Nanase's P.O.V :
I was excited today as it was the first day sophomore year of high school and also the first day of our club. We both were in music club, I was the drummer and Izumi was the vocalist and his voice was truly beautiful, just like our mother. Yeah, we were twins but Izumi was always the fan favorite. I mean I wasn't the type to get jealous from Izumi of all people, definitely not. Honestly, I was a big Izumi fan myself.
we both have spent all of our lives together and honestly, I was blessed to have him as a twin. Mostly people just get jealous or competitive when they get to have someone better in their lives but that's not for me. I always knew Izu was the better twin but everything between us go hand in hand. Izumi was never good with communication or public speaking, like was but I sucked at academics unlike him and Nii-san, Our Nii-san was an amazing person himself, he was getting a scholarship for the college and Izu was the shining star students of our school.
Then here I was, still stuck at quadratic equations and stupid graphs, I mean who need these in their life huh? How can it help me clean my room or do the laundry? Ughh whatever, I was going off topic. What I meant was I still never failed any classes as Izumi would always check on me and help me study.
After our mother passed away...we both only have each other, dad was always busy with work and Nii-san was busy taking care if Yuu who was still a baby. Nii-san was really caring and nice but he wasn't there for emotional support, including the fact that we were mom's favourite even before Yuu was born so it was like loosing everything we had. Only person I have back then was my twin. He needed me and I needed him.
That's when we both started doing music as it was the best and easiest way of letting out the pain. Izumi used to sing and I often add the music to his voice, once I recorded it and uploaded only, it was the day when everything changed. The vid went viral and before we knew it we were popular with everyone in our school. It was such a great thing that ever happened. People often used to tell us that our song were so great and relatable including the emotional rhythm, but honestly I won't be surprised if that was the case because Mom always used to sing to us as kids and by now i guess it was just genetic.
I think my highschool wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, in fact it was great. Being famous and getting people drool over you was one of the things every student would dream about. It was just the first day of the highschool and we were in our first class when our teacher introduced us to a new boy who just joined our school.
He was nearly our height and was of the same age as us but he looked foreign, he had silky black hair and blue eyes with a face that I wanted to beat up for no reason ta all. I don't know what was about this guy but i was already starting to hate him. He was looking so confident and I can see how all of the class was attracted by him.
" Cut that out Nanase."
I heard Izumi commented on the reaction I gave after seeing this guys face, it hasn't been even few minutes and we were at a war already.
" I just wanna punch him so hard ISTG Izu."
I rolled my eyes as looked away to which i recieve a nudge to my side from Izumi who chuckled at my stupidity.
" getting to know different and new people won't kill you."
He said calmly and took out his book and started to work on it while ignoring mr rambling but I guess it wasn't that bad.