fast. Tiny bits of it burning the life in the forest and some touching her skin burning her and parts of her uniform.

It touched her hand burning her palm in the process making her tear up a little. What he sent to her was strong and was pushing her back a little, but her will was stronger.

Clara told her a long time ago that her power was energy. She could read and control it. Energy in any element and energy in its purest form.

Victor watched surprised that he wasn’t seeing her skeleton right now. Instead his ball of acid was getting smaller and he had to step back. That wasn’t meant to happen.

She screamed and she sucked up the entire ball. She looked up at him and she raised her other hand at him. A purple ball forming, but it didn’t get to a satisfying amount before she let it go and she fell to her knees really faint.

Victor dodged easily.

He turned to the trees behind him which he couldn’t call trees anymore. They were now stumps and dried up leaves.

He turned to look at Daniella who now had her face on the ground. She had fainted. This was much easier than he expected.

Now there was no snow princess to stop him. His tail went to her soft neck.

“Just a little……Ack!” he gasped coughing out blood.

Looking down there was an arrow sticking out of his chest.

He staggered and turned around. He looked at Stephanie who stood on shaky legs holding a bow.

The arrow was really freezing everything. The cold was spreading everywhere. He fell on his knees not bothering to pull the arrow out.

Stephanie got another arrow and raised it with the bow aiming at his chest again.

A green seal appeared under him and was covered with green light and he was gone before Stephanie could shoot the arrow.

“Danny don’t worry” she said walking towards her slowly. “No fire can burn my ice” she said finally getting to where she was.

“Now get up” she said panting. “W-we need to go help Kieran right now” and she fell beside Danny. “I’m sorry Kieran” she whispered. “I can’t help you” and she surrendered to the darkness.

“Where’s Victor?” Andy asked his heel digging into Kieran’s cheek.

“Taking care of something for me” she replied.

“How long will it take someone like Victor to take care of someone else?” Andy asked.

“What are you implying?” she said taken back. “Are you trying to say something happened?” she asked her animals surrounding the two of them.

“Send one of them to check then” he replied unafraid.

She stood there looking at him for a while and she groaned.

“What happened?” he asked.

“Those two girls are there, but there’s no sign of Victor!” she yelled turning to Kieran who was on the ground. “Hold him up” she whispered.

Andy picked him up with the back of his shirt. “You and your idiot friends will pay for this” she growled and cupped his face bringing her face closer.

“I’m not so sure about that” he whispered with a raspy voice.

“What are you ta…?” Veronica didn’t get to complete that sentence.

She watched wide eyed as the ring had somehow slipped off her fingers and he crushed it.

At that exact moment, gold light shot to the sky.

She looked back at Kieran who still had a weak smile on his face.

In her fit of rage she punched him hard in the face breaking his nose and she punched him again. “Do you have any idea what you just did?!” she demanded.

Kieran didn’t answer.

“What now?” Andy asked dropping the boy on the ground and bringing out a cloth from his pocket to clean his hand.

“What I did before you idiot? Are you daft or something?!” she yelled.

“Watch how you talk to me?” he warned squeezing her cheeks with his finger and her thumb hard. “The only reason why you were able to defeat that girl was because of me” he said letting go.

“Yes, didn’t you hear me Anderson? I said what I did before, which was team up with you” she replied.

“Better” he replied with a smile.

‘So what are you going to do with king of dragons over there?” he asked gesturing to Kieran who had fainted.

Ronnie smiled. “Clara will be here soon and when she gets here she’ll see me take her beloved friend’s life” she replied.

“Well now we wait” and he jumped up to the trees.

Ronnie clapped her hands and a snake’s shadow curled up in front of the tree and she sat there comfortably and crossed her legs.

Clara would wake up and be disoriented. She’d not know where she was or wherever she was currently and it’d take time before she remembered what happened and then she’d transport here to her death and she’d be on top.

She sat there trying to count the stars and then she had to shield her eyes from the light that just appeared out of nowhere.

Ronnie smiled and looked at the girl with cat ears and tails and holding a staff.

“Tell me who you are and why you look like me” was the first thing she said.

Her snake pushed her up to a standing position.

“I should be the one saying that” Ronnie replied.

She could see Clara was distracted and her eyes followed what she was looking at and she smiled when she saw Kieran’s unconscious body lying on the dirt.

“What did you do to him?!” she demanded getting closer.

“You should really think before you do something you’ll regret” she said gesturing to her left.

Clara watched in horror as an animal dropped the bodies of Stephanie and Daniella.

“How long have I been out?” she asked.

“A long time for this to happen” she replied with a smile and interlaced her fingers.

“You were the one who attacked” Clara stated.

“No, I didn’t attack you” she said with a hand on her heart. “I only finished you off and this time it won’t be any different”.

“Don’t be so sure” Clara said taking a stance.

“I shouldn’t be sure? I shouldn’t be sure of me already beating your friends and then also having victory over you in a few minutes and then making you watch as I drain them of their life force as I did to you”.

Clara launched forward her staff ready to strike, but she went right through her.

Ronnie turned around slowly to see her on her hands and feet like the cat she was. Her eyes already glowing golden yellow.

“You lived on home world right? So you should know that where I come from I am invincible” she said giving her a little kick.

She hit the tree behind her easily. She remembered the night of the fight and she knew that her animals had fun and so did Anderson. She wasn’t healed yet.

“I just went easy on you” Clara said getting back on her feet her staff glowing.

“Anderson” Ronnie called and the guy jumped down from the tree branch he had been sitting all the while. “Have fun” and Ronnie was gone.

