I've made up my mind

Chapter 13

“you’re here on the field again, ” I sigh placing my cricket bat on the ground

“ am I not allowed to visit my finance…”

“ you won’t have to after I finish hand in my resignation.”

“you're still leaving, at least tell me why?”

“ I don’t have to explain my behavior to everyone…I lost love for the sport.”

“Your lying, if there’s one thing Im certain about it’s your love for cricket, you can’t fool me with that one.”

“ if you here to pick me up for lunch, then do it, otherwise don’t come over,” she says walking towards the field.

He rushed over to her grabbing her arm as they walked over to the car.

Daneen sat there in her sweaty uniform watching him drive, she could only imagine how terrible he must have felt since he's injury...on the other hand, she wasn’t particularly happy with all the questioning she received from everyone, why wasn’t she allowed to leave her profession whenever she felt like it, for once she wanted a normal peaceful life away from the spotlight. Far from all the crowds, the cheering, anything related to the expectations she grew tired of.

“we’re here, ” he said opening the door.

“ I hope you aren’t offended by me not telling you why I’m leaving.”

“ I can’t tell you what to do, but honestly if I were you…healthy, strong and at the peak of my career I wouldn’t want to leave…I wouldn’t abandon something I spent half of my life on.”

“ you don’t understand..i”

“no, you’re the one who doesn’t understand. How could you forget about how hard you fought for a women cricket club in high school…how could you forget all the stigma you went through for having to train with guys in college, why would you want to throw away something so important…something so precious to the both of us. Even if I got injured last year, I always looked up to you, how you kept on going…and now you want to leave.”

“ stop, okay…I can’t take any more of it. I'm tired of fighting.”

He slammed the application letter onto the coffee table “ look you applied since you were in university, look they finally accepted you, isn’t the spring team what you’ve always worked towards.”

“ im not hungry anymore, ”she says leaving the restaurant watching him stare at her through the glass window, they think they understand but they don’t. How sure was she, how sure are they that that’s what she's wanted her entire life. Why can’t she be left to do what she wanted to, without question, without judgment...

“Are you still mad at me?” Liya asks handing her a glass of water.

She slides the glass to the side folding her arms, “ do you know why is im making this decision now?”

“no…” she says looking into her eyes, such beautiful eyes.

“ Liya, after mine and Basams destination wedding, I want to spend the next few years traveling beside him.”

“you can do that after playing for the springboks”

“you still don’t get it, im not young anymore. For the sake of Allah why won’t anyone support my decision. I’ve made the most of my dreams and now I want something else it’s that simple!”

“You're right, I should support you. My concern for you isn’t necessary.”

“that’s not what im saying.”

“you're throwing away a once in a lifetime opportunity…only you know why, but I advise you to think about it again.”

She left the dining room, with her coat. Rubbing her forehead she looked towards their childhood picture placed her on my phone cover sadly she’s always been right when it comes to stuff like this, but Daneen was an adult now and should be allowed to have her own thoughts.