
The little boy woke up at the sound of alarm going off next to his bed and sat there looking sleepy before someone walked into the room and turned off the alarm for him as he looked up and smiles slightly , his silver bangs covering his forehead and nearly reaching his eyes.

"Morwning (Morning) Nii.."

Taller male stood there smiling and reaches his hand out gently patting his head and ruffling his hairs a little.

"Morning, Come on and get up and get ready Ok? After all its your first day of school and I bet you dont wanna get late. "

The kid nodded and slowly got off the bed and started heading to the bathroom and slowly but neatly taking his time to get ready, it was difficult to ready on his own as he still couldn't master the part of doing his buttons and shoe laces at once.

He grabbed his bag and took a look around the room checking for anything that he might have had forgotten before heading out of the room and making his way to the dinning table present in the kitchen. He colud already hear the voices of his elder brothers who were having their breakfast already.

He walked inside to see his father standing near the table and serving everyone breakfast. He smiled as yawned a lil and looked at everyone before greeting them in a sleepy voice catching their attention. The twins stopped talking as they turned to him and replied.

Izumi : " Moring baby."

Nanase : " Ugh Morning. "

He smiled and quietly walked to his eldest brother and tugged his shirt , gaining his attention as he put down the book he was reading while having break fast and smile , taking the lil one's hand and starts to fix his sleeve and doing his buttons and then knelt down n starts to do his laces.

" learn to do that stuff yourself, he won't help you forever. "

The kid looked at the source of the cold voice lacking any kind of affection, which belong to his father and simply smile, nodding entheustically, earning a chuckle in response from his eldest brother.

" Come on dad, He'll be fine and he'll learn soon. "

He smiled and helped the kid to sit on the empty chair beside him and placed the breakfast in front of him as their watched them and just sighed as they all began eating. It wasn't long when they were done.

Neiji: " Dad, I'll be late so please can you drop him at school gate? and make sure he knows the way. "

He looked at dad getting a glare in response as he grinned and quickly grabbed his stuff and looks at the confused child who was listening to their conversation carefully and smiled.

Neiji: "Be a good boy ok? and I'll bring you cupcakes on my way back, See ya then."

The kid grinned happily and nodded as got up n grabbed his backpack and looked at dad, who sighed and started cleaning up the table. Twins were done too as they got up and grabbed their bags and head out without saying a word.

" Just wait, I'll get ready too. "

With that he left and head back to his room and soon enough got back wearing his coat and muffler as the weather was starting to get chilly. He look at the kid and sighed once again and head out letting the kid follow him. He got out of the house and locked the door and looked at the kid.

" Lets make this quick, I'll just show you the way and you'll get back on your own, Ok? I'll be at work so I asked Izumi to get you but if he couldn't then get back on your own, you know the way and be careful with the road. I won't be dropping you daily so learn."

He looked at the kid firmly and started walking ahead as the kid stood their trying to process what happened and nodded as started to run to catch up with his father and hold his finger which was big enough compared to his own tiny hand.

The little one was quiet excited and happy as not only it was his first day but he was going there with his father of all people instead of going alone.