Clara’s ears twitched and she dodged the incoming kick that was meant to slice her neck. She brought her elbow down on his knee, but she was the one to hurt.

He punched her and her staff left her hands and at that exact moment something scratched her legs and then there was another scratch and another every part of her body big bloody scratch marks just making their appearance.

She was too focused on the animal attack that she didn’t know Anderson was directly before her and she was greeted with the sight of his boot.

A force held her down and was squeezing tight. Anderson was over her and he got behind her and turned her on her side so she could see Ronnie who now had Kieran’s unconscious body on her lap.

She grinned at her. “Anything you want to say to him?” she asked.

Clara groaned and closed her eyes.

Anderson removed his leg from her other side and would have brought it down on her face but her eyes opened and were pure gold. Her body too and Ronnie could see her animals scurrying away. Just like before, the entire forest was covered in her light and again her animals were gone.

“This is why I got rid of her first” Ronnie whispered coming out of the shadows.

She turned to where she had kept the rest and wasn’t surprised that they weren’t there. Either Clara took them somewhere safe or her light burnt them up.

‘What a very annoying power’ Ronnie thought.

Clara dropped from the sky again. Holding her staff and her body still gold.

“Finish her off Andy” Ronnie said giving him a tap on his back. Not that he needed it.

Clara attacked him this time landing a hit. Even though she was landing multiple hits and he wasn’t getting burnt. Currently he was holding her staff and his palm wasn’t steaming. This wasn’t a Luvinan power. She had come across many, but not one like this.

“What’s your power?” Clara asked as she was pulled closer by her staff.

“I’m indestructible” and he threw her up.

He watched as she jumped from tree to tree on her hands and feet.

The animals were back and were trying their best to get a hold of her, but they couldn’t come close to her without burning up, but he could.

Clara’s ears twitched and she jumped to safety.

Andy stood where she was just moments ago and if she was there she would have become one with the tree.

“Why don’t you just give up?” he asked. “You’re outnumbered and outmatched” he stated.

“Think again” and Clara jumped from the branch she stood.

At that moment a knife came out of nowhere slicing across both of Andy’s eyes.

Clara got her staff and when the end touched the ground it formed a hole with light coming out of it.

Ronnie came out of nowhere sending her animals towards the two.

Now with a combination of fire and light, they didn’t stand a chance.

Ronnie screamed.

Both supernaturals blocked their ears. The screaming died down and both were still suffering from the effect.

Andy had fallen when she screamed. The tree he was on had broken, but luckily he wasn’t hurt. Except for his eyes.

Ronnie groaned. First her brother, now her friend. She wasn’t going to let this go on any longer.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yes just need to heal” he replied.

“I’ll take care of it just give me a few minutes” and he disappeared in a flash of green.

Ronnie stood up and turned to them who were still turning on the ground. This will be easy.

She made her way towards them slowly, but an invincible force moved her hard and she found herself in a hole.

She stood up and she could get out easily. It wasn’t that hard, but there was a force keeping her in.

“What is this?!” she yelled.

“You say you’re superior, so you should know” Clara replied with a smile.

She looked down at the seal pattern just below her glowing gold and also at the one above her keeping her in.

“You wouldn’t” she whispered.

“This seal was used to punish criminals like you. To every supernatural it is a fate worse than death” Clara explained.

“You’re bluffing. You can’t actually do it. It takes practice and actual experience” Ronnie said looking at the seal which was ready.

“Then you’ll be my first. Hopefully it works” she winked.

The same seals appeared on her palms and gold light covered Ronnie and she screamed. It erupted out of the hole and into the sky and just like that it was over.

Clara looked to Kieran and shrugged.

He rolled his eyes. “Did it work?”

“I don’t know. You check” she said sitting on the ground heavily.

Kieran approached the hole cautiously and when he looked in Ronnie was in the arms of Anderson. He couldn’t do anything before a seal appeared under them and they were gone.

He turned to Clara with a sigh and sat down in front of the hole.

“Something tells me we won’t be hearing from them for a very long time” she joked.

“I’ll just make a call and make sure the three of them get what they deserve” he said sitting down too, but more graceful.

“I can’t really remember what happened, but I know I didn’t wake up in my room and…… I don’t really say this often, but thank you for looking after me”.

“I didn’t look after you. Your friend couldn’t look after you and Stephanie wouldn’t dream of taking you” he stated flatly. “Stephanie loves me and though Danny is a little clueless……”

“A little?” he asked with a face.

“I’ve already said it, I’m not repeating myself” and she stood up using her staff as support.

“Where are they anyway?” he asked.

“Your place” she replied already getting set to run.

“What?!” he asked.

“Don’t be like that. Every boy no matter what universe has a dream to always see cute girls in his bed” she said with a grin.

“I liked it better when you were barely alive” he said.

She smiled and got to the trees.

Kieran sighed and followed her.

When they got to his house, Danny and Stephanie were still asleep.

“Who they fought really did a number on them” Clara stated looking at the state two of them were in.

“I don’t still understand why it’s taking long for us to heal” Kieran said sitting on the armchair close to his bed.

“You should know” Clara murmured. “Luvinans have the advantage of the moon which will put you at a disadvantage and will slow down your healing factor” Clara explained and sat at the edge of the bed running her fingers through Danny’s hair.

“What happened while I was out?” she asked looking at him.

“That’s a story for another night” he said closing his eyes.

She watched as he slowly fell asleep.

Clara got up and placed a blanket on him.

“You’re really proud, but thanks”.